List of miniatures by year

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Characters reaching 12 months of age will receive an unopened Birthday Present in their inventory, which will contain one of the following miniatures:

White Purple Gold Green

Miniature Fungal Wallow.png Fungal Wallow
Miniature Hydra.png Hydra
Miniature Jade Armor.png Jade Armor
Miniature Jungle Troll.png Jungle Troll
Miniature Necrid Horseman.png Necrid Horseman
Miniature Siege Turtle.png Siege Turtle
Miniature Temple Guardian.png Temple Guardian
Miniature Whiptail Devourer.png Whiptail Devourer

Miniature Burning Titan.png Burning Titan
Miniature Charr Shaman.png Charr Shaman
Miniature Kirin.png Kirin

Miniature Prince Rurik.png Prince Rurik
Miniature Shiro.png Shiro

Miniature Bone Dragon.png Bone Dragon


Characters reaching 24 months of age will receive an unopened second-year present in their inventory, which will contain one of the following miniatures:

White Purple Gold Green

Miniature Aatxe.png Aatxe
Miniature Fire Imp.png Fire Imp
Miniature Harpy Ranger.png Harpy Ranger
Miniature Heket Warrior.png Heket Warrior
Miniature Juggernaut.png Juggernaut
Miniature Mandragor Imp.png Mandragor Imp
Miniature Thorn Wolf.png Thorn Wolf
Miniature Wind Rider.png Wind Rider

Miniature Elf.png Elf
Miniature Koss.png Koss
Miniature Palawa Joko.png Palawa Joko

Miniature Lich.png Lich
Miniature Water Djinn.png Water Djinn

Miniature Gwen.png Gwen


Characters reaching 36 months of age will receive an unopened third-year present in their inventory, which will contain one of the following miniatures:

White Purple Gold Green

Miniature Abyssal.png Abyssal
Miniature Cave Spider.png Cave Spider
Miniature Cloudtouched Simian.png Cloudtouched Simian
Miniature Forest Minotaur.png Forest Minotaur
Miniature Irukandji.png Irukandji
Miniature Mursaat.png Mursaat
Miniature Raptor.png Raptor
Miniature Roaring Ether.png Roaring Ether

Miniature Freezie.png Freezie
Miniature Nornbear.png Nornbear
Miniature Ooze.png Ooze

Miniature Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh.png Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
White Rabbit.png White Rabbit

Miniature Mad King Thorn.png Mad King Thorn


Characters reaching 48 months of age will receive an unopened fourth-year present in their inventory, which will contain one of the following miniatures:

White Purple Gold Green

Miniature Abomination.png Abomination
Miniature Desert Griffon.png Desert Griffon
Miniature Dredge Brute.png Dredge Brute
Miniature Krait Neoss.png Krait Neoss
Miniature Kveldulf.png Kveldulf
Miniature Quetzal Sly.png Quetzal Sly
Miniature Terrorweb Dryder.png Terrorweb Dryder
Miniature Word of Madness.png Word of Madness

Miniature Flowstone Elemental.png Flowstone Elemental
Miniature Jora.png Jora
Miniature Nian.png Nian

Miniature Dagnar Stonepate.png Dagnar Stonepate
Miniature Flame Djinn.png Flame Djinn

Miniature Eye of Janthir.png Eye of Janthir


Characters reaching 60 months of age will receive an unopened fifth-year present in their inventory, which will contain one of the following miniatures:

White Purple Gold Green

Miniature Cobalt Scabara.png Cobalt Scabara
Miniature Fire Drake.png Fire Drake
Miniature Ophil Nahualli.png Ophil Nahualli
Miniature Scourge Manta.png Scourge Manta
Miniature Seer.png Seer
Miniature Shard Wolf.png Shard Wolf
Miniature Siege Devourer.png Siege Devourer
Miniature Summit Giant Herder.png Summit Giant Herder

Miniature Candysmith Marley.png Candysmith Marley
Miniature Oola.png Oola
Miniature Ventari.png Ventari

Miniature King Adelbern.png King Adelbern
Miniature Zhu Hanuku.png Zhu Hanuku

Miniature M.O.X..png M.O.X.


See also: Birthday_Present#Sixth_birthday

Characters reaching 72 months of age will receive an unopened sixth-year present in their inventory, which will not contain a miniature. It will contain a tonic instead.


Characters reaching 84 months of age will receive an unopened seventh-year present in their inventory, which will contain a Purple, Gold or Green miniature from any of the first five years of presents (first row) and several previously exclusive miniatures from other sources (second row):

Purple Gold Green

Miniature Burning Titan.png Burning Titan
Miniature Candysmith Marley.png Candysmith Marley
Miniature Charr Shaman.png Charr Shaman
Miniature Elf.png Elf
Miniature Flowstone Elemental.png Flowstone Elemental
Miniature Freezie.png Freezie
Miniature Jora.png Jora
Miniature Kirin.png Kirin
Miniature Koss.png Koss
Miniature Nian.png Nian
Miniature Nornbear.png Nornbear
Miniature Oola.png Oola
Miniature Ooze.png Ooze
Miniature Palawa Joko.png Palawa Joko
Miniature Ventari.png Ventari

Miniature Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh.png Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
Miniature Dagnar Stonepate.png Dagnar Stonepate
Miniature Flame Djinn.png Flame Djinn
Miniature King Adelbern.png King Adelbern
Miniature Lich.png Lich
Miniature Prince Rurik.png Prince Rurik
Miniature Shiro.png Shiro
Miniature Water Djinn.png Water Djinn
White Rabbit.png White Rabbit
Miniature Zhu Hanuku.png Zhu Hanuku

Miniature Bone Dragon.png Bone Dragon
Miniature Eye of Janthir.png Eye of Janthir
Miniature Gwen.png Gwen
Miniature M.O.X..png M.O.X.
Miniature Mad King Thorn.png Mad King Thorn

Miniature Naga Raincaller.png Naga Raincaller
Miniature Oni.png Oni

Miniature Shiro'ken Assassin.png Shiro'ken Assassin
Miniature Zhed Shadowhoof.png Zhed Shadowhoof

Miniature Vizu.png Vizu

Miniatures (edit)
Miniatures by rarityGallery of miniatures
Fungal WallowHydraJade ArmorJungle TrollNecrid HorsemanSiege TurtleTemple GuardianWhiptail Devourer
Burning TitanCharr ShamanKirinPrince RurikShiroBone Dragon
AatxeFire ImpHeket WarriorJuggernautMandragor ImpHarpy RangerThorn WolfWind Rider
ElfKossPalawa JokoLichWater DjinnGwen
AbyssalCave SpiderCloudtouched SimianForest MinotaurIrukandjiMursaatRaptorRoaring Ether
FreezieNornbearOozeBlack Beast of AaaaarrrrrrggghhhWhite RabbitMad King Thorn
AbominationDesert GriffonDredge BruteKrait NeossKveldulfQuetzal SlyTerrorweb DryderWord of Madness
Flowstone ElementalJoraNianDagnar StonepateFlame DjinnEye of Janthir
Cobalt ScabaraFire DrakeOphil NahualliScourge MantaSeerShard WolfSiege DevourerSummit Giant Herder
Candysmith MarleyOolaVentariKing AdelbernZhu HanukuM.O.X.
Naga RaincallerOniShiro'ken AssassinZhed ShadowhoofVizu
Core Reward Black Moa ChickBrown RabbitDhuumGwen DollMallyxSmite CrawlerYakkington
Beyond Reward Confessor DorianConfessor IsaiahEcclesiate Xun RaoEvenniaLiviaPeacekeeper EnforcerPrincess SalmaMinister Reiko
Event Reward Celestial DogCelestial DragonCelestial HorseCelestial MonkeyCelestial OxCelestial PigCelestial RabbitCelestial RatCelestial RoosterCelestial SheepCelestial SnakeCelestial TigerLegionnairePolar BearWorld-Famous Racing Beetle
PvP Reward Guild LordGhostly HeroGhostly PriestHigh Priest ZhangRift Warden
Historical Event Greased LightningPig
Promotional AsuraCeratadonDestroyer of FleshGrawlGray GiantIsland GuardianKanaxaiKuunavangLonghair YetiMad King's GuardPandaVaresh
Unobtainable The Frog (Halloween | Wintersday)