Bruce the Herald

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Bruce the Herald
Zombie Horseman.jpg
Affiliation Not specified
Type Zombie
Level(s) 18
Campaigns Prophecies

The herald of the Mad King Thorn, Bruce the Herald rides through towns to announce the coming of the Mad King to celebrate Halloween.


Only during the Halloween events.


"The Mad King comes! Beware!"


"The Mad King is coming! The Mad King is coming!"
"The Mag King returns! On the Hallowed Eve he will appear!"
"Prepare for the coming of the Mad King! He will rock your very world!"

Only in Lion's Arch:

"The Mad King will return to Lion's Arch on the Hallowed Eve! Mark me well: when the Mad King returns, you are all doomed!"

Only in Kamadan:

"The Mad King will return to Kamadan on the Hallowed Eve! Mark me well: when the Mad King returns, you are all doomed!"


  • Like the Halloween collector NPCs, Bruce the Herald uses the Necrid Horseman skin. He also wields a Dead Sword.
  • Bruce continued to issue warnings about Mad King Thorn's impending arrival even after the last scheduled appearance of the Mad King was over.
Gw2logo.png The Guild Wars 2 Wiki has an article on Bruce the Herald.