Guild:Prydonian Chapter Of Time Lords
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This page is about a particular player guild. The contents of this page are player-managed and do not represent official Guild Wars lore. Any roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinionated claims on this page apply solely to the players in the guild, not to the Guild Wars canon. Guild pages must comply with the guild pages policy. |
Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords [PCTL]
Prydonian Chapter Of Time Lords [PCTL] | |
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Territory | America |
Language | English |
Leader | X The Engineer X |
Faction | Kurzick |
Type | PvX |
No. of members | ~40 |
Guild Hall | Isle of Meditation |
VoIP | None |
Time zone | UTC +5 |
I am the Engineer and I am a Time Lord. It was believed that the home world of the Time Lords, Gallifrey, was destroyed in the Last Great Time War against the Daleks of Skaro, both of which have vanished from galactic stellar cartography. Some time back, I learned of the possibility that Gallifrey was not destroyed, but 'displaced,' that is to say, moved and hidden. Following a lead that took me into E-Space, a parallel dimension, I ended up landing my TARDIS on a seemingly primitive world of sword and sorcery that did not appear on stellar cartography and in fact, should not have been there. There was a dampening field which prevented my TARDIS from functioning properly, marooning me there. In fact, outside of the TARDIS, none of my Gallifreyan technology or sonic equipment would work. Nevertheless, there seemed to be an awful lot of Gallifreyan technology on the planet's surface for the primitive races I had encountered. One of the most intriguing pieces of equipment I encountered was the Resurrection Shrine. While Time Lords regenerate into a different body when they die, the Resurrection Shrine restored one intact in the same body. There were other forms of Gallifreyan-like technology, such as the dimensional portals that surrounded each region, the most advanced were created by a wingless bat-like race called the Asura. It was said that the President of the High Council of Gallifrey at the time of the Last Great Time War was Lady Romana (Romanadvoratrelundar), and it was also believed that when Gallifrey disappeared, she was onworld. I hadn't been on this new planet for a day before I ran face to face with Romana, whom had regenerated, but I would know her in whatever form she took. Although Romana did not graduate from the Prydonian Chapter, together we formed the guild: The Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords, hoping that more of our race would come forward and join with us. So if there are any Survivors of Gallifrey out there, please step forward and take your place in our guild.
Not long after my arrival here, Mistress Romana and I were befriended by the leader of another guild, the Phoenix Fury Alliance, whom has subsequently absconded from the alliance to form her own. Together, the Phoenix Fury Alliance and the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords formed their own alliance. When Guild:[PFA] absconded from the alliance, Mistress Romana absconded and joined them. Although the Prydonian Chapter is the leader guild of the Alliance, all others are our sister guilds and are considered equal.
1. Always obey the Rules.
2. We are a mature group. To quote a member of the Brood Of Obscure Misfortunes, "There is a difference between being immature and choosing not to grow up." We have opted NOT to grow up, but we do not tolerate immaturity or petty behavior. AMENDMENT: (01 November 2008) Negativity will NOT be tolerated on the Alliance Chat. If you feel the need to bash any member of our Alliance, do so on either Whisper or your own Guild Chat, I don't want to hear it. Everyone gets angry and everyone has a bad day, but threats will not be tolerated, whether it be toward someone in the alliance or someone not involved in the game, keep talk of violence off Alliance Chat. Joking around is one thing, but outright threatening someone on Alliance Chat is a breach of the rules. First offense will involve a warning issued from either myself or one of the other Guild leaders in Whisper Chat. Second offense will involve a meeting between myself, the antagonist, and his/her Guild Leader and 1st officer. Third offense will involve a recommendation that action be taken against the antagonist. Fourth offense will bring the guild of the antagonist up for review for possible removal from the alliance. AMENDMENT: (09 March 2009) This should be a given but it has become clear to me that this needs to be spelled out: NO disrespect of the Leaders, Officer or Members WILL BE TOLERATED. Everyone's personal definition seems to vary, so as a public service, I will include this definition as a standard: Disrespect: (dis/ri spekt') n., v., -Spected, -specting. -n. 1. lack of respect; discourtesy; rudeness. -v. 2. to regard or treat with contempt or rudeness; insult. -dis/respectful', adj. AMENDMENT: (04 October 2009) It has become necessary to point out that respect also means communication. We have exiled more than one guild due to not only inactivity, but their failure to communicate the reasons. (See Rule 11)
3. We are all insane. If you cannot handle insane, perhaps you would be more comfortable in a different guild or alliance.
4. We are here to have fun. Here is a little secret...come in real close for I am going to whisper this...IT IS JUST A GAME!!!!!! We could care less how much gold or platinum you have or how many factions you have or how powerful or weak you are or about numbers and statistics. We are not about any of that. We are about playing a game, having fun, teamwork, hanging out with friends. If you are not a team player, you will not last long in our alliance.
5. In the beginning of a campaign, we choose a leader of that campaign, usually the player that has the quest, for they are the ones with the arrow on their compass. They are the one who is in control of the mission or quest and they are the ones who call the shots unless they themselves appoint another leader to that particular mission or quest. We do not tolerate people who invite themselves into campaigns and then take over. We have a few indestructible powerhouses that we trust to take us into the worst places of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona. If we invite them, it is understood that they are in charge of the mission only because the success and our very survival depends upon their expertise.
6. If you are a hot dogger...that is to say you go running off to attack enemies all by yourself. I do hope you are able to handle yourself alone, for if you go off alone and get killed, you will stay that way until the end of the campaign. If you endanger the rest of the group in doing this too many times, you will eventually find that other guild/alliance members will not work with you anymore. The leader of the campaign decides where we go and whom we attack.
7. We have a vast storehouse of items, gold and platinum, and we are rather frivolous when it comes to sharing. We believe in the bartering system, so if you need something, ask. You will find that there are alliance members coming out of the cyberwoodwork to offer you what you need. If you abuse this, you will find yourself without an alliance faster than you can say chrysmtedirhectofanatisism.
8. If you have a problem with any of our alliance members, myself included, bring it to me or to one of the other officers. The Officers of the Alliance are listed below under the heading: Contact Information. Hopefully, the matter can be settled between you and with whomever the problem exists, but if not, a meeting will be called and the matter will be settled by all available guild/alliance members. We do not need any excess drama. If you bring any into the alliance, you will find yourself without our alliance in a Gallifreyan minute. AMENDMENT: (06 February 2009) If two parties cannot agree on the solution to a problem, they may both select a mutually agreed upon Arbitrator, so long as the Arbitrator selected agrees to participate. After hearing both side separately, a meeting will occur between the two members of the Alliance in disagreement and the Arbitrator. The Arbitrator will again, hear both sides presented one at a time. Providing the Alliance Leader is not involved in the disagreement, He will preside over the hearing. The Arbitrator will rule in favour of one of the disagreeing parties and together with the the Alliance Leader, will decide upon a course of action. If the Alliance Leader is one of the disagreeing parties, the Executive Officer of the Alliance will preside, or in such case the Executive Officer is not available, follows the Chain of Command. The Arbitrator's ruling will be final.
9. If you do not have time to finish a run, quest, or mission, DO NOT START IT. Few things annoy us more than people who get halfway through a mission and realize they don't have time to finish. It wastes our time and in some cases, endangers others who have put aside their time to assist you. This is conduct unbecoming a Prydonian. Do this too many times, you face exile. AMENDMENT: (05 March 2009) If you request assistance on the Alliance chat, KNOW that some people are putting aside what they are doing to come assist you. It has recently come to my attention that some people are requesting help and then leaving before help arrives. KNOW THIS: If you do this too many times, you will cause what I have coined, the Boy who Cried Wolf syndrome. If you become aware that no one comes to help, you might consider that people have put aside what they are doing to come help you in the past only to be left behind and they don't want to do this anymore. Also know that if you find yourself in this situation, you only have yourself to blame.
10. Although we are a united Alliance and the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords regard all members of our sister guilds our equals, each Guild within the Alliance is its own governing body. All issues that occur within each guild are considered internal issues. The Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords cannot, and furthermore, WILL NOT order any other Guild leader to take any action against any member of their own Guild UNLESS the offender violates Alliance rules. (Any guild or alliance members whom have not or refuse to read the alliance rules is considered a violation of alliance rules) Know however, that if multiple infringement of the alliance rules committed by any one member of any guild without action taken by the guild leader, the guild itself will come under summary judgement and may face exile.
11. Joining the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords Alliance requires a commitment. At first we would forward the expense ourselves to have one join our guild or alliance. We found that some people left almost as quickly as they arrived. It is for that reason that ALL new member of the guild or new guilds in the alliance are on a 30 day probationary period. This begins as soon as you accept the invitation. We also now expect that you put forth half of the gold necessary to join. If you are a new member to the guild, it will require a deposit of 50 gold. If you are a new guild in the alliance, it will require a deposit of 500 gold. Consider this a 'deposit.' Providing you are still with the Alliance/Guild after your 30 day probationary period, your 'deposit' will be returned. AMENDMENT: (04 October 2009) If during a guilds 30 day probation, the guild falls inactive for at least half of that 30 day period (15 days) WITHOUT communicating the reasons for the inactivity, they will be exiled and their deposit refunded.
12. For those of you who don't have enough common sense not to realize the repercussions of providing personal information such as real names, home locations, email addresses on open Alliance chat, SUCH INFORMATION IS BANNED FROM ALLIANCE CHAT.
13. Language. I can't believe I actually have to make this a rule, but apparently I do. No profanity on alliance chat. If your vocabulary is limited to that kind of language, restrict it to your own guild chat, I don't want to see it in alliance chat and I certainly will not tolerate it in MY guild chat. If you are warned more than once, a meeting will take place with your guild leader. ANY infraction subsequently will result in YOUR GUILD'S EXILE.
14. NO Duel Accounts. If you share an account with someone, it is an automatic disqualification. If it is discovered that you have a shared account, there will be no meeting, no trial, no warning, you will be kicked.
15. We have a minimum age of 18. This guideline can be bent a bit depending upon one's maturity. No Guild Leaders younger than 18 will be permitted unless they have proven themselves to the alliance that they can handle the responsibility.
16. Always obey the rules.
The Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords Alliance was formed on 02 July 2008.
Not a month following our forming the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords Alliance (2 July 2008), one of the Phoenix Fury Alliance's guild members, Amanite, chose to begin her own guild; the Brood Of Obscure Misfortunes [BOOM], and the Brood Of Obscure Misfortunes joined the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords alliance shortly thereafter.
Not long after joining the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords guild, our second officer, Necrotic Nitsuj left to form his own guild: Just A Lost Cause [LOST] and returned to the alliance.
At some point in January, 2008, Necrotic Nitsuj dissolved his guild [LOST] and joined the Phoenix Fury Alliance [PFA]
On 25 October, Elements Of Lore [EOL] was voted into the Alliance
At some point in December 2008, Dark of Heart [DoH] was voted into the Alliance.
On 22 January 2009, Fern Willows announced that her guild:[PFA] would be leaving the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords [PCTL] Alliance to form her own.
Shortly thereafter, Necrotic Nitsuj absconded from the [PFA] to return to the [PCTL] Alliance. He rejoined the [PCTL] guild and was made an officer.
On 23 January 2009, the [DOH] absconded from the [PCTL] Alliance and joined the [PFA] Alliance. The same day, [JEDI] was recruited into the [PCTL] Alliance. Also in January, Krevlor Kahn, executive officer and former leader of the guild: I Feel Like Such A Dirty [hoar], absconded from his guild to join the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords guild.
On 1 February 2009, The [CoH] guild was voted into the Alliance, and new member and Traveling Companion: Sue Lyn Fah joined the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords guild.
On 4 February 2009, Krevlor Kahn requested and was granted permission to abscond from the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords guild to reclaim leadership of his former guild: I Feel Like Such A Dirty [hoar], which joined the PCTL Alliance the same day.
On 6 February 2009 in what has proven to be the longest vote ever taken in the history of the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords Alliance, Bloody Arrow was inducted.
On 13 February, due to severe infractions of the PCTL Alliance rules from one of their members, [JEDI] was exiled from the Alliance.
On 14 February, offending member(s) of [JEDI] were exiled from the guild and they were welcomed back into the Alliance .
On 18 February 2009, The Soldiers Of The Immortal Flame were voted into the Alliance.
On 21 February 2009, Necrotic Nitsuj absconded from the PCTL guild and formed his own guild: Artificial Intel [AI] which was inducted into the PCTL Alliance.
On 23 February 2009, Dragon Clan Of Cantha [DCC] was voted into the Alliance.
On 27 February 2009, due to a hacker, Guild [hoar] was quarantined from the Alliance
On 28 February 2009, the executive officer dissolved Guild: [hoar] and created Guild: Monks Haven [MH]. Guild: [MH] was welcomed back into the Alliance.
On 01 March 2009, Guilds: [JEDI] and [CoH] were voted in as permanent members of the Alliance and Guild:[PCTL] announced that member Sue Lyn Fah had been promoted to 2nd Officer of the Alliance.
On 07 March 2009, Jj dissolved Guild [AI] and rejoined Guild:[PCTL]
On 09 March 2009, in a group effort of three different guilds in the PCTL Alliance to assist a guild in aligning to Kurzick like this Alliance Leader has never before witnessed, Guild:Honor Blades of the Knights [HBK] was inducted into the Alliance.
On 22 March 2009, [Ba] and [SoiF] were voted out of the Alliance due to inactivity.
On 20 April 2009, following a series of meetings attempting to bring balance back into the PCTL alliance, the leader of the PCTL called all leaders and in individual private meetings, announced that the PCTL Alliance would be dissolved.
On 25 April 2009, the leader of the PCTL dissolved the alliance. The only ones who remained were the only ones who remained within the rules. This includes [BOOM], [DCC], [HBK], and [WRLF]
On 9 June 2009, Mistress Romana forfeited her position as Executive Officer of the Alliance and the guild and absconded from the PCTL Alliance/Guild. Shortly thereafter, the leader of Guild: [DCC] dissolved his guild and absconded.
On 18 June 2009, Lorrie Lady Rit was inducted into Guild:[PCTL]. The same day, Queadilya Puretrack, previously of Guild: [DCC], was inducted into guild [PCTL] and promoted to Executive Officer of the Alliance.
On 9 July 2009, Leader of Guild: WRLF absconded from his own guild leaving an unknown person in charge, informing me of this after the fact. After meeting with available alliance members, guild: [WRLF] was voted into exile from the PCTL Alliance. [WRLF] member: Xll Sub Zero Xll, absconded and was inducted into Guild: [PCTL].
On 22 July 2009, member: Xll Sub Zero Xll absconded from Guild:[PCTL] to rejoin WRLF.
On 14 August 2009, Guild: Age of the Dragons [AotD] was inducted into the Alliance.
On 15 August 2009, Guild: Age of the Dragons [AotD] was Exiled from the Alliance due to serious breach of alliance rules.
On 29 August 2009, Guild: Death Magnetic [DM] was inducting into the Alliance
On 7 September 2009, Fabled Raven was inducted into Guild:[PCTL] and Guild: Phantastic Wabbit [LaLa] was inducted into the Alliance
On 8 September 2009, The Crimson Flood [CrF] was inducted into the Alliance, Fabled Raven, formerly of [CrF] absconded from Guild:[PCTL] and rejoined [CrF]
On 14 September 2009, Lady Lorrie of Guild:[PCTL] was promoted to Second Officer of the Alliance, and Guild:Death Magnetic [DM] was exiled for inactivity (spent 15 of his 30 day probation inactive)
On 08 October 2009, Traveling Companion: Spyker Shamanton was inducted into guild:[PCTL] and on the same day, guilds: [LaLa] and [CrF] were voted in as permanent members of the alliance.
On 25 October 2009, Guild:Order Of The Nephilim [OTN] was inducted into the Alliance.
On 09 November 2009, Guild:[HBK] was exiled from the alliance due to inactivity.
On 28 November 2009, Guild: [OTN] was voted into the Alliance permanently.
On 09 December 2009, Amanite, the leader of Guild: [BOOM] (the 2nd oldest guild in the alliance) dissolved her guild and joined Guild: [PCTL]. Amanite was immediately promoted to 3rd officer: Guild/Alliance Enforcer.
On 02 January 2010, Autumn Bladeslinger, formerly of Guild: [EOL], a guild formerly a member of the PCTL Alliance, absconded from Guild: [EOL] and joined Guild: [PCTL]
On 26 January 2010, Guild: The Asphodel Meadows [DeaD] joined the PCTL Alliance
On 28 January 2010, Lady Lorrie, formerly 2nd Officer of the Alliance was promoted to Executive Officer of the Alliance and Amanite Ice Breaker, formerly 3rd officer of the Alliance was promoted to 2nd Officer of the Alliance.
On 13 February 2010 during the Canthan New Year festival, the PCTL Alliance formed an unofficial co-alliance with Gabriel Of Engels: leader of Luxon Alliance: EIA.
On 14 February 2010, the Canthan New Year of the Tiger, Fern Willows, leader of Guild: Phoenix Fury Alliance requested and was granted re-entry to the PCTL Alliance. Welcome Home Guild: PFA.
On 15 February 2010, 2nd Officer of the Alliance: Amanite Ice Breaker, announced that she would be taking a 1-2 month sabbatical from GW. Former Executive Officer of the Alliance: Queadilya Puretrack, will be serving as 2nd Officer of the Alliance temporarily until Amanite's return.
On 17 April 2010, Sonia Omega, whom had only been in Tyria three days, joined the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords. Later that same day, Steel Firer was also inducted into Guild:[PCTL]
On 19 April 2010, Queadilya Puretrack, having been inactive for a month, was demoted from 3rd Officer of the Alliance to guild member. Autumn Bladeslinger was promoted to 3rd Officer of the Alliance.
On 24 April 2010, Raistlins Axe, whom had left Guild:Phoenix Fury Alliance [PFA] earlier that month, returned with his newly formed guild:Just A Bunch Of Noobs [NooB]. Also, PCTL guild member Spyker Shamanton was exiled from the guild for inactivity.
On 04 May 2010, Myst The Summoner was inducted into Guild:Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords
On 05 May 2010, Myst The Summoner left Guild:Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords
On 06 May 2010, Guild:Der Wind Ist Schwul [dWis] and Guild:The Ashen Court [Fall], joined the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords alliance.
On 21 May 2010, Guild:Der Wind Ist Schwul [dWis] and Guild:The Ashen Court [Fall] were voted out of the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords alliance.
On 26 May 2010, Guild:A New Begining [AnB] joined the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords alliance.
On 02 June 2010, Prydonian Chapter of Time Lord 3rd officer, Autumn Bladeslinger was demoted to member for conduct unbecoming an officer following a vote from present guild members.
On 03 June 2010, Jj Player Two dissolved Guild: [DeaD] and rejoined Guild: [PCTL]. Welcome home, Jj.
On 07 June 2010, after discussing the facts with former 3rd Officer: Autumn Bladeslinger leading up to his demotion, it was determined the reasons for his demotion were unfounded due to discrepancies in the testimony of the witnesses involved and therefore the charge of "Conduct Unbecoming an Officer" was dropped. It was at that point that it was mutually decided between said Former 3rd Officer: Autumn Bladeslinger and myself that he would step down from the position of 3rd officer and should his circumstances change and if the position was still available, the he would be eligible for promotion once again.
On 05 June 2010, Guild: [NooB] was voted out of the alliance due to lack of participation during their probationary period.
On 20 June 2010, Guild: PCTL member Necrotic Nitsuj was promoted to Executive Officer of the alliance and Sonia Omega was promoted to Second Officer of the alliance.
On 21 June 2010, Jander Whitestar was inducted into Guild:PCTL.
On 23 June 2010, Sadly, Guild: [OTN] absconded from the PCTL Alliances for reasons not communicated. They will be missed.
On 24 June 2010, long standing PCTL guild member Queadilya Puretrack, whom had come into the alliance in his guild, the Dragon Clan of Cantha, absconded from the guild and the alliance.
On 26 June 2010, [PCTL] guild member, I Sir Lanceolot I, was voted out of the guild due to inactivity during their probationary period.
On 12 July 2010, Guild:PFA Executive Officer: Phillip Vl, absconded from said guild, was offered Guild Leader of JJ's old guild: The Asphodel Meadows [DeaD], and as Guild Leader, Phillip and Guild: DeaD rejoined the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords alliance. Also, former Executive Officer of the Alliance: Lady Lorrie, stepped down as 3rd officer of the Alliance, but currently maintains her membership within the guild. Also Fern Willows, leader of the Phoenix Fury Alliance, absconded from the PCTL alliance and removed Mistress Romana from her guild. Mistress Romana was invited back to Guild: [PCTL]. Welcome home, Romanadvoratrelundar.
On 25 September 2010, Sonia Omega: Second Officer of the Alliance and Guild: [PCTL], expressed the desire to go off on his own and start his own guild, possibly his own Alliance. He left on good terms and was given the blessing of the Alliance Leader who stated that if his path crossed with the Prydonian Chapter in the future, he would be welcomed back with 2nd officer rank, or if he wished to return with his guild, that his guild would have a home in the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords Alliance. Sonia Omega will be missed and we wish him well where ever his path takes him.
On 26 September 2010, Jj, Executive officer of the Alliance and Guild: [PCTL], absconded to go assist Sonia Omega with his new guild. Like Sonia Omega, he left on good terms with the blessing of the Alliance leader, and was given the opportunity to return as Executive officer of the guild and alliance should he desire to do so in the future. The leader of the alliance has appointed Amanite Ice Breaker as acting Executive Officer of the Alliance until such Time that Jj returns.
On 27 September 2010, Phillip Vl, leader of Guild: [DeaD] absconded with his guild from the Alliance.
On 02 October 2010, long time [PCTL] guild member and former officer: Lorrie Lady Rit absconded from said guild.
On 03 October 2010, the leader of Guild: [PCTL] dissolved the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords Alliance. The only guild which remains in the alliance as of 03 October 2010 is Guild: [LaLa]. Guilds: [AnB] and [CrF] were removed. Also on 03 October 2010, Former [PCTL] executive officer Mistress Romana was promoted to officer status.
The Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords Alliance was created on 02 July 2008 and has celebrated two anniversaries. It survived two years, two months, and one day. It remains a skeleton alliance with Guild: [LaLa] but as an alliance, has fallen into inactivity.
On 28 December 2010, Guild [DeaD] returned to the PCTL Alliance. Welcome back, Phillip Vl.
On 08 March 2011, Jj returned to Guild:PCTL and was bestowed officer status. Jj returns to his former position of 2nd Officer of the Alliance. Welcome back Jj.
The Alliance of the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords fell into inactivity whilest its officers took a sabbatical in the realm of Middle Earth until Wintersday season of 2011, at which Time the Officers of the PCTL Alliance noted that Guild: DeaD, had absconded from the alliance.
On 22 December 2011, Post Something was welcomed as a member of Guild: Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords. Also, Guild: The Wandering Slackers [SLAK], was welcomed into the PCTL Alliance.
On 23 December 2011, Guild: Divided We Stand Kurzick [DWSK], formerly exiled due to inactivity, returned to the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords Alliance. Welcome back, Garnet. Looks like the PCTL Alliance is making a comeback.
On 25 December 2011, Eclair Amell was inducted into Guild: Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords
On 27 December 2011, having discovered that PCTL guild member, Eclair Amell, shared an account, a violation of Rule 14, was exiled from the guild.
On 2 July 2012, The Alliance of the Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords celebrated it's 4th year anniversary.
Although we are a democracy, to avoid any confusion as to who is in charge of what. The following chain of command applies.
1. The Leader of the Alliance:[PCTL] (Formed Alliance 02 July 2008)
2. The Executive officer of the Alliance: [PCTL]
3. The 2nd officer of the Alliance: [PCTL]
4. Leader of the Second Guild: [LaLa] (Joined 07 September 2009)
5. Leader of the Third Guild: [SLAK]
6. Leader of the Fourth Guild: [DWSK]
7. Leader of the Fifth Guild:
8. Leader of the Sixth Guild:
9. Leader of the Seventh Guild:
10. Leader of the Eighth Guild:
11. Leader of the Ninth Guild:
12. Leader of the Tenth Guild:
NOTE: Any guild that is INACTIVE or on Probation falls out of the chain of command until they become active or are no longer on Probation.icer:
13. Executive Officer: [LaLa]
14. Executive Officer: [SLAK]
15. Executive Officer: [DWSK]
16. Executive Officer:
17. Executive Officer:
18. Executive Officer:
19. Executive Officer:
20 Executive Officer:
21. All Second officers not including the Second officer of the Alliance
22. All other officers including subsequent officers of the Alliance
23. All Guild/Alliance Members regardless of seniority.
NOTE: The chain of command within each individual guild is an internal issue and does not apply nor is governed by the Alliance. Check with your own Guild Leader for individual Guild Chain of Command.
The Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords is an exclusive guild available only to Time Lords and/or their traveling companions. A Time Lord need not have graduated from the Prydonian Chapter to be a member, but slander of the Prydonian Chapter or any other Time Lord College will not be tolerated.
A Time Lord is defined as (as we would call ourselves) a Whovian or (as others would describe us) a Doctor Who nerd. A fan of Doctor Who is different from a Whovian and is not considered a Time Lord, but rather a traveling companion. Also A Nuwho (One whom knows about Doctor Who ONLY from the revival of the series in 2004) is NOT a Whovian and will be treated as a traveling compainion.
ONLY Time Lords or Traveling companions will be admitted into the Prydonian Chapter.
If you are not a Time Lord or Traveling companion, you would be more comfortable contacting one of our sister guilds.
For contacts, please see our section entitled: Contact Information.
Contact information
PRYDONIAN CHAPTER OF TIME LORDS [PCTL]: (Also Prydonian Chapter of Time Lords Alliance)
Guild/Alliance Leader: X The Engineer X
Guild/Alliance Executive Officer: Mistress Romana
Guild/Alliance 2nd Officer: Necrotic Nitsuj
Guild/Alliance Enforcer: Amanite Ice breaker (Also Dismal Faith)
Guild Leader: Phantasia Phoenix
Executive Officer:
The Wandering Slackers
Guild Leader: Samael
Executive Officer:
Divided We Stand Kurzick
Guild Leader: Garnet Gardenia
Executive Officer:
Prydonian Chapter Of Time Lords Alliance | |
Leader | Prydonian Chapter Of Time Lords |
Members | Phantastic Wabbit • The Wandering Slackers • Divided We Stand Kurzick |