Feedback talk:Regina Buenaobra/Archive Game Related Topics/May 2010
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Certain account-wide titles a bit too high for HoM?
Was curious if there are any plans to lower the ranks needed to add the Treasure Hunter title and Wisdom title into the Hall of Monuments since they are now account wide and no longer character specific; I also apologize if this in the wrong place or has been asked before :x --Thank you for your time.
- NO seeing as they are now easier to get because they are account wide.-
Zesbeer 04:53, 29 April 2010 (UTC)
- Loads have maxed wisdom & treasure. Silverleaf
Don't assume, Know! 01:54, 1 May 2010 (UTC)
- chest running, timeless 05:03, 3 May 2010 (UTC)
- Loads have maxed wisdom & treasure. Silverleaf
- There are no plans that I'm aware of to lower the ranks needed to add the Trasure Hunter title and Wisdom title to the Hall of Monuments. --Regina Buenaobra
01:17, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
- There are no plans that I'm aware of to lower the ranks needed to add the Trasure Hunter title and Wisdom title to the Hall of Monuments. --Regina Buenaobra
will gw2 have a healer class?
i have been reading some discussions on gw2 guru, and some people seem to tink that becouse there will be a slot for a healing skill, there wont be a healer class.this got me(and i assume other people who like playing healer/suport to) a bit worried. so it would be great if you could please confirm/deny if there will be a healing/support class? (also can u equip extra healing skills in the free choice skill slots?) 11:27, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- All good games have a healing class my IP freind, so i realy dout GW2 Wont have one. --Neil2250 , Render Lord
11:30, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- And what makes you think she'll tell you before the profession list is officially released? :P
Rose Of Kali 11:36, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- cant hurt to ask right?and like neil said, i also tink that all mmorpg normaly have healers.i'm just a little bit worried. 11:46, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- Dont be. im sure as hell that GW2 has a Healer class- Official or not. --Neil2250 , Render Lord
11:53, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- I'm not so sure... Support? Yes. Healer? I have my doubts. They are emphasizing that you can play the whole game without ever partying with anyone, and there is no AI to take with you, so each class absolutely must be an effective self-sufficient survivor. This leaves no room for dedicated healer characters, they have nothing to do and are restricted to party play. But I certainly see room for good support roles in many classes (the Elementalist being a good example already, with Water Attunement healing nearby allies and Conjuring objects for others to pick up and use), giving various buffs to allies in larger battles and especially WvW. But I guess we'll know soon enough. :]
Rose Of Kali 12:10, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- While I really doubt they'd go without the classic monk profession, giving every profession viable support options could turn out really good. --Anorith
Talk 12:29, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- WoW has dedicated healers and you can solo there just fine. Just sayin'. What I worry more about is Mesmers and PvP being cluttered by this Aion-type-of-stuff. BlazeRick 14:54, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- Dedicated healing sucks. Haviing all skills just for heal, staying back and just watching health bars is boring. Yeah, you'll have party slots guaranteed, but that's just its only 'advantage', you'll mist all the action. You don't really need it if you design the game properly. I hope GW2 would be more 'action-oriented', and thus make all roles more spread between all characters, allowing all of them to add some support to the party. If they add monks, I hope they'll be more like the monks they should have always been. Able to heal, yes, but not just that. When you hear 'monk' you would usually think of quarterstaves, martial arts or smiting evil, not just healing. Mith
Talk 20:41, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- One of these slots is dedicated to healing skills that replenish the health of the character and his allies and For example, a human Elementalist can choose to bring Aura of Restoration, which is a buff that heals him every time he uses a skill, or he can choose to bring Glyph of Healing, which is a more straightforward heal.[1] Unless those 2 skills are getting a drastic buff, you'll need a healer. It's no real proof, but still makes it pretty likely that there will be a dedicated healer class. Mal 20:44, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- Dedicated healing sucks. Haviing all skills just for heal, staying back and just watching health bars is boring. Yeah, you'll have party slots guaranteed, but that's just its only 'advantage', you'll mist all the action. You don't really need it if you design the game properly. I hope GW2 would be more 'action-oriented', and thus make all roles more spread between all characters, allowing all of them to add some support to the party. If they add monks, I hope they'll be more like the monks they should have always been. Able to heal, yes, but not just that. When you hear 'monk' you would usually think of quarterstaves, martial arts or smiting evil, not just healing. Mith
- WoW has dedicated healers and you can solo there just fine. Just sayin'. What I worry more about is Mesmers and PvP being cluttered by this Aion-type-of-stuff. BlazeRick 14:54, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- While I really doubt they'd go without the classic monk profession, giving every profession viable support options could turn out really good. --Anorith
- I'm not so sure... Support? Yes. Healer? I have my doubts. They are emphasizing that you can play the whole game without ever partying with anyone, and there is no AI to take with you, so each class absolutely must be an effective self-sufficient survivor. This leaves no room for dedicated healer characters, they have nothing to do and are restricted to party play. But I certainly see room for good support roles in many classes (the Elementalist being a good example already, with Water Attunement healing nearby allies and Conjuring objects for others to pick up and use), giving various buffs to allies in larger battles and especially WvW. But I guess we'll know soon enough. :]
- Dont be. im sure as hell that GW2 has a Healer class- Official or not. --Neil2250 , Render Lord
- cant hurt to ask right?and like neil said, i also tink that all mmorpg normaly have healers.i'm just a little bit worried. 11:46, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- And what makes you think she'll tell you before the profession list is officially released? :P
- I hope there isn't one, having healers is ALWAYS an excuse for shitway players to stay shitty. Without spike-healing, there won't be nearly as much retarded spike-damage and spike-hexway. And any support class that does get spammable heals, all those heals better the hell function like Infuse or all be Heal-over-Time skills otherwise all their big talk about a more competitve combat system will just come down to facerolling like the last one did. --ilr
20:48, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- Monks are what made GW PvP good. Active healing. You're always on the tip of your toes. I don;t know what kinda monking you have experienced, but it's way more than sitting back, looking at health bars. You have to be wary of the battlefield constantly. Be able to hear sounds like CripShot, Frenzy and Diversion. And you have to look where your foes and your allies are going, so you are not wasting your Guardian. Without a dedicated healer, the PvP will be shit. It would be like one big arena, flailing at eachother, wins depending on who gets off a kill first. BlazeRick 20:50, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- What Rick said. Guild Wars is (ideally) designed around balanced pvp, and you can't have that without dedicated healers.
elix Omni 20:58, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- Guys, tbh topic is about will there be dedicated healers, not are they good for gameplay and all. Reading the combat pages again, I think there will beMal 21:04, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- That's like saying you can't have a good Fantasy RPG without Orc....OH SHI-, that's right, they hired the best webcomic on the Net just to make fun of that old lie. --ilr
23:30, 4 May 2010 (UTC)
- What Rick said. Guild Wars is (ideally) designed around balanced pvp, and you can't have that without dedicated healers.
- Monks are what made GW PvP good. Active healing. You're always on the tip of your toes. I don;t know what kinda monking you have experienced, but it's way more than sitting back, looking at health bars. You have to be wary of the battlefield constantly. Be able to hear sounds like CripShot, Frenzy and Diversion. And you have to look where your foes and your allies are going, so you are not wasting your Guardian. Without a dedicated healer, the PvP will be shit. It would be like one big arena, flailing at eachother, wins depending on who gets off a kill first. BlazeRick 20:50, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- I hope there isn't one, having healers is ALWAYS an excuse for shitway players to stay shitty. Without spike-healing, there won't be nearly as much retarded spike-damage and spike-hexway. And any support class that does get spammable heals, all those heals better the hell function like Infuse or all be Heal-over-Time skills otherwise all their big talk about a more competitve combat system will just come down to facerolling like the last one did. --ilr
(Reset indent) Look at the new Phoenix spell in the video, it looks nothing like the GW1 Phoenix, it's like a fiery Deathly Swarm that heals the caster in the end. Conjure Flame summons a fiery rock that others can pick up and throw. Looks like only skill names are being retained for most of these, while the functionality is completely new or heavily revamped, so don't infer anything from the GW1 skills just by names. Also, they're heavily emphasizing that you can play the entire game never having to party with anyone. This means that you have to be an effective self-sufficient survivor, which leaves monks out in the dust without a job. I personally doubt the healing Monk will make a comeback in GW2. They might come back as a holy smiter with some other new attribute line, I'm guessing an Adventurer rather than Scholar class, but almost certainly not a healer like it was in GW1. Rose Of Kali 21:12, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- There is still something called PvP. InfestedHydralisk 21:49, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
- Oh, so they should make a PvP-only class? o_O
Rose Of Kali 01:05, 3 May 2010 (UTC)
- Only if they make a 4th separate venue and call it "S-way Arena" the podcast closer, Flannum specifically says the Holy Trinity won't be part of the meta. --ilr
23:30, 4 May 2010 (UTC)
- Only if they make a 4th separate venue and call it "S-way Arena" the podcast closer, Flannum specifically says the Holy Trinity won't be part of the meta. --ilr
- Oh, so they should make a PvP-only class? o_O
No point in guessing. We'll find out once and for all if/when a healer is added to the website. --smøni 01:11, 3 May 2010 (UTC)
- I'm putting my money on them making a "buffing" class instead, IE: rolling together Blood-Necs/Goons/Weap-Rits --ilr
23:41, 4 May 2010 (UTC)
- Worst idea ever? I'm expecting every class (or most) to have party/ally buffs, so they can choose to use them or not, depending on their style of play. A pure "buffer" class is worthless and boring, especially in a game with no AI to drag with you, where you're supposed to be able to play the whole game without a party.
Rose Of Kali 09:57, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- Obviously you've never been on a truly badass Buffing team where everyone buffs everyone else. The only "boring" part about it is when it makes normal missions too easy; which is why you... uhh-hurf-durr ...take on a bigger challenge instead. Not to mention that atleast half of the buffs in GW1 are already self-targetable so it also appeals to the selfish bastards too. What's REALLY boring is being someone's effing Wet-nurse & topping them off everytime their health drops a ilr
22:14, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- That applies to ^95% of the GW population how, exactly?
Rose Of Kali 23:58, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- 95% of the population also mains a WamMo ...see I can flip up any random number you pull out of your ass too. --ilr
00:55, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
- 95% of the population also mains a WamMo ...see I can flip up any random number you pull out of your ass too. --ilr
¼, but that's exactly what the current "Healer" meta expects b/c so many D-way Shitters have gotten so accustomed to their Vanq nec Bots doing exactly that. -- - That applies to ^95% of the GW population how, exactly?
- Obviously you've never been on a truly badass Buffing team where everyone buffs everyone else. The only "boring" part about it is when it makes normal missions too easy; which is why you... uhh-hurf-durr ...take on a bigger challenge instead. Not to mention that atleast half of the buffs in GW1 are already self-targetable so it also appeals to the selfish bastards too. What's REALLY boring is being someone's effing Wet-nurse & topping them off everytime their health drops a ilr
- Worst idea ever? I'm expecting every class (or most) to have party/ally buffs, so they can choose to use them or not, depending on their style of play. A pure "buffer" class is worthless and boring, especially in a game with no AI to drag with you, where you're supposed to be able to play the whole game without a party.
Monks are currently (and have almost always been) one of the best soloing classes in the game, so pretty much the entire thread above is flawed ^________^
I also love everyone telling people how they should be having fun. Misery 10:09, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- Uh... That's in GW1 farming, Misery. Very different game. Also, try playing the whole campaign solo. Flawed argument is flawed.
Rose Of Kali 10:17, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- Pretty sure a solo monk would still do better than a solo mesmer. Misery 11:55, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- Pretty sure they'd both fail, regardless.
Rose Of Kali 12:50, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- Right, but your point was that a healer class wouldn't work because you wouldn't be able to play solo with it, that also means that roughly every class concept we currently have wouldn't work. The truth is, solo play is going to scale or be very different to team play. I think it would be very foolish to assume that the most efficient builds for solo play will be the most efficient builds for team play, so to claim that dedicated healers will not exist because a dedicated healing build is unable to solo a mission would be a highly flawed argument. Trying to solo with a dedicated healer would be akin to trying to solo farm the underworld with a standard GvG dom mesmer. Luckily Guild Wars has had the ability to change your build and I assume they will not remove that feature, so dedicated healers that can reroll to solo could easily exist. So, the arguments above about whether a dedicated healer could exist were, useless. I was just pointing out that monks can deal damage and survive pretty well on their own. Misery 13:42, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- Pretty sure they'd both fail, regardless.
- Yeah, they solo greatly. But they won't do so with a dedicated healing build, you know. The thing is that professions will have limitations on what weapons they can equip (For example, at least two of the professions will be able to use guns, at least two bows, and at least one both) unlike in GW, it seems we won't be able to equip all weapons. Now, 5 of 10 the skills will come from the equipment you bring (weapons, shields, foci, etc), so to make a dedicated healer, there would have to be a 'healing weapon' that changes the 5 weapon skills into healing ones. That kind of reminds me Final Fantasy's healing rod. Again, the few things I've seem of GW2 shows a more 'action-based' gameplay. More tactical, more active. And a healing stick doesn't seem to fit that. Hey, we are not going to be Alesia, we will be able to be on mid range. Heal less, but have more fun. So what if we won't have dedicated healers in PvP? The other side won't have them either, and "both sides having the same" sunds pretty balanced to me. IT will make harder deciding targets, since functionalities will vary more and be more spread. And that sounds more fun and interesting to me than always targeting the monk. Mith
Talk 16:05, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- Pretty sure "always targeting the monk" is just what terrible players advocate in RA. I would be surprised if there was not a healing rod and a prot rod, but we are pretty much going to have to wait and see and considering the existence of NDAs, this whole section is about as pointless as you could ever get. Misery 16:09, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
- And Flannum has already stated emphatically that there's an exponentially greater focus on "range" which could also limit healing if it only shows up on shorter ranged Rods/wands. Plus
"healing"Divine rods in the current game deal Fire Damage too which could foreshadow a very different functionality similar to what we saw in the new Phoenix... --ilr08:50, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
- And Flannum has already stated emphatically that there's an exponentially greater focus on "range" which could also limit healing if it only shows up on shorter ranged Rods/wands. Plus
- Pretty sure "always targeting the monk" is just what terrible players advocate in RA. I would be surprised if there was not a healing rod and a prot rod, but we are pretty much going to have to wait and see and considering the existence of NDAs, this whole section is about as pointless as you could ever get. Misery 16:09, 5 May 2010 (UTC)
My main is a wammo --Boro 16:49, 8 May 2010 (UTC)
- Well, Boro, that explains a lot. :p -- 18:33, 8 May 2010 (UTC)
- No, Boro was obviously just echoing mending --ilr
22:24, 8 May 2010 (UTC)
- No, Boro was obviously just echoing mending --ilr
There will be no monks in GW2. I predicted this would be the case here due to a large number of clues, and it's been all but confirmed by Izzy in an interview (linked and quoted in the same topic). The healing dynamic is going to be very different for GW2, so some of you had better start opening your minds a little. Your complacent certainty that there has to be one, that "all MMORPGs" have one, is the very reason there won't be any. Anet is changing things up, and thank goodness. Arshay Duskbrow 15:04, 15 May 2010 (UTC)
- Well, maybe not like GWO's monk. But have you ever seen monks in other games? Not only video games. Healing monks are something really weird. They maybe be able to heal, but not as much as GWO's healers. I would like the have monks, but the 'martial artist' kind. Mith
Talk 15:58, 15 May 2010 (UTC)
- The question wasent realy if there will be monks in gw2, the question was will there be a healing/support class.
- and with healing/support class i dont mean a class that can only heal(becous a monk like it is in gw1 cant realy solo),
- i meant is there a/multiple classes that can make a build with as primary goal keeping the group/party alive.(like some a resto rit or even some paragon builds) 20:01, 15 May 2010 (UTC)
- FACT: when Codex started, several teams with a monk got roll'd by teams with no monk --ilr
21:30, 15 May 2010 (UTC)
- Well, maybe not like GWO's monk. But have you ever seen monks in other games? Not only video games. Healing monks are something really weird. They maybe be able to heal, but not as much as GWO's healers. I would like the have monks, but the 'martial artist' kind. Mith
- Thanks for your questions and feedback about this. :-) We'll discuss the other professions at a later date, so just hang in there. --Regina Buenaobra
01:17, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks for your questions and feedback about this. :-) We'll discuss the other professions at a later date, so just hang in there. --Regina Buenaobra
Is an update to Equipment Packs possible (and considered)?
Dear Regina, the reason to limit the equipment packs to weapons & armour was made to reduve the amount of data that has to be stored on the servers. Now, a year after their introduction, I wonder if server space is still an issue when running Guild Wars with its current poulation and if it is possible to add perhaps mini pets, storybooks and keys/lock picks to that list. Thanks for reading. Gorani 12:35, 4 May 2010 (UTC)
- This is pretty obvious, so I think you should have noticed it already. Even if people stop playing, their characters stay - and their items with them - for as long as the game exists. So, even if people play less, that won't 'recover' server space. Now, as for the equipment pack being used for something else, I can't really guess. But I do know that if they don't currently fit anything else, that's probably by design and it won't change. Mith
Talk 15:06, 4 May 2010 (UTC)
- i thought i already said no to this... unless your posting this in more then one spot.-
Zesbeer 23:27, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
- i thought i already said no to this... unless your posting this in more then one spot.-
- Hi Gorani. Updating and adding more features to equipment packs is not being considered at this time. --Regina Buenaobra
01:14, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
- Hi Gorani. Updating and adding more features to equipment packs is not being considered at this time. --Regina Buenaobra
"Imbagon" balance with the mesmer update
As I was reading the preview for the next big mesmer update I saw that it would not include major changes to non-Imbagon paragons, but what about the mentioned Imbagons? Is the test-krewe really looking into nerfing them? Velgre 13:03, 17 May 2010 (UTC)Velgre
- The main focus of the Mesmer skill balance update is Mesmers, not Paragons. --Regina Buenaobra
01:11, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
- The main focus of the Mesmer skill balance update is Mesmers, not Paragons. --Regina Buenaobra
You mean you replaced seeping wound with an overpowered mesmer meta good one they just trash random arenas, heroes ascent, and guild vs guild you guys really suck at these 'balances' right? you've done nothing about bots and only enhanced their ability to roll players are the skill balancers trolling us? or are you going to do something about these bad bots? --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User:Renton (talk).