Battle Axe (pick)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the Battle Axe with the appearance of a pick. For the other versions, see Battle Axe.

This Battle Axe with the appearance of a Piercing Axe is among the few axes that deals piercing damage rather than slashing damage.

Battle Axe
Battle Axe (pick).jpg
Type Axe
Campaign Prophecies
Axe Mastery
Damage type(s) Piercing damage
Common salvage Iron Ingots
Wood Planks
Rare salvage Steel Ingots
Inventory icon Battlepick.png


Drop research is ongoing and can be found here.


Dye affects the wrapping of the axe's handle. The default color can be closely replicated using brown dye.

Battlepick dye chart.jpg


See also[edit]