User:Lady Elyssa

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Lady Elyssa [SC]
User-Lady Elyssa.jpg
Homeland: Tyria
Born: 19th August 2006
Language: English
Faction: Kurzick
Affiliation: Shining Blade
Allegiance: Queen Salma
Experience: 20,000,000+

Lady Elyssa can sometimes be found wandering the Spell Crafters Guild Hall alone, her companions out venturing other distant worlds, but her heart is strong and her will stronger still, for she awaits their return, for then the world will need heroes once more and she will once again return from her place outside of time to venture forth in to the world to right the wrongs of those who would seek to dominate and destroy the world she can never foresaken.


  • "Bring me corpses and I will give you an army."
  • "You defy me in life but in death you shall serve me."
  • "Meet my lil fwends"

Necromancer Lady Elyssa[edit]

Guild Master of Spell Crafters [SC]

It seems that Grenth's grasp upon the spirits who dwell within this hall is slipping as it begins to once more beckon to heroes old and young. Whatever it is that summons these heroes and draws them together is as yet unknown and may never truly be told.


Elyssa was abandoned at an early age and worked as a slave until she was sold to an unknown holy order who adopted her as one of her own. It was there that she learned to read and write and went on to earn the right to train as an apprentice. In time she came to learn the awful truth of who she served and the unholy allegiance she had sworn to uphold. She proved to be an excellent study to the dark arts of Necromancy.

Eventually she earned her freedom and began to find her own way in the world before finally settling to absorb herself in the solace of Tyria before the war with the Charr began, since then it has been a long and dusty road and she has travelled across all the known continents and seen things some will never live to tell the tale about, in search of peace. She has fought ghosts, demons and the gods themselves to be here and even the underworld cannot hold her.

Elyssa's Library[edit]

Necromancer Skill Sets Collected[edit]

  • Prophecies
  • Eye of the North
  • Factions
  • Nightfall

Main Titles[edit]

  • Protector of Tyria
  • Protector of Cantha
  • Protector of Elona
  • Guardian of Tyria
  • Guardian of Cantha
  • Guardian of Elona
  • Tyrian Vanquisher
  • Canthan Vanquisher
  • Elonian Vanquisher
  • Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer
  • Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer
  • Elonian Grandmaster Cartographer
  • Tyrian Elite Skill Hunter
  • Canthan Elite Skill Hunter
  • Elonian Elite Skill Hunter
  • Legendary Spearmarshal
  • Holy Lightbringer
  • Not Too Shabby
  • Legendary Delver
  • Secret Agent
  • Slayer of All
  • Legendary Survivor
  • Legendary Guardian
  • Legendary Vanquisher
  • Legendary Cartographer
  • Legendary Skill Hunter
  • Legendary Master of the North
  • My Guild Hall Smells of Rich Mahogany (27 maxed titles)
  • Eternal Conqueror of Sorrow's Furnace
  • Eternal Conqueror of the Domain of Anguish
  • Eternal Conqueror of the Fissure of Woe
  • Eternal Conqueror of Urgoz's Warren
  • Eternal Conqueror of the Deep

Ongoing Titles[edit]

  • Party Animal (3955 points)
  • Sweet Tooth (7701 points)
  • Hero title track (11 fame)
  • Ally of the Kurzicks (727000 Kurzick faction)
  • Sentinel of the Luxons (935000 Luxon faction)
  • Companion of the Zaishen (1000 points)
  • Adept Treasure Hunter (253 chests)
  • Devotee of Wisdom (706 items)

Shining Blade Bounties Collected[edit]

Claimed Bounties
Yes Amalek the Unmerciful
Yes Barthimus the Provident
Yes Carnak the Hungry
Yes Cerris
Yes Calamitous
Yes Destor the Truth Seeker
Yes Greves the Overbearing
Yes Joh the Hostile
Yes Justiciar Amilyn
Yes Justiciar Kasandra
Yes Justiciar Kimii
Yes Justiciar Sevaan
Yes Lev the Condemned
Yes Maximilian the Meticulous
Yes Sarnia the Red-Handed
Yes Selenas the Blunt
Yes Valis the Rampant
Yes Zaln the Jaded

Hall Of Monuments Reward Calculator[edit]

Current Progress 50/50

Known GWAMM as of 18th February 2012

Favoured Builds[edit]

Dedicated Miniatures[edit]

First annual series[edit]

1st Birthday: Necrid Horseman

White Purple Gold Green

Yes Miniature Fungal Wallow.png Fungal Wallow
Yes Miniature Hydra.png Hydra
Yes Miniature Jade Armor.png Jade Armor
Yes Miniature Jungle Troll.png Jungle Troll
Yes Miniature Necrid Horseman.png Necrid Horseman
Yes Miniature Siege Turtle.png Siege Turtle
Yes Miniature Temple Guardian.png Temple Guardian
Yes Miniature Whiptail Devourer.png Whiptail Devourer

No Miniature Burning Titan.png Burning Titan
Yes Miniature Charr Shaman.png Charr Shaman
Yes Miniature Kirin.png Kirin

No Miniature Prince Rurik.png Prince Rurik
Yes Miniature Shiro.png Shiro

No Miniature Bone Dragon.png Bone Dragon

Second annual series (2007)[edit]

2nd Birthday: Palawa Joko

White Purple Gold Green

Yes Miniature Aatxe.png Aatxe
Yes Miniature Fire Imp.png Fire Imp
Yes Miniature Harpy Ranger.png Harpy Ranger
Yes Miniature Heket Warrior.png Heket Warrior
Yes Miniature Juggernaut.png Juggernaut
Yes Miniature Mandragor Imp.png Mandragor Imp
Yes Miniature Thorn Wolf.png Thorn Wolf
Yes Miniature Wind Rider.png Wind Rider

No Miniature Elf.png Elf
No Miniature Koss.png Koss
Yes Miniature Palawa Joko.png Palawa Joko

No Miniature Lich.png Lich
Yes Miniature Water Djinn.png Water Djinn

No Miniature Gwen.png Gwen

Third annual series (2008)[edit]

3rd Birthday: Cave Spider

White Purple Gold Green

Yes Miniature Abyssal.png Abyssal
Yes Miniature Cave Spider.png Cave Spider
Yes Miniature Cloudtouched Simian.png Cloudtouched Simian
Yes Miniature Forest Minotaur.png Forest Minotaur
Yes Miniature Irukandji.png Irukandji
Yes Miniature Mursaat.png Mursaat
Yes Miniature Raptor.png Raptor
Yes Miniature Roaring Ether.png Roaring Ether

No Miniature Freezie.png Freezie
No Miniature Nornbear.png Nornbear
Yes Miniature Ooze.png Ooze

No Miniature Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh.png Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
No White Rabbit.png White Rabbit

Yes Miniature Mad King Thorn.png Mad King Thorn

Fourth annual series (2009)[edit]

4th Birthday: Flame Djinn

White Purple Gold Green

Yes Miniature Abomination.png Abomination
Yes Miniature Desert Griffon.png Desert Griffon
Yes Miniature Dredge Brute.png Dredge Brute
Yes Miniature Krait Neoss.png Krait Neoss
Yes Miniature Kveldulf.png Kveldulf
No Miniature Quetzal Sly.png Quetzal Sly
Yes Miniature Terrorweb Dryder.png Terrorweb Dryder
No Miniature Word of Madness.png Word of Madness

Yes Miniature Flowstone Elemental.png Flowstone Elemental
Yes Miniature Jora.png Jora
No Miniature Nian.png Nian

No Miniature Dagnar Stonepate.png Dagnar Stonepate
Yes Miniature Flame Djinn.png Flame Djinn

No Miniature Eye of Janthir.png Eye of Janthir

Fifth annual series (2010)[edit]

5th Birthday: Cobalt Scabara

White Purple Gold Green

Yes Miniature Cobalt Scabara.png Cobalt Scabara
Yes Miniature Fire Drake.png Fire Drake
Yes Miniature Ophil Nahualli.png Ophil Nahualli
Yes Miniature Scourge Manta.png Scourge Manta
Yes Miniature Seer.png Seer
No Miniature Shard Wolf.png Shard Wolf
Yes Miniature Siege Devourer.png Siege Devourer
Yes Miniature Summit Giant Herder.png Summit Giant Herder

No Miniature Candysmith Marley.png Candysmith Marley
No Miniature Oola.png Oola
Yes Miniature Ventari.png Ventari

No Miniature King Adelbern.png King Adelbern
No Miniature Zhu Hanuku.png Zhu Hanuku

No Miniature M.O.X..png M.O.X.

Other Miniatures[edit]

Gold Green

No Miniature Evennia.png Evennia
Yes Miniature Livia.png Livia

Yes Miniature Black Moa Chick.png Black Moa Chick


Black Moa.jpg Black Widow.jpg Hyena.jpg Phoenix (pet).jpg Rainbow Phoenix.jpg Raven.jpg

  • Elyssa's favourite pet is the Hyena who she affectionately named "Giggles"

Elite Armor Sets[edit]

User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Cabal armor elyssa.jpg User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Canthan armor elyssa.jpg User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Monument armor elyssa.jpg User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Necrotic armor elyssa.jpg User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Ancient Armor.jpg User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Asuran Armor.jpg User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Norn Armor.jpg User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Elite Kurzick Armor.jpg User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Vabbian Armor.jpg User Lady Elyssa Necromancer Obsidian Armor.jpg

Hero Elite Armor[edit]

Acolyte Jin Elite Sunspear armor.jpg Acolyte Sousuke Elite Sunspear armor.jpg Anton brotherhood armor.jpg Dunkoro Elite Sunspear armor.jpg Gwen brotherhood armor.jpg Koss Sunspear armor.jpg General Morgahn Mysterious armor.jpg Goren Mysterious armor.jpg Hayda brotherhood armor.jpg Jora Brotherhood armor.jpg Kahmu brotherhood armor.jpg Livia brotherhood armor.jpg Master of Whispers Ancient armor.jpg Margrid the Sly Primeval armor.jpg Melonni Sunspear armor.jpg Norgu Mysterious armor.jpg Ogden Stonehealer brotherhood armor.jpg Olias Mysterious armor.jpg Pyre Fierceshot brotherhood armor.jpg Razah Ancient armor.jpg Tahlkora Primeval armor.jpg Vekk brotherhood armor.jpg Xandra brotherhood armor.jpg Zenmai Mysterious armor.jpg Zhed Shadowhoof Primeval armor.jpg

White Purple Gold Green

Yes Miniature Fungal Wallow.png Fungal Wallow
Yes Miniature Hydra.png Hydra
Yes Miniature Jade Armor.png Jade Armor
Yes Miniature Jungle Troll.png Jungle Troll
Yes Miniature Necrid Horseman.png Necrid Horseman
Yes Miniature Siege Turtle.png Siege Turtle
Yes Miniature Temple Guardian.png Temple Guardian
Yes Miniature Whiptail Devourer.png Whiptail Devourer

No Miniature Burning Titan.png Burning Titan
Yes Miniature Charr Shaman.png Charr Shaman
Yes Miniature Kirin.png Kirin

No Miniature Prince Rurik.png Prince Rurik
Yes Miniature Shiro.png Shiro

No Miniature Bone Dragon.png Bone Dragon

Challenge Mission Results[edit]

Remains of Sahlahjar Shadow Nexus Glints Challenge

User Lady Elyssa Sahlahjar Challenge.jpg

User Lady Elyssa Shadow Nexus Challenge.jpg

User Lady Elyssa Glints Challenge.jpg

See Also[edit]

User:Lady Elyssa on the Official Guild Wars 2 Wiki