User:Shadowvayne/Valetudo Bloodvayne

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Necromancer-tango-icon-48.png Valetudo Bloodvayne Necromancer-tango-icon-48.png

Basic Info[edit]

Rawr ^.^
Name: Valetudo Bloodvayne
Origin of Name: I was scrolling through my iPod looking for a cool name and passed the band Mudvayne, and as a necro 'bloodvayne' would be better, and Valetudo comes from the prophecies titan boss Valetudo Rubor.
Level: 20
Age: 2 months (23 hours)
Experience: 320k EXP
Profession: N/variable

Armour Sets[edit]

My own unique 'set': an elite luxon top and the rest is normal luxon.


Companion of the Luxons (3)
Seeker of Wisdom (1)
Sunspear General (7)
And more but I don't feel like typing em all


Spiteful Spirit Spiteful Spirit is my favorite :D
Am I not awesome? ^O_o^