Other boxes
This user hates maximized windows.
This user likes his pet :)
Even this user was a wikinoob once.
It definetely is Pacman. He mutated. (It's also an optical illusion.)
This user loves GWWT.
This user thinks that the Rollerbeetle dance is actually a /rofl animation.
This user contradicts himself sometimes.
This user eats strange things.
Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!
This user would like to see an x-ray picture of his whole body once.
This user gets surprised by strange things floating around him very frequently.
This user is better than you and is not afraid to show it in his face.
ph34r t3h alm1ghty fl00t1n bubbl3s!
Hello. :3
Why does everyone get shiny eyes and i still have normal ones? T-T
This user loves Siege Devourers.
This user thinks experienced players prefer monking.
This user is watching you. QQ
AoE ][
This user has too many quotes from AoE II in his userboxes.
No... i'm not gonna say it... NIPPLE BEAMS!! ...Oops! I said it.
This user has a translucent eyelid.
This user is training to break the 100m sprint world record.
This user likes playing gimmick builds.
This user has one of the biggest collections of self-made userboxes. Seriously, none of these is copied.
This user's user space currently contains way too many pages.
This user has never played a toucher and will never do.
Except touching at range. He designed the corresponding build.
Use Strength to penetrate armor so your Healing spells are more effective.
This user does not get fooled by faked "You have new messages"-messages.
This user's hands have been cast in blocks.
This user likes holding other peoples' heads underwater.
Scottish Dance! Yay!
This user has a schizophrenic side... no, two of them.
Stop with all those shining eyes already! And don't look at me like that!
This user wears bulletproof wests.
This user is a boy. But he can hulahoop.
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. That was so good!
Woosh! And nobody could see the shuttle launch!
Moving on to Hyper Space!
Women shouldn't flex like that...
You dare say that again!
That's what it feels like when someone sucks out your brain.
Mwahaha, you can't catch this user!
This user is a skater.
There iiiss... a Shiieelldd... in neeww.. uh.
Finally one of these matches works!
Need... more... b00z3!
Hello again. :3
And what happened to your eyes?
This user earned Shadowphoenix's Chatterbox Award for spamming too much on user talks.
This user likes stabbing corpses to make sure they're dead.
This user is a member of the Ooze Fan Club.
Everything's good if it's made of chocolate.
This user sometimes doesn't wash his hands.
Did you know that when you're going down the highway in a Prius and you hold out your arm, the vehicle will turn?
This user loves Flareway.
This user has three four different user boxes with the monk icon.
Fresh mint ice drops! Free your throat!
Gotcha, stupid Mosquito.
This user wants the Player namespace on GWW.