Feedback talk:User/Ramei Arashi/Kick people who AFK

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ide say make it 10 minutes, if the guy wants to have a crap or make a sandwhich (preferably not at the same time) Let him be. but 5 mins is a bit... quick for disconection from trade.--Neil2250 , Render Lord User Neil2250 sig icon6.png 19:52, 9 May 2010 (UTC)

Actually 27 or 30 mins would be reasonable.
I go afk in the middle of missions (H+H of course) for more than 5 minutes all the time. -MaskeusUser Maskeus sig.jpeg 12:49, 3 June 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, 30 minutes or so would be much more reasonable. Only in missions and explorable areas, or the general GW2 version of these.--Will Greyhawk 14:58, 17 June 2010 (UTC)

i think it should be fifteen minutes, because i stop in the middle of a mission all the time to do different things such as grab somthine to eat.

No, this would kill the lucky/unlucky titles, and i take breaks from vanquishes too. Sonic Monday User Da Sonic Sig2.png 04:00, 21 June 2010 (UTC)
I think this suggestion is referring to the people who have trade messages up in towns/outposts in the party search menu, but are actually afk. I'm not sure why it's listed as a GW2 suggestion, because it doesn't seem to be. And considering we don't know a thing about trade interaction yet, what aspect of a mechanic that hasn't been released can be complained about? --Kyoshi User Kyoshi sig.png (Talk) 04:03, 21 June 2010 (UTC)

Point taken.--Will Greyhawk 01:04, 23 June 2010 (UTC)