Game updates/20080821
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Update - Thursday, August 21, 2008[edit]
Skill Updates[edit]
PvE and PvP[edit]
Glimmering Mark: increased damage to 10...26...30.
Glowing Ice: Energy gain reduced to 2...8...9.
Icy Shackles: snare duration reduced to 1...8...10 seconds.
Disrupting Lunge: recharge time increased to 20 seconds.
Smiter's Boon (PvP): recharge time increased to 90 seconds, Energy cost increased to 25, duration reduced to 5 seconds.
AI Updates[edit]
- Updated the AI for Heroes and henchmen to fix an issue that caused them to sometimes attack enemy targets from too far away.
- Updated the AI for Heroes and henchmen to improve their ability to recognize when their leader is fleeing from combat.
- Updated the AI for Heroes and henchmen to fix an issue that caused them to occasionally become confused and run in circles.
Guild Wars Wiki notes[edit]
- This update introduced a bug which causes Heroes and henchmen to no longer automatically resurrect and to not use Blood of the Master or Verata's Sacrifice properly to heal minions or actively raise minions. Monks no longer heal minions and there is an overall reduction in their response time.