Discovery Mode
Completing a mission in the Bonus Mission Pack unlocks "Discovery Mode" for that mission, which adds three hidden bonus goals to discover. For each bonus goal completed in "Discovery Mode", Durmand will give an additional authorized story to any one character on that account. The additional authorized stories can only be earned once per account. You can also only earn the gold for a bonus goal once per account.
The credit for completing a Discovery Mode is only awarded when the mission is successfully finished - in other words, completing the bonus goal but then failing to complete the mission itself would give you nothing. If a bonus goal has been achieved, when you finish the mission the following text will be displayed:
- You've made a new discovery! See Durmand [Historian] for a reward.
Togo's Story (The Tengu Accords)[edit]
- Discovery - You explored the locations Togo would have searched to clear Minister Wona's Estate of assassins.
- Tengu Bodyguard - You showed how Togo could have preserved the lives of all the Tengu leaders.
- Slayer Bonus - You showed how Talon Silverwing and Togo could have vanquished all of Master Riyo's disciples.
Saul's Story (The Rise of the White Mantle)[edit]
1. Time Trial - You demonstrated how quickly Saul might have slain the enemy commanders and driven the Charr from Kryta
2. Krytan Protector - You determined how Saul could have protected the Krytan villagers against the initial attack
3. Camp Explorer - You explored the most dangerous path Saul may have traveled on his way into the Charr war camp.
Turai's Story (The Battle of Jahai)[edit]
- Discovery - You found the strategic viewpoints Turai would have used to plan his assault on the undead lord.
- Time Attack - You showed how swiftly Turai could have routed Palawa Joko's forces.
- Slayer Bonus - You demonstrated the tactics Turai may have used to defeat Joko's Elite Bodyguard.
Gwen's Story (The Flight North)[edit]
1. Discovery Bonus - You found the key hiding places Gwen could have used to elude the Charr.
2. Assistance Bonus - You determined how Gwen would have freed the Ascalonian Spirits from their long nightmare.
3. Time Attack - You showed how quickly Gwen might have made her escape.