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This article is about the Ranger skill. For the game mechanic, see Line of sight.
- Animation
- Click to view
Stance. For 5...10...11 seconds, you move 33% faster and have a 27...65...75% chance to block incoming projectiles. Dodge ends if you attack.
- Concise description
Progression | |
Block chance %
0 5 27
1 5 30
2 6 33
3 6 37
4 7 40
5 7 43
6 7 46
7 8 49
8 8 53
9 9 56
10 9 59
11 9 62
12 10 65
13 10 69
14 11 72
15 11 75
16 11 78
17 12 81
18 12 85
19 13 88
20 13 91
- Prophecies
- Prophecies
- Factions
- Jiao Kuai the Swift (Jaya Bluffs, during Honorable Combat)
Related skills[edit]
Hero Usage[edit]
- Heroes will use Dodge both in and out of combat as a speed boost. While under its effects, they will not attack if they are wielding a melee weapon. They will, however, attack if they are wielding a ranged weapon.
- This skill increases average speed by 5.5...11...12.1% if used every time it recharges.
- "Projectiles" means ranged attacks from weapons, not projectile spells.
- The skill icon seems to be modeled after the Heisman Trophy, an award for outstanding collegiate football players.
- The functionality of this skill has changed since its introduction; see its skill history for details.