User talk:Ilovepi

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Game suggestions[edit]

Please go to Feedback:Getting started, read the rules and instructions, and create your Feedback:User page. This page will act as a central listing of your suggestions, as well as provide you with a Create a suggestion box that will make it easy to create properly formatted suggestions. Improperly submitted suggestions will be deleted. Thanks! --JonTheMon 20:40, 20 September 2010 (UTC)

I've moved your suggestion to Feedback:User/Ilovepi/A different way to cast skills. However, it will still be deleted if you don't create Feedback:User/Ilovepi. Once you've done that, remove the deletion tag from your suggestion.
I'll give it another day or so. ♥ — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 21:18, 25 Sep 2010 (UTC)

Bureacracy for the sake of bureacracy is a bad thing. Koda User Koda Kumi UT.jpeg Kumi 15:37, 27 September 2010 (UTC)
It is, but Feedback:User/Username exists for a valid reason: centralizing feedback given by a given contributor. Further, its talkpage and this page have different licensing in place, so any criticism on feedback given on this page technically isn't usable and, if it's given in earnest, it's not movable to the place where it belongs.
I don't want to delete the page. I've been putting it off for the better part of a week, now. But I can't legally create the Feedback:User/Ilovepi, and it does need to be created. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 16:15, 27 Sep 2010 (UTC)
Addendum: I'd be willing to restore the suggestion if Feedback:User/Ilovepi were created. — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 16:16, 27 Sep 2010 (UTC)
I get your point, but I do not think this user is quite "versed" in the workings of this wiki and just wants to use it to voice his opinion. We should not be slamming the door shut in front of his face because a policy tells us to do so. Koda User Koda Kumi UT.jpeg Kumi 22:13, 27 September 2010 (UTC)
That's why I waited like 4 days before deleting it and explained both here and on that page what needs to happen. :\ — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 22:15, 27 Sep 2010 (UTC)
That is not the point at all. It makes no sense to remove his entire opinion, his voice as to speak, because he did not make a proper index for it. Koda User Koda Kumi UT.jpeg Kumi 12:26, 28 September 2010 (UTC)
Actually, we created the protocols precisely to limit the volume of feedback. You were around for that, no? — Raine Valen User Raine R.gif 12:38, 28 Sep 2010 (UTC)