Guild:Tri Ryche

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Tri Ryche [EPIC]

Tri Ryche Epic
Guild Tri Ryche cape.jpg
Territory America
Language English
Leader Sophie Deadbones
Faction Kurzick
Type PvE
No. of members 6
Guild Hall Burning Isle

Originally formed (12/28/2006) by 3 Queensryche fans, we are a small guild doing PvE only. Guild members have Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, and GW:EN.


Recruitment? We aren't. We're a small Guild without huge aspirations to make it bigger.

Faction Farming? Been there, got the skills, moved on a long time ago.

Contact information

Necromancer-tango-icon-20.pngSophie Deadbones is READY for any and all holidays! Also, with 10 titles maxed, Sophie is looking forward to the title, "I'm Very Important."

Elementalist-tango-icon-20.pngSpike Damage is notorious for working on his lucky title during holidays. Check the boardwalk games after midnight, he's there.

Ranger-tango-icon-20.pngBoba Du Tsartir is slaying Charr in the wilderness, even as we speak. One day soon, he will collect a few hundred more Superb Charr Carvings and The Mask of the Mo Zing will be his! (He is part of Clan Du Tsartir)

Guild Hall

Burning Isle

Services Added
Platinum.pngXunlai Agent Yes
Identification Kit.pngMerchant Yes
Guildwiki-icon-small.pngWeaponsmith Yes
Furious Pumpkin Crown.pngFestival Hat Keeper Yes
Green Dye.png Dye Trader Yes
Wood Plank.png Crafting Material Trader Yes
Jadeite Shard.png Rare Material Trader Yes
Rune Vigor Sup.png Rune Trader Yes
Passage Scroll.png Scroll Trader No
Trade Winds.jpg Skill Trainer No
Flame of Balthazar.png Priest of Balthazar No

Tri_Ryche Alliance
Leader Tri_Ryche
Members Unknown