The name Nex is derived from the Latin word nexus. It has a lot of different meanings. It's most common meaning is 'link', 'linkage' or a series of things placed in order, or happening one after another. Another popular meaning is the centre of a network and even a world of imagination where everything is possible (some kind of nirvana)[1].
The meaning implied in this user's character names is death, the cessation of life in a biological organism. Death may refer to the end of life as either an event or condition. Permanence is a defining characteristic. Death occurs in nature as a result of predation, disease, loss of habitat, or accident. The principal causes of death in modern human societies are diseases related to aging. Traditions and beliefs related to death are an important part of human culture, and central to many religions. In medicine, biological details and definitions of death have become increasingly complicated as technology advances[2].