Guild:Legendary Vanguard Of Ascalon (historical)

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Legendary Vanguard of Ascalon [KING]

Legendary Vanguard Of Ascalon [KING]
File:Guild Legendary Vanguard Of Ascalon cape.jpg
Language English
Leader Marak
Faction Kurzick
Type PvAll
No. of members ~5 and growing
Guild Hall Warriors Isle
VoIP *pending*

Vanguard has always been a powerful term. It is used to describe heros of great tenacity, of legendary proportions, bound together by brotherhood and a common cause. The Legendary Vanguard of Ascalon upholds these values, working together in a common cause to ensure that our Allied Kingdom holds strong in the face of its enemies.

The rules are simple. Respect your brothers and sisters of the Guild, and your Allies. Obey the orders of your superiors. Never give up.


We currently have no standards other then no n00bs. Don't waste my time or my money.

Contact information

You may contact us either by contacting Marak The Ultimate. I will respond to you as soon as I can.

Legendary Vanguard of Ascalon Alliance
Leader Legendary Vanguard of Ascalon
Members Pending Guild

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