Miniature Greased Lightning

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Miniature Greased Lightning
Miniature Greased Lightning.png
Rarity Unique
Type Miniature
Stackable No
Campaign Core

Miniature Greased Lightning is a miniature version of Zippy that was awarded for the fastest Roller Beetle Racers during Canthan New Year.



  • Each account was only eligible for a single reward; those with multiple times in the top 100 did not receive multiple miniatures.
  • At most, there are 591 Greased Lightning miniatures in the game.


Miniatures (edit)
Miniatures by rarityGallery of miniatures
Fungal WallowHydraJade ArmorJungle TrollNecrid HorsemanSiege TurtleTemple GuardianWhiptail Devourer
Burning TitanCharr ShamanKirinPrince RurikShiroBone Dragon
AatxeFire ImpHeket WarriorJuggernautMandragor ImpHarpy RangerThorn WolfWind Rider
ElfKossPalawa JokoLichWater DjinnGwen
AbyssalCave SpiderCloudtouched SimianForest MinotaurIrukandjiMursaatRaptorRoaring Ether
FreezieNornbearOozeBlack Beast of AaaaarrrrrrggghhhWhite RabbitMad King Thorn
AbominationDesert GriffonDredge BruteKrait NeossKveldulfQuetzal SlyTerrorweb DryderWord of Madness
Flowstone ElementalJoraNianDagnar StonepateFlame DjinnEye of Janthir
Cobalt ScabaraFire DrakeOphil NahualliScourge MantaSeerShard WolfSiege DevourerSummit Giant Herder
Candysmith MarleyOolaVentariKing AdelbernZhu HanukuM.O.X.
Naga RaincallerOniShiro'ken AssassinZhed ShadowhoofVizu
In-game Reward
Core Reward Black Moa ChickBrown RabbitDhuumGwen DollMallyxSmite CrawlerYakkington
Beyond Reward Confessor DorianConfessor IsaiahEcclesiate Xun RaoEvenniaLiviaPeacekeeper EnforcerPrincess SalmaMinister Reiko
Event Reward Celestial DogCelestial DragonCelestial HorseCelestial MonkeyCelestial OxCelestial PigCelestial RabbitCelestial RatCelestial RoosterCelestial SheepCelestial SnakeCelestial TigerLegionnairePolar BearWorld-Famous Racing Beetle
PvP Reward Guild LordGhostly HeroGhostly PriestHigh Priest ZhangRift Warden
Limited Release
Historical Event Greased LightningPig
Promotional AsuraCeratadonDestroyer of FleshGrawlGray GiantIsland GuardianKanaxaiKuunavangLonghair YetiMad King's GuardPandaVaresh
Unobtainable The Frog (Halloween | Wintersday)