Moyra (real name: Meike) is a 35 year old girl living in Spaarndam, the Netherlands. Married, two kids, playing Guild Wars mainly in the evenings when all is quiet on the kiddie front...
I'm Guild Leader of "Alle Oude Waarden Tellen" (AOW), a Dutch Guild for players aged 25 and above that was founded February 5, 2006. We're a friendly bunch of people, mainly playing PvE, always willing to help others, be it with gold, materials or just some hints & tips. Our main goal: to have as much fun as is humanly possible! Interested? Check out our website!
User Templates[edit]
This user has spent 1336 hours in Guild Wars in 20 months (2.2 h/day).
This user is a Tyrian at heart!
Main Characters[edit]
I've got about a hundred characters ;), some of which are still in training. The ones below I play the most.
Moyra Athluviel[edit]
Allow me to mesmerize you...
Level: 20
About: My first character, still my favourite.
Armor: Canthan 15K / Kurzick Standard
Weapon(s): Staff of the Forgotten - Inspiration Magic
Moyra the Mad[edit]
If it's red, consider it dead!
Level: 20
About: 2nd oldest character, inactive for a long time, before I discovered that playing a warrior can be very... satisfying. ;)
Armor: Standard Sunspear / Standard Shing Jea
Weapon(s): Forgotten Axe & Eternal Shield
Tamar Athluviel[edit]
Woosh. Zingggg. Who needs bling? Feel the sting!
Level: 20
About: My first Nightfall character. Current Element: Air.
Armor: Vabbi
Weapon(s): Staff of the Forgotten - Air Magic
Amarilla Athluviel[edit]
Scream like a girl - I'll kill you like a lady
Level: 20
About: Recently rediscovered: my Paragon. Now needs to be rushed through NF asap in order to get that end game armor... ;)
Armor: Elonian
Weapon(s): Fiery Sunspear of Shelter & Hassin's Shell (need to find something better...)