Guild leader
A guild leader is the leader of a guild. There can only be one leader at a time. When the guild is created, the player who paid to create it is made leader; later they can transfer the position by promoting another member to it, which will also demote them to officer.
Guild leader's privileges[edit]
The guild leader has total discretion over the guild, and many options are only available to them. Only guild leaders can:
- Demote officers.
- Transfer leadership to another member (demoting themselves to officer)
- Kick officers out of the guild
- Disband the guild
- Form alliances with other guilds
- Change the guild's cape design at a Guild Emblemer or trim at Tolkano
- Change the guild's guild hall at a Canthan Ambassador
Along with their officers, guild leaders can also:
- Promote officers
- Invite players to the guild
- Invite guests to guild
- Kick normal members from the guild
- Enter rated Guild versus Guild battles and Automated Tournaments
- Update the guild announcement
Automatic designation[edit]
If a guild leader is inactive for 60 days (2 months) from the last login, as shown in Guild window, they will automatically be demoted to officer, and the most senior officer who was active in the past 60 days will be instantly promoted to leader. If there is no active officer in the guild, the most senior member who was active in the past 60 days will be promoted instead.^
A new leader will have this description instead of the usual Promoted by <username>:
- Auto-designated as Guild Leader by Guild Wars. Leadership surrendered by: <username>.