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< User:Loggy | WiK
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Recording bar prevalance by area, on the offchance that anything interesting or noteworthy comes out of this.
I should have made this a long time before soloing >1000 of these guys, but felt like making something in case I can be bothered to fill it out. Not that anyone probably cares enough to read this though.
{{:User:Loggy/WiK/Template | area = areaname | wm_crippling slash=0 | wm_steady stance=0 | wm_coward=0 <!-- judge's insight --> | wm_hundred blades=0 | wm_eviscerate=0 <!-- monk signets, vengeance --> | wm_you're all alone=0 | wm_triple chop=0 <!-- conjure flame --> | wm_soldier's stance=0 <!-- sig of return, anthem of flame --> | wm_ferocious strike=0 <!-- axe --> | wm_strike as one=0 <!-- scythe --> | wm_practiced stance=0 <!-- choking gas --> | wm_melandru's shot=0 | wm_incendiary arrows=0 <!-- barbed arrows --> | wm_oath shot=0 | wm_glass arrows=0 | wm_escape=0 <!-- daggers --> | wm_trapper's focus=0 | wm_boon signet=0 | wm_mantra of recall=0 | wm_restore condition=0 <!-- prot spirit, healing breeze, aegis, deny hexes --> | wm_zealous benediction=0 <!-- defensive smite --> | wm_word of healing=0 <!-- union --> | wm_healing burst=0 | wm_healer's boon=0 | wm_ray of judgment=0 <!-- offensive smiting, steam --> | wm_icy veins=0 <!-- gale, lightning strike --> | wm_pain of disenchantment=0 <!-- vampiric gaze/swarm and resto --> | wm_lingering curse=0 <!-- defile defenses --> | wm_tainted flesh=0 <!-- deathly swarm, dervish stuff --> | wm_discord=0 <!-- shell shock, rising bile --> | wm_animate flesh golem=0 <!-- splinter weapon --> | wm_spoil victor=0 <!-- shadow strike, life siphon --> | wm_weaken knees=0 <!-- blood of the aggressor, deadly arts --> | wm_crippling anguish=0 | wm_energy surge=0 | wm_extend conditions=0 | wm_syco_word of healing=0 | wm_hex eater vortex=0 | wm_psychic instability=0 | wm_water trident=0 | wm_sandstorm=0 <!-- ward of weakness --> | wm_unsteady ground=0 <!-- ward of stability, res --> | wm_shatterstone=0 | wm_glyph of renewal=0 | wm_ride the lightning=0 | wm_savannah heat=0 <!-- immolate, ritualist things --> | wm_invoke lightning=0 | wm_temple strike=0 <!-- death's charge, leaping mantis --> | wm_dark apostasy=0 <!-- axe --> | wm_shattering assault=0 <!-- conjure frost, dash --> | wm_beguiling haze=0 | wm_punishing shot=0 <!-- bow assassin --> | wm_preservation=0 <!-- remove hex, mighty was vorizun, resto --> | wm_weapon of remedy=0 <!-- shouts, vocol was sogolon --> | wm_jagged bones=0 <!-- boon of creation, explosive growth --> | wm_spirit's strength=0 | wm_signet of spirits=0 | wm_signet of ghostly might=0 | wm_song of restoration=0 <!-- pet --> | wm_stunning strike=0 <!-- apply poison --> | wm_cautery signet=0 <!-- splinter weapon, sig of return --> | wm_soldier's fury=0 <!-- hammer --> | wm_grenth's grasp=0 | wm_reaper's sweep=0 <!-- death's charge, assassin enchants --> | wm_wounding strike=0 <!-- veil of thorns --> | wm_zealous vow=0 | pk_earth shaker=0 <!-- aftershock --> | pk_backbreaker=0 <!-- death pact --> | pk_forceful blow=0 <!-- intimidating aura --> | pk_dwarven battle stance=0 | pk_soldier's stance=0 <!-- to the limit --> | pk_battle rage=0 <!-- mes signets --> | pk_cleave=0 <!-- warmonger's weapon --> | pk_eviscerate=0 <!-- conjure lightning --> | pk_heal as one=0 <!-- spear --> | pk_rampage as one=0 <!-- hammer --> | pk_enraged lunge=0 <!-- bow --> | pk_magebane shot=0 <!-- frustration --> | pk_burning arrow=0 <!-- weaken armor --> | pk_barrage=0 <!-- splinter --> | pk_expert's dexterity=0 <!-- sloth hunter's, keen arrow --> | pk_blessed light=0 | pk_shield of deflection=0 | pk_light of deliverance=0 <!-- heal other/ribbon, mending refrain --> | pk_word of healing=0 <!-- aegis/guardian, sig of synergy --> | pk_ravenous gaze=0 <!-- life siphon, shadow strike --> | pk_order of apostasy=0 <!-- defile defenses, parasitic bond --> | pk_aura of the lich=0 | pk_power leech=0 <!-- guilt, backfire --> | pk_shared burden=0 <!-- fragility, glyph of immo --> | pk_energy drain=0 <!-- phantasm, vengeance --> | pk_keystone signet=0 | pk_elemental attunement=0 <!-- enervating charge, fire storm --> | pk_searing flames=0 | pk_master of magic=0 <!-- lava arrows, slippery ground --> | pk_mind blast=0 | pk_conjure lightning=0 <!-- "dagger mastery" bar: conjure lightning, shock --> | pk_seeping wound=0 <!-- spear --> | pk_assault enchantments=0 <!-- "shadow arts" has way too many shadow steps and is really annoying --> | pk_fevered dreams=0 <!-- sharpen daggers --> | pk_ritual lord=0 <!-- communing spirits --> | pk_destructive was glaive=0 <!-- spirit rift/burn --> | pk_caretaker's charge=0 <!-- renewing surge --> | pk_spirit light weapon=0 | pk_cruel spear=0 <!-- pet --> | pk_the power is yours=0 <!-- sig of return, echoes but NOT blazing finale --> | pk_soldier's fury=0 | pk_wounding strike=0 <!-- armor of sanctity? have I even seen this? --> | pk_ebon dust aura=0 | pk_avatar of grenth=0 | pk_onslaught=0 }}