Account Name: Aeris Carter
Miscellaneous Thoughts
Abbandon all hope, ye who fail to hit "BACK" very soon...
Updates and Setbacks or Lackthereof
13Dec10 • I have successfully not done ANYTHING for the past year concerning my GWWiki page (or anything else internet-related, really). More story writing, but - as it stands - it's not looking like I'll ever get around to actually comic-izing it.
In other news, got married, getting ready to move to Hawaii, and trying to buy a new computer and car. If my internet-related motivation was as developed as it is in RL, I'd probably be President of the Internet right now. Heh heh. :3 06Dec09 • Character Page is coming along really slowly, so I slapped a pic of Maya (a Monk character from my comic) there for now. The dead space was creepin' me out, so I figured something is better than nothing. I dislike nothing. Maybe I should add that to the list of things I "dislike"...
Dorkish Sprees
Latest Watching: Rental Magica (Pretty straight-forward at times and confusingly awkward at others.)
Recent Stuff
Meep. |