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User:Yukiro/Yukiro Darksight

Aboot Me

Currently getting to know how to use this website and contributing to the information here as well as my own personal time wasters.

Quick Rundown

Ritualist-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Ritualist by nature.
North America 70x40.png This user plays in the
North American territory.
This User is a member of the Luxon alliance.
UPL This user allows their user page layout(s) to be used by others as long as credit is given.
User Lensor gw2.jpg This user plans to buy Guild Wars 2
Sight Beyond Sight.jpg This user uses Ritualist to farm.
Binding Chains.jpg This user loves to see his enemies squirm.
Dazed.jpg Daze does not stop this user.
Mending Touch.jpg A healer by nature.
Mystic Sweep.jpg This user hates Dervishes.
Ray of Judgment.jpg KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAAAAA!

Thanks to Affian for the layout basis of my profile page, and Dark Templar for the begginins of my user box creations