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Elite Elementalist Tome.png
Hi there!
Species human
Level 20
About me +

I started playing GW after hearing three of my close friends talking about it constantly. I asked some questions, they told me the basics, and on June 2007 I got Factions as a (very) early birthday present and made my first character: an elementalist. I'm a PvE-centric player (though I enjoy dabbling in AB) and my guild consists entirely of people I actually know and talk to (which means it's very small but friendly).

Now that I'm to a point in the game where I've accomplished almost everything I want to (and can realistically) accomplish, I've taken to helping the official Wiki the best way I know how: taking needed screenshots. Not only does it feel nice to contribute to such a helpful resource, but it provides a great outlet for the graphical power being pumped out by my $950 computer.

Well, a great outlet other than Crysis, that is.


Hey, look! It's my...

Special thanks to:

  • Thulsey: For the really stylish user page layout and character boxes.
  • Lensor: For the equally stylish character tables.
  • Lundis: For the slightly simpler version of Thusley's user page code. It helped me figure out what the heck was going on. XD


  • Finish this wiki page
  • Get the Protector of Elona title
  • Become a Legendary Cartographer
  • Finish levelling my monk and work toward getting her some elite armor.
In game +


ElementalistRimair Vashke
MonkEsk Vashke
RangerSaliem Vashke
User Lensor CanthaMissionIcon.png This user is a Canthan at heart!
Elementalist-tango-icon-200.png This user is an Elementalist by nature.
User Cynn fan.jpg This user is a member of the Cynn Fan Club.
GWW-shield.png This user plays all GW installations: Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall and Eye of the North.
User Lensor gw2.jpg This user plans to buy Guild Wars 2
Luxon.png This user is a member of the Luxon alliance.
PvX This user enjoys mostly PvE, but also enjoys some PvP.
Renew Life.jpg This user thinks Mhenlo is quite the Pimp.
User Empty Skull imanoob.jpg This User thinks he/she is a wikinoob.