War Hammer (ram)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the War Hammer with the "ram" skin. For other hammers with the same name, see War Hammer.
War Hammer
War Hammer (ram).jpg
Type Hammer
Campaign Core
Hammer Mastery
Damage type(s) Blunt damage
Common salvage Iron Ingots
Wood Planks
Inventory icon War Hammer (ram).png


It is currently unknown where this item can be found, or even if it (still) can be obtained within the game. If you have any information about this weapon, know where it can be found, or own this weapon, please post this on the Discussion Page. If you have inforamtion about the drop location, please include the Exploreable Area and the NPC that dropped it in your post. Screenshots are also greatly appreciated.


Dye affects the hammer's haft and head. The shaft will dye to the color specified while the head will receive a tint of the color. The default color can be closely replicated using red dye.

Ram's Hammer dye chart.jpg
