User:KhanRKerensky/German skill translation proposals

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This is my list of skills, which in my opinion are translate wrong or in a bad style (like my english is :P).

Skill’s english name current translation proposed (better) translation comment
Executioner's Strike Henkerschlag Henkersschlag Missing Fugen-S
Forceful Blow Energetischer Schlag Energischer Schlag
Magehunter's Smash Magiejägerschmetterer Magierjägerschmetterer or Schmetterschlag des Magierjägers see note 1.
Leviathan's Sweep Leviatanschlag Leviatanenschlag Also a missing Fugenlaut (Epenthesis)
Magehunter Strike Magierschlag Schlag des Magierjägers or Magierjägerschlag see note 1.
Sever Artery Arterienabtrennung Arterienzertrennung or Arterientrennung you can’t cut a artery off
Steelfang Slash Schlag des stählernen Fanzahns Schlag des stählernen Fangzahns typo
Sun and Moon Slash Sonne-Mond-Hieb Sonnen-und-Mond-Hieb
Deflect Arrows Pfeilablenkung Pfeilabwehr a more free translation is needed here
Soldier's Defense Soldaten-Verteidigung Soldatenverteidigung no need for a hyphen
Soldier's Stance Soldaten-Haltung Soldatenhaltung see above
Distracting Blow Ablenkungsschlag Ablenkender Schlag
Wild Blow Rundumschlag Wilder Schlag ? "Rundumschlag" would discribe a skill attacking foes around you.

1. Both magehunter skills are translated wrong. "Magiejägerschmetterer" is really wierd and "Magierschlag" is a strike by a mage not against one. Both skills should use similar translations. btw: why is it Magehunter Strike and not Magehunter's Stike?

Skill’s english name current translation proposed (better) translation comment
Energizing Wind Treibwind Antreibender Wind rejected "Triebwind" is another suggestion, but I think it sounds a bit wierd and the meaning of Energizing[1] gets a bit lost.
Heket's Rampage Heket-Toben ? I think a Rampage is more wild and violent then just "Toben". I don’t have a suggestion though. Same for Rampage as One.
Maiming Strike Verkrüppelungs-Schlag Verkrüppelungsschlag
Poisonous Bite Giftbiss Giftiger Biss Hundebiss, Tigerbiss, Schlangenbiss... but Giftbiss? I didn’t know that poision can bite. ;)
Distracting Shot Ablenk-Schuss Ablenkungsschuss
Dodge Abducken Ausweichen Abducken isn’t used really often[2]. The skill icon also doesn’t look like ducking down.
Broad Head Arrow Eisenspitzenpfeil Breitspitzenpfeil (or Breitkopfpfeil) ? I have second thoughts about my suggestion. The current translation is a bit wrong but sounds nicer.
Crippling Shot Verkrüppelungs-Schuss Verkrüppelungsschuss
Debilitating Shot Entkräftungs-Schuss Entkräftungsschuss
Marauder's Shot Plünderer-Schuss Schuss eines Marodeurs Imo Marodeur sounds nicer than Plünderer. The "-erer"-ending makes it hard to pronounce.
Penetrating Attack Durchbohr-Angriff Durchbohrender Angriff or Durchbohrungsangriff
Punishing Shot Bestrafungs-Schuss Bestrafungsschuss
Kindle Arrows Zündelpfeile Angefachte Pfeile
Pfeile anzünden/entzünden
I think the current translation is a bit to much diminutive
Serpent's Quickness Schlangen-Schnelligkeit Schnelligkeit der Schlange Schlangenschnelligkeit
Called Shot Ankündigungs-Schuss Angekündigter Schuss I think its meant like here[3] and not as a greeting shot.
Quick Shot Schnellschuss Schneller Schuss Schnellschuss can be misunderstood[4]. However, it sounds nicer.

Skill’s english name current translation proposed (better) translation comment
Healing Burst Heilsalve Heilender Ausbruch A Salve[5] is not touch range ;). I'm open for a different translation for burst.
Healing Ring Heilring Heilungsring or Heilender Ring
Karei's Healing Circle Kareis Heilkreis Kareis heilender Kreis A Heilkreis[6] is something very wierd.
Live Vicariously Ersatzleben ? Difficult to translate. See [7] and [8]. Ersatzleben means something like backup or replacement life.
Renew Life Leben verlängern Leben erneuern You can't lengthens someones life, who is dead.
Vigorous Spirit Energischer Geist Lebhafter Geist You get health not energy.
Shield of Deflection Ablenkungsschild Schild der Ablenkung The current tranlation isn’t wrong, but Shield of Absorption, Shield of Judgment and Shield of Regeneration is already translated this way.