Guild:The Order Of Rune (historical)

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The Order Of Rune [RUNI]

The Order Of Rune RUNI
Guild The Order Of Rune cape.jpg
Territory Europe
Language English
Faction Luxon
Type PvE and PvP
No. of members 27
Guild Hall Warrior's Isle
Time zone GMT +2

The Order of Rune was founded by Ikkibu Isten on 07-07-07.


Runes make up the basis of the world's magic. The greatest of these symbols and signs of power were the Runes (or Seal) of Creation. The Seals of Creation were intertwined with the One True World, an ancient world which all others are but pale shadows of. There, everything was grander, suited perfectly to its purpose. The One True Master of Evil, the mightiest of all loci, tried to claim the Seals of Creation, and in so doing, broke the world apart.

Most works of magic require the use of runes. These symbols each carry power, some greater than others. Some runes can be used by normal people with minor effect, such as runes of healing drawn over water to wash wounds, or runes of breaking and strength used to cut stone. However, if a wizard employs such a rune, they can magnify its effect hundreds of times; runes against fire might make wood unburnable, while runes of breaking could cause earthquakes.

Runes are also the basis of endowments, as forcibles of blood metal must carry specific runes to grant specific endowments - a forcible which brands the rune of metabolism can only be used for metabolism, though the forcible itself could be recast to bear a different rune.


We offer an open invitation to all players, veterans and novices, to join our order as we continue to fulfill our destiny. We welcome active players as well as those who are not able to play as often as they would like. We are looking for unique individuals with creative and imaginative ideas that they would like to contribute to what we have already established.

We have plenty of room for people to join, as we have a guildhall to fill with your incredible inspiration. If you are interested, you can also inquire about being an officer and assisting with our mission to invite new faces to the order.

If you would like to recieve an invitation please send a "whisper" to the Guild Leader, any of the Officers listed above and we will help you get into the order.


Leader: Ikkibu Isten
Officers: Indis Narmolanya Prime Officer
Lord Mithias PvP Leader
Sharpened Death  
Kirby The Pinkest  
Kat The Holy Hammer  
Judgment Of Death  


Natheros Cirrba
Rebecca Roxanne
David Doeskin
Bedel Armband
Ender Da Derv
Sunlights Archer
Jonas Perfect
Ewan The Eliminator
Aluara Elin

Danny The Devisher
Ebony Amber
Killer Squrrel
Kimberly Blandford
Marqus A
Upside Downty
Aranel Lysha
Elbereth Eluch
Fearnaro Singollo
Ion Shell

About Us

Ikkibu Isten

Ikkibu Ikkibu Isten - Summerian for The Forbidden One

I stride forward in majesty, trampling endlessly through the esparto grass and thickets, capturing Destroyer after Destroyer, creatures of the plain; and I put an end to the heroic roaring in the plains of the savage lion, dragon of the plains, wherever it approaches from and wherever it is going. I do not go after them with a net, nor do I lie in wait for them in a hide; it comes to a confrontation of strength and weapons. I do not hurl a weapon; when I plunge a sword in their throats, I do not flinch at their roar. I am not one to retreat to my hiding-place but, as when one warrior kills another warrior, I do everything swiftly on the open plain. In the desert where the paths peter out, I reduce the roar at the lair to silence.

9 Strength
14 Swordsmanship
3 Tactics
9 Earth Prayers
Ebon Tengu Sword of Fortitude
Mursaat Strength Shield of Fortitude
Ikkibu Skills

Indis Narmolanya

Indis Indis Narmolanya - The Ancient One

The Elements guide my way...
every step that I take...
every movement that I make...
every spawn of darkness that I conquer.
I carry the word of light beside me like a weapon...
to purge these evil lands. To become a Hero, a Lengend.

Indis Narmolanya's Page
The Order Of Rune Alliance
Leader The Order Of Rune
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