User:Frizz Meister
My big thing in Guild Wars is high end PvE and over time i will post my team builds(h/h mostly) for each area complete with links to video guides. The page is still very much a work in progress and i hope to have all dungeons & elite areas h/h up in a few weeks with all my hero builds up very soon.
Due to my videos getting flagged my channel was taken off Youtube. However with the latest update some of the methods shows would no longer be the most efficiant. I hope to get up some new builds and videos asap. --Frizz Meister 14:40, 20 January 2012 (UTC)
Team Setup[edit]
2 Frontline High damage(50+ dps), high armour, low health, party wide buffs
1 Support Moderate health, moderate damage(30ish dps), focused on helping frontline
1 Anti-Caster Moderate health/armour, moderate damage(30ish dps), focused on interupts/shutdown, should carry a hard res
1 Anti-Physical Moderate health/armour, moderate damage (30ish dps), focused on debuffing physical attackers, should carry a hard res
1 Secondary Healer High health/armour, low damage (<20 dps), focused on raw heals and minor party buffs, should carry a hard res
1 Primary Healer High health/armour, no/negligable damage, focused on party wide heals and protection, should not carry a res
1 Flexible An open slot which has a situation dependent member, eg AoE nuker for nm, should carry a res
My method for PvE is to send in the frontline first with either flags or calling so that they abosorb the main brunt of the damage. Then the primary healer can prot them as needed to make them require little healing. The support member then buffs the frontline to create a consistant stream of high damage from them. The two shutdown party members focus on reducing the potency of both spells and physical attacks from the enemies, whilst doing significant damage. For example a mesmer with 10 fast casting can use ineptitude every 10 seconds for high damage and disabling physicals with blind. The secondary healers' role is to provide the necessary healing to maintain the frontline, whilst also providing some buffs. If/when AoE damage does not get shutdown the primary healer can use party wide healing to keep the red bars high.
Tactics 12+1+2 Strength 8+1 Scythe Master 10
Equipment: Zealous Scythe of Defence, Full Dreadnought Armour
- Deals high damage (60+ dps) to adjacent foes
- Offers party wide +25 armour
- Perma 75% block reduces pressure on healers
Mysticism 8+1+1 Wind Prayers 11+2 Scythe Master 9+1 Blood Magic 8
Equipment: Vampiric Scythe of Enchanting, Full Windwalker Armour
- Deals high damage (50+ dps) to adjacent foes
- Offers party wide +10 life steal for physical damage, heavy lifesteal offsets health sacrifice
- Inflicts AoE Weakness, reducing pressure on healers
Earth Prayers 8 Strength 12+2 Hammer Mastery Master 10+1+1
Equipment: Furious Hammer of Fortitude, Full Sentinel Armour
- High single target DPS
- Spams knockdown
- High strength allows for high elemental armour
- Causes AoE Weakness reducing pressure on healers
- Reckless Haste instead of Weaken armour for NM
Soul Reaping 8+1 Curses 12+1+1 Blood Magic 2+1 Channeling Magic 10
Equipment: 40/40 Curses set, Full Undertaker's Armour
- Causes AoE Weakness, reducing pressure on healers
- Deals moderate AoE damage with Spiteful Spirit
- Causes Cracked Armour, increasing the party's damage
- Buffs the frontline with Ancestors' Rage and Splinter Weapon
- Assists in party wide e-management with Blood Ritual
- Keeps the frontline clean of conditions with Foul Feast
NB: Best suited for areas with a high number of weak foes
- Barbed Spear instead of Blazing to cause bleeding required for some skills
Spear Mastery 11+1 Leadership 11+1+1 Motivation 10+2 Channeling Magic 10
Equipment: Furious Spear of Defence, "I Can See Clearly Now" Motivation shield of Fortitude,Full Centurion's Armour
- Keeps the frontline clean of hexes and conditions, whilst providing minor healing
- Offers minor partywide protection with Ballad of Restoration
- Offers 30 second pressure relief with Finale of Restoration
- Decreases party's kill time with Stance Removal and Deep Wound
- Buffs Frontline with burning on attack skills
- Deals moderate damage
NB: Best suited for areas where specific foes need to be spiked quickly, eg War in Kryta
- Ward Against Melee instead of Stability for when knockdown is not present
Energy Storage 8+1 Earth Magic 12+1+2 Channeling Magic 10
Equipment: 20/20 Earth Magic Wand, "Master of My Domain" Earth focus of Fortitude, Full Survivor Armour
- Causes AoE Weekness reduces pressure on healers
- Buffs frontline's armour with stone sheath, damage with Ancestors' Rage and Splinter Weapon
- Causes moderate damage with Stone Sheath, Stoning and Glowstone
- Causes knockdown with Stoning
- Prevents party wide knock down with Ward of Stability
NB: Good in all situations but not always the best choice
Communing 12+1 Spawning Power 12+1+1 Protection Prayers 3
Equipment: 40/40 Communing set, Full Survivor Armour
- Defensive spirits give party wide protection against AoE
- Condition and hex removal keeps frontline clean
- Soul Twisting allows for spirits to be maintained
- Can be precast before a large fight
NB: Best in areas with a large amount of AoE damage from casters, eg Ooze Pit
- "Find Their Weakness!" instead of Hexbreaker Aria for easy source of Deep Wound
Expertise 10+1+2 Marksmanship 10+1 Wilderness Survival 10+1 Command 5
Equipment: Vampiric 15^50 Short bow of Fortitude, Full Scout's Armour
- Provides regular AoE interupts every 2seconds
- Can interupt skills(as opposed to just spells) with D-shot
- Deals moderate/high damage with 100%proc Sloth Hunter's Shot and 53%proc Keen Arrow
- Provides minor party assistance with Hexbreaker Aria/Deep Wound, and 53% "Go for the Eyes!"
- Power Block instead of PI for single target shutdown
- Panic instead of PI for areas where casters cannot be knocked down, eg Darkrime Delves
Fast Casting 11+1 Domination Magic 11+1+2 Inspiration Magic 8+1 Healing Prayers 3
Equipment: 20/20 Domination Wand, Forget Me Not Domination Focus of Fortitude, Full Survivor Armour
- Provides crowd control and effective shutdown with Psychic Instability
- Deals high spike damage to casters, but low damage to physicals
- Deals high AoE damage to summoned creatures, countering minion and spirit builds eg Stone Summit
- Has enchantment removal and a fast casting hard res
Fast Casting 9+1 Illusion Magic 11+1+2 Inspiration Magic 8+1 Motivation 8
Equipment: 40/40 Illusion set, Full Survivor Armour
- Spreads blindness, rendering physicals near useless
- Interupts attacks and dealing heavy damage to physicals
- Provides party wide e-management with Aria of Zeal
- Removes hexes from the backline with Hex Eater Signet
- Is a source of Deep Wound in longer fights
Soul Reaping 10+1 Illusion Magic 12+1+2 Motivation 8
Equipment: 40/40 Curses Set, Full Undertaker's Armour
- Reduces the entire mobs attack speed by 50%
- Causes a huge amount of missing
- Punishes foes for both attacking and missing
- Spreads weakness reducing attack damage by 66%
- Provides party wide e-management with Aria of Zeal