Talk:Scoundrel's Rise (War in Kryta)
Lulz at the dialogue. Eive_Windgrace 23:45, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
Someone forgot to capitalize at the beginning of every sentence... Eive_Windgrace 23:50, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
- You mean one sentence? –
alistic 23:54, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
- I think they meant "every" as in 100%, now each individual.. but why argue on a page thats prolly gonna get deleted in a few days..Sloh Em Oshun 02:43, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
The idea of splitting War in Kryta pages from their regular counterparts was that there was too much information to be contained on that location page. 3 enemies, a boss and some dialogue is hardly going to make the regular Scoundrel's Rise page unbearably cluttered. User:Santax
- I say keep it for consistency. The only reason I opted to not split the Ice Cliff Chasms page was that it only contained a small bit of dialogue. This includes additional spawns, which should also mean a new map (for the wiki, not in DAT). We also don't know if there is still more to come. -- Wyn
talk 06:33, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
Resurrection Bug[edit]
Im not sure if this is in the actual map, or just the WiK map, but if you dont activate the north east and north west res shriones and die, sometimes the resurrection will res you just inside of the portal collision area thus sending you back into the outpost. Radthor Dax 21:27, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
ye i hate this :/, had it happen to me a few times today after a wipe against that darn Bauer. needs a proper res shrine adding in just across the way ideally ArthasShadowsong
- This bug exists in Vulture Drifts, too. --numma_cway 15:44, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
I picked up the Joh the Hostile SBB a few days ago, and I just got around to doing it. Unfortunately, I'm only finding mergoyles and bog skales in Scoundrel's Rise. I have not done Mustering a Response or Battle of Lion's Arch, and I still couldn't get the correct spawns even after abandoning Mustering a Response. Anybody else getting this problem? Veron 03:08, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
- Apparently, nobody saw this message. -_- I have since figured out that he got moved to the swamp. Veron 16:27, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
- This isn't broken, but the spawns are WAY different now than what the wiki page says. There were hardly any White Mantle in there when I went in to kill Jon the Hostile. Is there a third spawn mode after you've finished WiK? Or if you are mid Thackery? I remember the place MOBBED with White Mantle before. --Kniblet Beast 04:33, 24 March 2011 (UTC)
VQ Count[edit]
70 foes, with both Wanted: Bauer & Joh bounties and no other Kryta quests. Did not encounter any peacekeeper huntsmen (so no drakes).