Talk:Service: In Defense of the Eye
you can get some points for Master of The Norht title easyly if you flag your henchies to the start position and just run away... i made this after a few waves, when my party started to wipe out :P Zerpha The Improver 21:25, 4 September 2007 (UTC) this could may be mentioned in the article as note.
Tips for doing this quest...[edit]
as always, in pve, aoe spells are quite useful. sf eles or spiteful necs. well, here are groups of one dozen centaurs, so i just decided to take mark of pain and signet of sorrow, as it recharges instanly most of the time. cause of the mark i also took an mm. shadow damage doesnt do as much dmg against the lvl8 centaurs as the remaining dmg of the party, but these shouldnt be a problem as all. and take the monks out as very first...well, the normal stuff^^ except for the drops... Zerpha The Improver 21:57, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
As a Necro, I brought Olias, Master of Whispers, and Livia, all with Animate Flesh Golem and Animate Bone Horror, with Deathly Swarm as damage. I also brought along Cynn and Herta, with Mhenlo and Lina as monks (I like henchies). All four of us (Necros) we able to maintain 6-8 minions, especially after the first wave. The aoe from Firestorm/Meteor Shower probably helped to. ~ Da Si 23:36, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
I was in a party with 4 players including me. We took 2 hero monks and I took my Zhed Shadowhoof and Vekk as well. Vekk was an SH nuker and Zhed a Sandstorm warder. There were no Necromancers in my party and still we owned those centaurs. The main thing is that you always have to STAY ON THE STAIRS! Then the Sandstorm warder and SH nuker will be at their full effectiveness. You should really try this. -- 12:05, 19 January 2008 (UTC)
Winds helps tremendously here, as well as Edge of Extinction. Oh man, you get EoE down with a few ele nukers, a water snare, SS and MM, it doesn't really matter what else you are. Disease works great, as well as Pestilence, Toxicity, and maybe even a tank with Holy Wrath just sitting out there catching arrows and a few heals. This quest is a real challenge, but it can be waaaay too fun if you bring a nasty setup like that. FleshAndFaith 17:26, 16 March 2008 (UTC)
An Warder with some Arcane Echoed RoJ's destroys those groups in mere seconds^_^.Anbu 16:35, 21 January 2009 (UTC)
- I could never understand why this quest ever gave anyone trouble.... if you are going to stand your ground, obviously you take Wards, massive AoE, minions, whatever, and win. Otherwise (e.g. if you are playing with H/H) you just run away take on one spawn at a time. At the start you run to the left/right and intercept one of those groups; you then camp their spawn point and kill the subsequent spawns. Then, you head back to the center, and take out the group from the other side, preferably leaving the center group alone. Head to the spawn point, camp the two spawns. Finally, you take out the center, and at that point, you wait on the stairs; Chieftain Windswept's group spawns together with a second group, and taking them on together is 24 centaurs, or bad news usually. Fortunately, the non-boss group approaches first; so you kill them, and then wait a bit more for the boss. Kill him, and you win.
- To be honest, after I figured that out, the only time I wiped was when I didn't know what the snowballs did, and it killed the entire party. :\ Vili
16:41, 21 January 2009 (UTC)
- Master difficulty, no way. All I did was bring decent healers for support, talon, and MoW he helped with minions, and disease, and filled in the empty spaces with my basic henchies then I just waited for the enemy monks to get into the choke point on the ramp and laid downa few eachoed meteor showers on them, didn't even have to bother with the lvl 8s, and i only left the ramp to kill off the straglers from thr ranger wave. Lord Zepherr 23:44 January 25, 2009 (UTC)
It's fairly easy in hm too ^^--Relyk 07:28, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
I must agree with having 2 MM and 2 Ele's I am a SS necro, and they just dropped. Also brought Koss (Axe), Dunks (Heals) and Tahlkora (Protection)
Watch for the drops[edit]
the waves arrive one after the other, but you should try to get the best drops and the money. if you finished the final battle, you'll be teleported back to the outpost in 15seconds. you'll be on icy terrain, so you won't get all the stuff in this time if you don't pick up some loot between the battles. Zerpha The Improver 21:57, 4 September 2007 (UTC)
I thought this was a solo-mission like the one before... So I solo-ed it O_o As a smite monk...