I'm relatively new at Wiki-editing, so if you see me doing something greviously incorrect, just revert it or something and like, tell me how NOT to mess up in the future in my talk page, I guess.
I've played GuildWars since June of 2005, but not always active. I also used to play Ragnarok Online, World of Warcraft, and Aion (a game whose sole decent sellpoint is that its collector's edition gave me the /aion emote to use).
I'm hanging around GuildWars and finishing off my Hall of Monuments until GW2 comes out in 2012. Because I have seriously played this game on and off for 6+ years. ;;o_o)-b
In Feburary of 2014, I finally got my 30 points in my HoM. I can pretty much say that I'm done with GW1, save for little forays into the game here and there, should the need arise. Thanks, game, for all the wonderful memories.
Fear The Oyster ← Main.
Azima Nawar -- They see me SoS-soloing hard modes. They hatin'. BOD October 2006.
Yog Del Monstra -- My level 13 Necromancer in Pre-Searing OH NO NOT A LDOA NOOOOOOO WHY DO I HATE MYSELF.
Ellwreit Windwraith -- 3rd oldest character at 51 months as of January 2010 but only hit level 20 mid-January 2010. Wooo.
Corn Husker Contay -- actually shucks, not husks. BOD Approx. Jan 29, 2010.
Carrefor Van Ides (2nd oldest character, B.O.D. June 22nd 2005)
Conte St Illdern -- oldest character, made on June 15, 2005.
Needs More Science -- itty bitty babby. Born two days before the Shadow Form/SB nerf [1]. Was originally going to be called Six Hundred Is Dead but thought better of it considering that most people find new, functioning variants of builds within days of nerf patches.
Mules and/or Retired
Kayede Mayako - holds ded and less desirable miniatures. Turned 4 in June 2010 and gave me a Miniature Eye of Janthir. lol
Unseras Upham;lfkjfacerollname - holds weaponmods/empty inscribable weapons. BOD approximated to be August/September 2007.
Surprisingly Delicious - holds food, booze, candy and consumables BOD Late January 2010. About the same time as my Assassin.
Silly Miniature Collection[edit]
The Userbox Glob[edit]
Violence solves everything.
This user is nocturnal.
This user is a packrat with never enough storage space!
so this user herd u liek mudkips
This user has spent 3198 hours in Guild Wars in 60 months (1.8 h/day).
This user likes to steal userboxes from other users.
This user's mind is in the gutter.
This user wanted seven Hero teams and got it!
For my personal reference[edit]
I'll eventually put character pages up. I am going to use this template, maybe: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User:Cynaes/Character_tables Or this one: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User:Magic/Templates/Character
Here are a bunch of templates: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Category:Character_templates
This guy helped someone who got some awesome progress bars on his user page, I lust for them. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/User_talk:Y0_ich_halt