- Abbadon, Shiro and the Undead Lich where at a bachelor party. Too much alcohol was consumed, one thing led to another and from this unholy union Kastor Hetep was born. Things started off well for Kastor and his three fathers; trips to the beach, the park and the zoo were a common occurrence, it was a happy time. One day however, Abaddon decided he was fed up of allways being skint, (due to the increase in child benefit payments). So he decided to move up the career ladder and hopefully get a pay rise in the process. Abbadon's work colleagues didn't take too kindly to his self promotion drive, so they framed him for a crime he didn't commit. Abbadon is now currently serving a life sentences for public exposure, leaving Shiro and the Undead Lich to bring Kastor up in their own image, in their own likeness.
Remember When I Said I'd Kill You Last... I Lied!
To all my love slaves out there: Kastor Hetep is here. In the flesh, baby. The ultimate male!
Binding Ritual...Where Do You Want To Die Today!
Big Boss of Binding Ritual