Talk:Game updates:January 2008
Please use the relevant update's talk page to discuss.
You might want to add that the Holiday NPCs are disappearing from the towns as well. Pretty lame that it's not included in the notes. Trixor 20:13, 3 January 2008 (UTC) *edit* And why only the ugly crowns? why not the older caps as well? You know, the ones that aren't ugly Trixor 20:15, 3 January 2008 (UTC)
Armor Bugfix[edit]
Why do they fix a little gap at Necromancer armor but the female mesmers obsidian armor still has these two huge holes on the back when you zoom out. Plz fix that instead! Thats ridiculous, we spend 105 Ectos and Shards for an armor that looks simple terrible with this glitch.
Wintersday Gift Giver[edit]
How about bringing back the Wintersday Gift Giver NPC back for a few days? I still have some shards that I did not get to trade in because I did not know when the NPCs were to be removed. -- 21:39, 3 January 2008 (UTC)
Paragon Love - please[edit]
Uhm has anyone at ANet thought about may be giving the paragon a cooler headpiece? Like may be a CHAOS SKIN headpiece? Wouldn't that just be cool? --Shaia 19:03, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
- No. I'd rahther have a roman helmet or something. 08:07, 6 January 2008 (UTC)
Favor message[edit]
I think that the "The world lost favor"-message now displays correctly (meaning: only once)...yeah, huuuge bug that needed correcting for a looong time :p Erszebet 11:41, 6 January 2008 (UTC)
Still twice for me, annoying. :)
- ps* Can you at least give us the 'option' to turn off the 'bla got such and such title' and 'bla won a battle in the HoH' messages? tnxbai! Trixor 20:52, 23 January 2008 (UTC)
Skill Updates?[edit]
When will the next skill update be? I can't find any hint that any kind of balance update is in the works and it would be a welcome change to see the unused skills in action. -Hesus
Why don't they spend any time balancing the skills so that people without all of the chapters remain competitive in PvP[edit]
There are lots of better builds I could run but I can't use them because I don't have Nightfall or EotN. Anet has neglected to properly balance skills for 1 year(and counting)
Signet of Shadows should have its recharge reduced to 15 seconds to keep up with Signet of Toxic Shock. Double Dragon should be changed to a ranged skill and its recharge reduced to 2 seconds to keep up with Searing Flames. The 15 energy cost should be enough to keep people from spamming it. Mind Burn, Mind Shock, Mind Freeze:The exhaustion keeps these in the garbage can. Solution: Example:Mind Burn(fixed):5 energy, 1 second cast, 12 second recharge:If you have more energy the damage is doubled and causes Burning for 1...6...7 seconds, otherwise it recharges instantly. The instant recharge is not overpowered as the damage is 63 at level 16(you may as well be spamming Flare) Mind Shock and Mind Freeze can be fixed in similar ways. Poison Arrow:Change attribute to Marksmanship and give it a 5...17...21 damage bonus to keep up with Burning Arrow.
Even better solution:PvP with Open Skills:Anyone can use any skill in PvP regardless of chapter. However you must buy the corresponding chapter to use the skills in PvP. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
- They don't balance it for one campaign only because (1) PvP allows use of skills from all campaigns and there aren't any modes that restrict skill use based on campaign and (2) it makes more business sense to get people to buy all the campaigns.
- And FYI, the Guild Wars In-Game Store offers PvP-only skill unlocks. --
17:12, 25 January 2008 (UTC)