ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/Monk/resolved No attribute

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Remove Hex

Armond's Discussion

1 energy, 4 recharge? ZOMG I'll run this with Echo on my monk and lol@ hex spam noobs! I agree that it should be the mend condition/dismiss condition of hexes. Recharge to 5? ~Shard (talk / Nerf List) 23:59, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

Something along those lines. I also considered energy to 3, for what it's worth.
Pew pew hex removal! -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 00:01, 20 February 2008 (UTC)
no leave then energy scale as it is, only necros get 1 nrg skills 00:31, 20 February 2008 (UTC)
How do you plan to keep your energy up in that case, outside of channeling in HA? -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 00:33, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

1energy and 4recharge omg lol , echo-chain remove hex FTW 00:55, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

ooh remove 1 hex, this skill recharges 2 seconds faster for each hex remaining (on your target) --Underwood 00:59, 20 February 2008 (UTC)
Again, great idea, but how to keep up energy? -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 01:04, 20 February 2008 (UTC)
Oh please, there are many skills which are terribly underpowered but hex removal is not. Zealous 10:48, 20 February 2008 (UTC)
...hex removal one of the most lacking things in the entire game. When was the last time you faced hexes running balanced? You try to remove an average of three hexes per person (through migraine!) with removal that takes 12 seconds to recharge.
Seriously - if you manage to squeeze a remove past pdrain or pspike or something, you only get phantasm off. The mesmer puts it back on (or restarts the hex stack entirely; hell, he's got 8 seconds to do so. Plenty of time) and you're back where you started, except your entire team is dead because you can't cast heals, your wars can't land attacks (and take armor-ignoring damage when they miss), and you're all suffering from 5 or more degen.
Hexes out-pressure you. They not only do damage, they have insane amounts of shutdown; nothing else in the game has that. I'm really surprised good hex removal doesn't exist, seeing as hexes being run by skill-less idiots have won the past few mATs. -Auron 11:19, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

Just lower the rec of a few hex removal skills (by maybe 2-3 seconds tops). For example veil, remove, ect. They are really not that underpowered tbh. --Readem 23:23, 21 February 2008 (UTC)

Even if i agreed that remove hex was underpowered, those suggestions were pretty awful. Pluto 23:09, 21 February 2008 (UTC)
I agree with Auron. If anything that this weekend has shown in AB is the effectiveness of Hexes. Many Mesmers can cast a few pressure hexes on the monks, forget about them while they struggle to strip them, and many teammates die in the process. There are far too many hexes in the game that hex removal can't keep up. I mean, if people really want a monk to get shutdown, then Daze is a reasonable alternative yet it is still balanced by another monk's Mend Condition (or other spell). --People of Antioch talk User People of Antioch sig.png 23:49, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
While I agree with your sentiments, I don't know that using AB is a good example of team play and coordination. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong but I don't see a lot of people worrying about hex removal, balance, well-rounded teams, etc. Its just a collection of four people pounding on others and sprinting around between capture points. - THARKUN User Tharkun sig.png 00:07, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
Whoa. Since it has no effect other than hex removal the 8 recharge is okay in comparison to other removals (such as Expel/Divert/Blessed Light/Deny Hexes/Cure Hex/Spotless Mind/Hex eater signet/Inspired Hex/Shatter Hex/Hex Eater Vortex), but reducing it to 4 recharge is pretty insane since it is nonelite. If anything maybe 7 recharge like it was when it was 2 cast time... but 4 is like hex removal spam. --Life Infusion «T» 01:26, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
That's exactly the point. Did you not read the part where hexes were overpowered? This is GWW - you don't need any in-game experience to discover the broken skills, we'll spoon-feed the information to you, with reasoning and detailed explanations. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 01:39, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
You're going about it wrong Armond. — Skadiddly[슴Mc슴]Diddles 01:40, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
Woo, intelligent discussion. How would it be done better, then? (This is the oddball of the lot, by the way; most of the more feasible suggestions were put under Cure, Smite, Expel, Withdraw, and Veil.) -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 02:59, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
Nerfing the problem.Skadiddly[슴Mc슴]Diddles 20:49, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
How often have the users of this wiki complained about nerfs to skills, and now you proceed to say 'nerf'? I agree with Armond completely with regards to hex stacks. Individually most of these dont pose much of a threat, but when you go into a GvG/HA, and a team full of skill lacking idiots loads your #1 up with empathy, price, reckless and half a dozen covers, your #2,3 and 4 with something similar, and your entire backline with migraine, panic, arcane conundrum, corrupt enchant etc. you have very limited choices. And thats not to mention the suffering, conjure nightmare/phantasm, rising/putrid bile, spiteful spirit, etc. The 2/3 monk meta is currently far too lacking in hex removal to remove these effectively. Even if you manage to score some lucky interrupts/diversions (through the price/blurred etc.) then it really doesnt matter much, because your monks just ragequit when they saw the 15 purple squares at the top of their screen. I am exaggerating somewhat, but hex stacks require no skill AT ALL, so incredibly BAD teams often prevail against teams who are obviously their superior in skill, simply because hex removal is lacking so badly. I actually find myself agreeing with Redeam, in that I think it is only recharges that really need a buff, nearly free hex removal is going too far. (even though most of the time you wont get it off, due to 2 second cast times. Hoorah for migraine). And finally, @ Izzy, I respect that your job isn't as easy as many of the community would seem to believe, but if you havent seen many hexes around lately then I would suggest playing some more HA, because I really am getting sick of purple squares.-- 16:01, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
^ Second that. Just pushing a button (or even arranging a carpet hex tactic) is not really skill. GW is built around skill. Remove hex should be buffed under recharge, or hexes should be a little more situational. --People of Antioch talk User People of Antioch sig.png 23:29, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
Triangles, actually, but whatever. :P I would be fine with just a recharge buff, but as I posted it, I thought of Glimmer of Light, which has the huge problem of being spammable to no end and, perhaps unlike Glimmer (I never get to see good players use it, because they all use Word of Healing), it has to be spammed, simply due to the sheer number of hexes.
This is the "odd man out" of my hex removal suggestions - most of them are geared towards making hex removal more effective against stacks and not as effective against individual hexes, but this one is your pew pew hex removal, which concerns me because while it can take out a lot of hexes in a short amount of time, similar to the other options, it doesn't do them all at once and can more easily take out hexes spread across the party. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 00:04, 2 March 2008 (UTC)