Feedback:User/MularcTemplare/Races Mission Pack/Saving Grace

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Saving Grace is the story of Doric the Brave. The mission area can be entered from a copy of Doric's Story obtained from Durmand [Historian] in Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center or Kamadan.

Mission information[edit]


  • Must have Doric's Sword and Doric's Shield equipped.
  • Must be sole party member.


  • Access inner Arah.
  • Access the inner sanctum of the gods.
  • Complete Merlundru's Trial.
  • Complete Balthazar's Trial.
  • Complete Abbadon's Trail.
  • Complete Dwayna's Trial.


  • 500 Gold

Discovery Mode[edit]

You have to complete the mission one time before this mode is available.

1. Historical Debate - You should how protective Doric was of his children.

  • Do not allow Kyrael, Asche or Oris to fall below 75% health during the first sequence.
  • Reward:
    • 2 Platinum 500 Gold
    • You've made a new discovery! See Durmand [Historian] for a reward.

2. Time Trial - You showed how quickly Doric could have completed the Trials.

  • Complete all the trials in 25 minutes or less.
  • Reward:
    • 2 Platinum 500 Gold
    • You've made a new discovery! See Durmand [Historian] for a reward.

3. Historical Debate - You showed how close to recorded legends Doric really was.

  • Complete all the trials on the first try of each trial in a single play through.
  • Reward:
    • 2 Platinum 500 Gold
    • You've made a new discovery! See Durmand [Historian] for a reward.


During this mission, you are Doric the Brave and have 550 Health, 50 Energy, 4 Energy regeneration.

This mission is roughly divided into two acts, with a cutscene separating them. The first section is shorter then the second.

Act 1[edit]

Players will spawn inside a tent, with the voices of two npc's calling for players to come out - Asche, Doric's eldest son and Kyrael, Doric's only daughter, and second oldest child. Once players will leave the tent, they will start the mission proper.

Players will be greeted with a war zone raging all around them. They will first be called onto help defend the assembled two NPC's. who will mention that their younger brother, Oris, has left with a small guard towards the city gates. Players will then need to work with the assembled group to reach the gates, though a medium amount of mixed creatures, all set to see each other as foes. With careful manoeuvring, it is possible not to aggro any groups yourself, but it is impossible to not have the NPC's join the fray. The path is more or less strait until reaching the gates.

Players will then be given two new skills, I Am Become Death and Destroyer of Worlds, and will be tasked with protecting Oris and his group of priests. The priests will heal the player and their allies, as Oris himself casts a spell. Once the spell casts, a cutscene will play.

Act 2[edit]

After the cutscene, players will find themselves with two new skills (Doric's Vow and "Wisdom, Justice and Love.") standing in front of a squat building flanked by 6 smaller areas blocked off by gates. In front of each of the gates will stand an avatar of one of the gods. Players must go through four of the six sub-areas (they will not have to complete the Grenth or Lyssa Trials.) They may complete these in any order, thus they are explained below.

Trial of Abbadon[edit]

In the area of this test, players will be effected by an environmental effect which gives them the blind condition and will physically darken the view via post processing.

In this area players will need to navigate a maze they cannot see - the walls themselves will be unmoving NPC's. Players will however be able to see lit braziers at certain junctions. Clicking one of these will allow players to see the surrounding areas walls for 5 seconds. If players move into dead ends, a pop-up will spawn of a low level (10) with very little health and basic attacks. Players will need to vanquish these before they move on, as they will attack fast and are capable of killing the player in groups.

To finish this area, simply reach the Abbadon shrine at the end of the maze. Players will be transported back to courtyard, and Abbadon's avatar will walk towards the center building.

Trial of Balthazar[edit]

In this area players will be under an environmental effect which will double both Adrenaline gain and damage taken.

In this area players will need to dispatch seven enemies, faced one at a time. After each attacker is killed they will drop a skull, which is a bundle item which will need to be placed on each of the seven pedestals. This is the most strait forward of the challenges.

To finish this area, players simply need to place the last skull on the pedestal in front of the Balthazar statue, and players will be teleported to the courtyard.

Trial of Dwayna[edit]

In this area players will be under an environmental effect that heals them for 50 health each second.

In this area players must guide three vengeful spirits from their locations within the area back to the Dwayna statue. Each of these spirits however will be a foe with only 150 health, but will attack 50 slower. Players must entice each spirit to attack them, and lead them back through a series of environmental traps. These traps will effect both you and the spirits. If the spirits die, they will respawn at their spawn points. Players will fail the mission if they themselves die.

It is advised to start with the furthermost spirit first, as you will have to lead him through two choke points - an area with a spike trap which the player must set off by running ahead of the monster or wait until both are close to full health, and there will be a small bridge with two fire throwers at each side. The second furthest away will be at the end of a long bridge which is lined with fire flowers; the key is to continue on as quickly as possible. The closest spirit will be surrounded by four allied NPC's which will attack it upon it hitting you; the easiest way is to move in front of it, as this spirit will have a decreased movement speed of 33%.

Once each spirit is brought back to the Dwayna statue, they will turn into allies. Once they are all allies the player will be sent back to the courtyard and Dwayna's avatar will begin to move toward the center area.

Trial of Merlundru[edit]

In this area players will not be under the effect of a single environmental effect.

In this area, players will find the room divided into four rough areas, each with a single enemy in each and four environmental effects in those areas. Players must get themselves hit by the various effects, which will give them an environmental effect of the element (Aura of Fire, Wind, Earth and Water). Getting hit with another environmental trap whilst under the effect of one will switch the environmental effect. Whilst under these effects, players weapons will be imbued with the element, allowing them to easily dispatch the guards. Once each alter is neutralized, the guards will cease to spawn, but the environmental effects will stay.

To complete this area, players must interact with four objects when under the effect of their opposite; They must touch the Alter of Summer whilst under the Aura of Water effect, the Alter of Spring whilst under the Aura of Wind effect, the Alter of Fall whilst under the Aura of Earth and the Alter of Winter whilst under the Aura of Fire. Once they have neutralized all the alters, players will be moved back to the courtyard and Merlundru's avatar will walk towards the center.

After Trails[edit]

Once players have completed the trails, they will either need to speak to the Grenth and Lyssa avatars (if they did not do so before. This can be done at any time in this area.) who will then move to the center.

Simply move to door which the avatars are flanking and the final cutscene will play.

Discovery: Father's Protection[edit]

The first discovery is mainly a matter of watching the NPC's closely. Although they'll call out a battle cry when they aggro an enemy.

Like the other the missions this discovery confers a game play bonus for the rest of the mission - you will have +120 health until the mission ends.

Discovery: Time Trial[edit]

For this discovery, remember that the other NPC's do not have to survive; do not worry about letting them die. Also, the spell begins to be cast to end the first section as soon as you are in earshot. Use this to your advantage. In the trials, it is important to try and complete the trials at a steady pace rather then rush, as failing a section of the trails will cause you to lose time.

Discovery: Legend[edit]

This discovery is the hardest to achieve. Although you can achieve both this and the 2nd discovery together, it is advised you keep a slow but steady pace to get through the tasks; there is no time limit.


Cinematic 1[edit]

As the doors open in front of him and his three assembled children, a wave of enemies comes in from the sides, forcing the kids and their guards to stay behind. Doric nods to each and begins to ascend the stairs, coming to a halt in the courtyard, where he is greeted by a lone priest. The priest explains that not even Doric gets free passage, and that he will have to face their trials if he wants his petition answered.

Doric stutters a response as the priest walks around him and back down the stairs, leaving him alone.

Cinematic 2[edit]

The cutscene shows Doric kneeling at the opening gates for a moment, before striding into a extremely bright white light. The scene then changes to scroll through the following scenes; the battlefield where all the creatures stop fighting, the summit of Abbadon's Mouth, the priest standing in front of Doric's children (from behind the three.), Kyrael standing in the central area of Lion's Arch where several pristine towers overlook her (these fade in as the line is spoken.), Asche standing where players first enter the prophesies campaign (the few buildings slowly fade in as the line is spoken.), and Oris standing on the battlements of Arah (the scene below shows the city of Orr fading to fixed before heading to black.).

"The gift of magic was taken back as easily as it was given." "and with Doric's life, sealed in the bloodstones." "With the United King gone, the human kingdom split." "Kyrael looked north, founding the nation of Kryta." "Asche sat upon his father's throne, and created Ascalon." "Oris gave his years to protecting the Gods, founding Orr." "Humans would take of the continent, holding it for an age..."


  • This mission is started by opening Doric's Story and clicking the "Enter Mission" button in the book.
  • Adding mods to Doric's Sword or Doric's Shield will not affect your stats while you are in the mission.
  • The Rewards for this mission pack are not weapons, but tokens. See the main suggestion for more info.