Feedback:User/Wynthyst/The cost of Jadeite/Amber

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The issue[edit]

The increased faction cost of Jadeite shards and Amber makes acquiring Elite Luxon and Kurzick armor cost prohibitive for those of us still struggling to achieve our Allegiance titles.

Prior to the change in November, 2008, it cost 1,000 faction for these materials, and could reasonably be done while still contributing 80,000 points to our title, only losing 80,000 points due to the 1/1 ratio of these contributions.

Since the change to 5,000 faction points per piece, it takes 400,000 faction points to accumulate the 80 pieces necessary for elite armor, which means a loss of equal amount of contributions towards the respective title. This immense loss of contribution makes acquiring the higher levels of these titles that much more difficult for players who do not enjoy/participate in the faction grind of AB/FA/JQ, or repetitively vanquishing areas.

The cost of Jadeite shards and Amber from the rare material traders has ranged from 400Gold - 800Gold respectively since this change, makes purchasing the required 80 pieces (32Platinum - 64Platinum), other materials necessary for these armors and the 75Platinum cost of these armors surpass the cost of Vabbian armor (on average 120Platinum) by a large margin. This makes it extremely difficult for players to acquire these sets of armor if they do not farm, or in other ways exploit gameplay to acquire large amounts of gold.

The Solution[edit]

Either reduce the faction cost of Jadeite and Amber back to 1,000, or increase the title contribution ratio to 2/1.