Guild:Daedric Thrawn (historical)

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Daedric Thrawn [DT]

Daedric Thrawn DT
Guild Daedric Thrawn cape.jpg
Territory America
Language English
Leader Devarus Zhayne
Faction N/A
Type PvE
No. of members 5
Guild Hall Isle of Meditation
VoIP Teamspeak / Steam Group Chat
Time zone UTC +9.30

The name of Daedric Thrawn comes from two origins. The word Daedric originates from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion while the word Thrawn comes from Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Star Wars Universe. Both the word Daedric and Thrawn

The guild was founded on the 18th of June 2009, by Hyperstrike and Psychotia as a group for close friends who come together to play and have fun on a casual basis.

Guild Hall

The Isle of Meditation serves as the home to all members of the Daedric Thrawn Guild.

Our guild hall is the Isle of Meditation

Guild Hall Services

Our Guild Hall has all the upgrades and services available for purchase.


Our recruitment policy is that of a closed invite basis. In order for a potential recruit to gain membership, they must have the approval of the Guild Leader as well as each of the Guild Officers. If you are interested in joining Daedric Thrawn, you must prove that you are a Respectful, helpful fun, and good players. These are that core qualities that we look for. However should you not meet these requirements, you will be refused membership to the guild.

Contact information

To contact the Guild, you simply need to speak to either:

Hyperstrike (IGN: Devarus Zhayne), Psychotia (IGN: Leshara Swiftblade), PyroClysm (IGN: Tiralita Drossel) or Zaxara (IGN: Zax Jokai).