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Aloha! This page is mostly for my own edification, but you're welcome so long as things don't get too messy. Last Updated: 17:13, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
- Contacty Goodness. Feel free to contact me in game or on my talk page if you want to group or feel I can be of some sort of assistance.
- Play Style. I tend to be pretty laid back and hate the idea of farming. There should be a rehabilitation center for those who live in ignorance of the group-map and who don't know when to /resign.
- Projects: Projected HoM total including all of the below: 32.
- Passive. 7/10 Characters are decked out in their elite armor (HOM +2: Vabbian Armor, Marhan's). Gaining money by doing Active projects.
- Active: Valor. 1 Destroyer Scythe (plat+mats), 1 Tormented_Shield (<--Armbrace of Truth<--Mallyx the Unyielding (quest) for 15 of each Anguish Gemstone),
1 Oppressor's Scepter(10 Medal of Honors ((1 moh = 25 war supplies)) ). HOM +4 - Active: Fellowship. Tame Imperial Phoenix. HOM +4
- Hero Armor. Goren (Primeval), Koss (Primeval), Jin (Primeval), Margrid (Primeval), Dunkoro (Primeval), Tahlkora (Primeval), Whipsers (Ancient), Olias (Mysterious), Norgu (Mysterious), Sousuke (Sunspear), Zhed (Ancient), Zenmai (Primeval), Razah (Ancient), Morghan (Primeval), Melonni (Primeval) // Jora (Deldrimor), Pyre (Brotherhood), Ogden (Deldrimor), Livia (Deldrimor), Gwen (Deldrimor), Vekk (Deldrimor), Anton (Brotherhood), Xandra (Deldrimor), Hayda (Brotherhood), Kahmu (Deldrimor)
Other Useless Shit I Keep Track Of[edit]
Important Components[edit]
- 800, 25 , 4 for scalp design for Eolx.
- 10, 50 , 5 for hood for Josephine.
- 15, 10 , 5 for scar pattern for Kolt.
- 15, 50 , 5 for mask for Takano.
- 15, 50 , 50 , 10 Elite Luxon for Kirrae.
- 15, 50 , 5 for charr head for Vai.
- 5, 100, 250, 10 , 10 for Destroyer Scythe.