Line of sight
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Line of sight (LoS) is the straight line path from you to your target. Projectile spells and ranged attacks require a clear line of sight (i.e., no obstacles) so that the projectile can hit the target; otherwise, the projectile has no effect. Instead, one of three messages appears (in yellow text) beside the target:
- Obstructed: if the target was behind a physical barrier when the projectile was fired.
- Stray: if the target is moving toward an obstructed location.
- Dodge: if the target kites (changes direction), causing the projectile to land in the place where the target would have been.
Unlike blocking, failing, and missing, line of sight does not require skill-based interference.
- Latency can make it look like your target is in a clear line of sight, when actually they have already moved.
- Dodging can be practiced, e.g. by competing in the Dragon Arena during special events, in GvG dodgeball or in the Isle of the Nameless (but not in the Isle of the Nameless (PvP)) against Master of Lightning's Lightning Javelin and Lightning Orb.