Green Hills caravan

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Green Hills caravan
Green Hills caravan.jpg
Campaign Prophecies
Region Ascalon (pre-Searing)
Type Landmark
Green Hills caravan route.PNG
Getting here

A resting caravan can be found hidden away within Green Hills County with multiple wagons. Upon approach, they will often be attacked by a Hulking Stone Elemental.






Other Allies[edit]


  • The local Ascalonian Peasants might get attacked by a Hulking Stone Elemental. They won't fight back but won't die either, as the elemental's low damage is easily outhealed by the peasant's Healing Signet Healing Signet.
Anomaly Anomaly.The Ascalonian Peasants don't have passive health regeneration. If the Hulking Stone Elemental that attacked them is killed while they aren't at full health, their health will never go back to being full.

Landmarks in Pre-Searing Ascalon
Althea's Actors Stage Apple orchard Ashford Barradin's Vineyard Devourer cave Cauldron of Cataclysm Fishing village Healing Spring King's Watch Piken Square The secret garden Wizard's Folly tower
Towns and outpostsExplorable areas