User:Oris rhy/My characters

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Character Information[edit]

Account Information:

Prophecies: Special Edition
Factions Collector's Edition
Nightfall Collector's Edition
Member of the imperial guards of cavalon [TIGC]
Total age: 2,700+ hours over 14 months.
Rough amount of money: 660 Platinum
Fame: 198

NecromancerOris RhyNecromancer
User Oris rhy Oris.jpg
Greatest accomplishment: got Razah beaten factions, prophecies, Nightfall

WarriorRogh DaxhWarrior
User Oris rhy Rogh.jpg
beaten Prophecies, factions, Nightfall
Important title:Tyrian Cartographer (90.4%)

RitualistXero The SummonerRitualist
User Oris rhy Xero.jpg
beaten factions, prophecies, 90% of Nightfall

RangerXir AndurRanger
User Oris rhy Xir.jpg
beaten factions, 60% of Nighfall

MonkAegh RalaiMonk
User Oris rhy Aegh.jpg
beaten Prophecies, factions, Nightfall

AssassinSyrus QhulAssassin
User Oris rhy Syrus.jpg
beaten factions, 80% in nightfall, mainly for pvp
Important title:Survivor(1)

ElementalistRyth AglinaElementalist
User Oris rhy Ryth.jpg
beaten Nightfall
Important title:Sunspear Castellan (8,500), Elonian Trailblazer (80,4%)

ParagonZeyus Leh CalyssParagon
User Oris rhy Zeyus.jpg
beaten Nightfall
Important title: Legendary Survivor(3), Skill Hunter (1)

DervishIrana Makani NiteshDervish
User Oris rhy Irana.jpg
beaten Nightfall