User talk:Rose Of Kali
Pieceful rabbits[edit]
whoops, that typo is a bad habit of mine :P —ZerphaThe Improver 20:08, 5 April 2010 (UTC)
- Poor rabbits, what did they do to deserve such savagery? And that's not a typo, that's a... brainpoo? :P
Rose Of Kali 01:19, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- a brainpoo based on them being homophones i guess^^ —Zerpha
The Improver 09:25, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, I know all about it. :P English is my 4th language, and I remember giving up on trying to teach my mom the difference between here, hear, hair, hare, heir, her... It all turned out "хер" to her (read in Russian - a rather not so good word, as Google Translate can verify :P).
Rose Of Kali 13:30, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- English is such a horrid language, and it's my primary and only language... — Jon
Lupen 15:19, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- Google translation just shows me "xep" in German for the Russian "xep" :/ But Russian is a language that uses different letters anyways. Is Google aware of that "alternative spelling style"? Regarding Jon Lupen's comment - i don't quite agree with it. It's one of my favorite languages since it's simple and concise most of the time, yet still has a lot of different words (although i'm not able to speek many more languages than English and German anyways^^) —Zerpha
The Improver 19:35, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- Google translation just shows me "xep" in German for the Russian "xep" :/ But Russian is a language that uses different letters anyways. Is Google aware of that "alternative spelling style"? Regarding Jon Lupen's comment - i don't quite agree with it. It's one of my favorite languages since it's simple and concise most of the time, yet still has a lot of different words (although i'm not able to speek many more languages than English and German anyways^^) —Zerpha
- English is such a horrid language, and it's my primary and only language... — Jon
- Yeah, I know all about it. :P English is my 4th language, and I remember giving up on trying to teach my mom the difference between here, hear, hair, hare, heir, her... It all turned out "хер" to her (read in Russian - a rather not so good word, as Google Translate can verify :P).
- a brainpoo based on them being homophones i guess^^ —Zerpha
- Dick! How disgusting. - Mini Me talk 19:43, 6 April 2010
- You should have copy-pasted it, I typed it in Cyrillic, even though it looks like Roman. But yeah, Mini got it. :P Isn't it nice to grow "hair"s on your head? Medusa herself should be jealous!
Rose Of Kali 21:26, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- That's what i would call a dickhead then. —Zerpha
The Improver 23:20, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- Meh, English is too ambiguous, discombobulated, inconsistent, and unstandard. It's like a Frankensteined bastard child of several other languages, it's just messy... I've been through two years of German myself, and I like it SO much more than English, but then again I take to things that are rigid, literal, and consistent. *shrugs* To each their own. — Jon
Lupen 23:21, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- (forked conversation in a single section? does that work?)Well i'm also happy to be a native German speaker since this language has so many flections for every single case, gender and tense so i'm pretty sure i would mix always something up. Even our German teachers tell us that there is likely not a single person which is capable to speak "stadard German". Words in the english language get changed here far less often, leaving far more space for puns. Maybe this is just me, but another thing that i like about the English language is the fact that it "sounds neutral", while many other languages seem to deliver a certain mood. —Zerpha
The Improver 23:36, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- (it works if the indent stays correct) True enough, English does have a rather neutral tone to it, once you've factored out the emotional inflections of the speaker. My friends and I have occasionally joked about how aggressive Russian and German sound. My university has a fair number of foreign students, all of which speak English rather well, but so many of the idioms, euphemisms, puns and such of the English language are lost on them. It really strikes home for me how little we rely on the true definition of words compared to other languages, and rely more heavily on context and personal interpretation. This is only exacerbated when one word can mean several distinctly different things. — Jon
Lupen 23:46, 6 April 2010 (UTC)
- looks like what i like is what you dislike, huh? i mean of course there are many words that have more than one meaning. but i think this is true for every language. there are not many words that can simply be exchanged by each other when translating from one language into the other one, and vice versa. twice the same word with a different context will often require two different words when translating. and as i said before, isn't English one of the languages with the biggest word pool? If you really want to express yourself unambiguously by relying on a single word in your sentence, shouldn't this be easier then when you have a broad selection of possible choices? Or did i get something wrong? —Zerpha
The Improver 00:20, 7 April 2010 (UTC)
- Haha, you should try learning Ukrainian. In some ways, I think it's more complicated than Russian, and definitely worse than any other language I've ever encountered. You can conjugate just about everything, and there are many ways of inflecting words to alter their meaning, most often with suffixes, but plenty of prefixes as well. To make matters worse, different communities do this differently. The context of the word does not depend on where in the sentence it is, but on how it's conjugated. Because of this, you can nearly scramble all the words in a sentence, and it will still make sense, and retain its meaning (some scrambles sound more awkward than others)! This is often done in poetry to get a better rhyme. And then, there are dialects... This is what really sets it apart from Russian, which is mostly the same all across the country, save some border communities. There is no such thing as standard Ukrainian, you will find different words (often a lot of them) just going from town to town, and many people from different parts of the country can't fully understand each other, but say that they're still speaking Ukrainian. The language institute claims to know what "true" Ukrainian is, but nobody speaks that way. ^_^ Heck, I know English better than my native language that I've spoken for the first 16 years of my life. <_<
Rose Of Kali 11:57, 7 April 2010 (UTC)
- Oh, and I can't stand the sound of German and French. >_< French sounds like you have snot dripping down the back of your throat, makes me feel like I want to cough it up, and German just sounds crude and rough. I enjoy listening to Spanish and Japanese, though, trying to learn both (three cheers for Rosetta Stone and The Pirate Bay :]).
Rose Of Kali 12:11, 7 April 2010 (UTC)
- @Zerpha: "looks like what i like is what you dislike, huh?" Story of my life. I guess half my problems with the English language are a lot of the people that speak it. While English does have a massive word pool, which I can't begrude it for in any way, the general public (At least here in the States) only uses ~5-10% of it. They refuse to expand their vocabulary, and so try using words to fit a meaning that they don't when their are words that are much better suited for the purpose... I use word choice like a weapon most of the time, where the slight differences of definition make all the difference, and this is unfortunately lost on a lot of the people I talk to.
- @Kali: HA! I can safely say I share your opinions of French. So many useless letters too. I have no experience with Ukrainian, so I'll just stick to channeling my frustrations on the English language. X) While German sounds rough and crude, at least it's regular and well structured, which is what I appreciate it for. — Jon
Lupen 15:30, 7 April 2010 (UTC)
- @Rose: Is your native language now Ukrainian or Russian? According to your description of Ukrainian, the spoken language appears to be almost impossible to understand unless you have acquired at least a near-native level of it. German in general never sounded particularly crude to me, but that's likely because i've grown up with that language. this for example (A song from - as the title suggests - Herbert Grönemeyer, which he wrote after his wife died) doesn't sound that crude or rough. But then again any language should (hopefully) be able to reflect any feeling. French has indeed a distinctive speaking style through the nose, but that barely annoys me since i had french lessons for some years in my school. One can even get to like it :P But french is a good language for relaxed songs (the sound in between reminds me of the Goron background music from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, but that goes too far off the topic now i guess^^), or love songs and stuff.
- @Jon: I think what you say about only using about 5-15% of vocabulary applies for any language. Everyday speech normally doesn't require that many words, or it causes weird reactions when you use words that others would normally only suspect when reading the newspapers. And being able to express oneself clearly with simple language that everyone understands is a sign of elocution - although that's what you were talking about is of course elocution, too. But a rhetorical weapon like this can't deal any damage if it's only seen by its wielder unfortunately :P —Zerpha
The Improver 12:24, 14 April 2010 (UTC)
- I am a native Ukrainian. And no, it's not as impossible as it seems. All this conjugating and stuff may be difficult to reproduce for someone who does not speak the dialect, but it's certainly not as hard to understand, because the roots of the words are what carries the core meaning, and you can easily guess the context of the prefixes and suffixes attached to them. Thus it is much harder to learn to speak properly than it is to understand. But yes, I imagine this being one of the most difficult languages to learn to a foreigner of non-Slavic origin. A Slav would get a great start, as Slavic languages have a lot of similar word roots, I can understand quite a bit of most Slavic languages just from that, having never heard it before. But don't ask me to make a sentence. :P
- I'm even tinkering with Japanese right now, and so far it seems pretty simple in comparison. The only difficult part I see coming is all the Kanji writing, but the grammar seems very simple and straightforward, and I'm doing well with hiragana and katakana so far, just need to practice.
- I'll listen to those links later.
Rose Of Kali 12:44, 14 April 2010 (UTC)
- @Zerpha: I'm not particularly a fan of writing someone a book when I can throw together one sentence using a few higher level words for precisely the same effect. "...or it causes weird reactions when you use words that others would normally only suspect when reading the newspapers." Well, a good hand-full of people have noted that I make use of a rather peculiar diction when speaking, and often writing. Besides, common speech doesn't always feel accurate enough. Then again, this is coming from someone who always gave answers in terms of pi, e, and square roots without ever calculating it out to a decimal, because it was more accurate that way... It still puzzles me that people understand my elaborate metaphors and analogies (often worded in a higher diction than normal speech) better than a plain-word explanation. — Jon
Lupen 18:42, 14 April 2010 (UTC)
- Haha, you should try learning Ukrainian. In some ways, I think it's more complicated than Russian, and definitely worse than any other language I've ever encountered. You can conjugate just about everything, and there are many ways of inflecting words to alter their meaning, most often with suffixes, but plenty of prefixes as well. To make matters worse, different communities do this differently. The context of the word does not depend on where in the sentence it is, but on how it's conjugated. Because of this, you can nearly scramble all the words in a sentence, and it will still make sense, and retain its meaning (some scrambles sound more awkward than others)! This is often done in poetry to get a better rhyme. And then, there are dialects... This is what really sets it apart from Russian, which is mostly the same all across the country, save some border communities. There is no such thing as standard Ukrainian, you will find different words (often a lot of them) just going from town to town, and many people from different parts of the country can't fully understand each other, but say that they're still speaking Ukrainian. The language institute claims to know what "true" Ukrainian is, but nobody speaks that way. ^_^ Heck, I know English better than my native language that I've spoken for the first 16 years of my life. <_<
- looks like what i like is what you dislike, huh? i mean of course there are many words that have more than one meaning. but i think this is true for every language. there are not many words that can simply be exchanged by each other when translating from one language into the other one, and vice versa. twice the same word with a different context will often require two different words when translating. and as i said before, isn't English one of the languages with the biggest word pool? If you really want to express yourself unambiguously by relying on a single word in your sentence, shouldn't this be easier then when you have a broad selection of possible choices? Or did i get something wrong? —Zerpha
- (it works if the indent stays correct) True enough, English does have a rather neutral tone to it, once you've factored out the emotional inflections of the speaker. My friends and I have occasionally joked about how aggressive Russian and German sound. My university has a fair number of foreign students, all of which speak English rather well, but so many of the idioms, euphemisms, puns and such of the English language are lost on them. It really strikes home for me how little we rely on the true definition of words compared to other languages, and rely more heavily on context and personal interpretation. This is only exacerbated when one word can mean several distinctly different things. — Jon
- (forked conversation in a single section? does that work?)Well i'm also happy to be a native German speaker since this language has so many flections for every single case, gender and tense so i'm pretty sure i would mix always something up. Even our German teachers tell us that there is likely not a single person which is capable to speak "stadard German". Words in the english language get changed here far less often, leaving far more space for puns. Maybe this is just me, but another thing that i like about the English language is the fact that it "sounds neutral", while many other languages seem to deliver a certain mood. —Zerpha
- Meh, English is too ambiguous, discombobulated, inconsistent, and unstandard. It's like a Frankensteined bastard child of several other languages, it's just messy... I've been through two years of German myself, and I like it SO much more than English, but then again I take to things that are rigid, literal, and consistent. *shrugs* To each their own. — Jon
(Reset indent) I have a theory that for each person a particular language has at least one aspect of it that is really difficult for that person to learn. And as such, the relative difficulty of a language to learn will often depend on at what stage in the learning process that difficult part comes. For me, for example, when I learned Spanish, the difficult part for me (and for many people) was learning the subjunctive form of conjugating verbs. It's an aspect of Spanish that is really complicated and pretty counter intuitive. However, By the time you are learning the subjunctive clauses, you should already be speaking the language pretty well, which is why a lot of people say Spanish is an easy language to learn.
On the other hand, when I learned Vietnamese, the grammar was really easy and the vocabulary is pretty straightforward. But there were two really difficult parts about it: One was just the basic pronunciation, as a monosyllabic language, Vietnamese relies heavily on a series of vowels that interact with the different tones to create a whole slew of sounds that western ears find indistinguishable from each other, and as such have a really difficult time replicating. And secondly, Vietnamese combines pronouns with titles, so there are over 60 pronouns in the language, depending on the relationship between the speaker and the person he/she is referencing. For example, in English we use "You" and "I" when referring to ourselves and the person we are talking to, but in Vietnamese, if I am talking to my professor, I would use word A to refer to myself and word B to refer to my professor, but if I then turn around and start talking to my grandfather, I would use word X to refer to myself and word Y to refer to my grandfather, and these words change completely depending on who "You" is. And to make things even more complicated, some of the pronouns that are most often used refer to nothing more than the age difference between speakers. So if I talk to someone who is younger than I, I would call them "Em" and myself "Anh", but I can turn around and talk to someone who is older than I am, in which case I would refer to myself as "Em" and the other person (if it is a man) as "Anh".
But ultimately these challenges in Vietnamese are no more difficult to overcome than the subjunctive in Spanish. The difference is that the really difficult part about Vietnamese (for me anyway) were things that had to be learned at the very beginning of learning Vietnamese. I spent the better part of a year in Vietnam before I could even come close to pronouncing things well enough for people to understand. And try to have a conversation with someone sometime without using pronouns correctly, they'll have no idea what you are talking about.
Anyway, that's my wall o' text on language learning, sorry for the rant. (Satanael | talk) 00:15, 20 April 2010 (UTC)
- Haha, no problem. A lot of languages have their quirks. In Ukrainian you can say a noun with at least a dozen different suffixes and prefixes that serve absolutely no grammatical function (as in possessive form, plural, etc.), but rather modify the meaning of the word in a way an adjective does in English. Think of if as John->Johnny, but with many more variations, applicable to just about any noun (except loan words), and some of them can change the meaning significantly. I usually get confused even trying to explain this or give examples, so I can't even imagine how one would learn this without ever being familiar with a "system" like that.
Rose Of Kali 00:46, 20 April 2010 (UTC)
- @Rose: Seems like understanding slavic languages as native ukrainian gets easier in a similiar way that understanding indo-european languages gets easier if you are able to speak latin or greek. While speaking Ukrainian propoerly, handling the japanese writing system seems to be the main problem there.
- @Jon: I also never liked rounding sums when real numbers were involved, at least if you have to do so multiple times and eventually end up with a considerable inaccuracy.
- @Satanael: Regarding the spanish subjunctive, i'm pretty sure it's the equivalent of the french subjonctif. But i actually didn't find this particularly hard to learn despite the fact that this form doesn't exist in the german language either. I think for every language you get a particular feel after a certain amount of time that makes you understand even such special forms.
- I can hardly imagine how a language could use 60 different pronouns, then again if theres a distinct word to express any kinds of relationship it becomes suprisingly easy to be polite. At first i thought it might be also a possibility to show your dialogue partner which status he or she has in your view. But then again if all these pronouns just depend on solid facts like relatedness or ages, it becomes rather redundant. There is a such an informular form in German as well, it's actually pretty similar to the archaic english language. —Zerpha
The Improver 11:33, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
Monkey balls?[edit]
Really? elix Omni 03:04, 9 April 2010 (UTC)
Would you prefer something else?Yes.Rose Of Kali 14:34, 9 April 2010 (UTC)
Ariyen's project[edit]
I did a quick check around, but since I know nothing about how2projectleader I couldn't find anything. What was this? I might pick it up. -- Armond Warblade{{Bacon}} 15:15, 14 April 2010 (UTC)
- Probably the skill history project. –
alistic 15:18, 14 April 2010 (UTC)
- I remember armor crafting tables. Guild Wars Wiki talk:Formatting/Armor art articles, User:Kaisha/Sandbox/Ranger, User:Kaisha/Sandbox/Monk, User:Kaisha/Sandbox/Necromancer have work in them.
- User:Kaisha/Sandbox/Elementalist, User:Kaisha/Sandbox/Mesmer, User:Kaisha/Sandbox/Assassin, User:Kaisha/Sandbox/Ritualist, User:Kaisha/Sandbox/Dervish, User:Kaisha/Sandbox/Paragon were created but nothing was done yet. I think she finished Warrior somewhere, but can't remember now.
Rose Of Kali 15:42, 14 April 2010 (UTC)
M.O.X -> M.O.X.[edit]
Thanks, only realised after I'd started using someone's link to build all the pages that it was missing the final dot :) --Nela 00:50, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
- No problem. Although, your thing with the Fire Drake I think is wrong, it looks like the Obsidian Furnace Drake, but it's still called a Fire Drake.
Rose Of Kali 01:17, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
- Sure, no problem (though you seem a little testy in some of your summaries), were all trying to keep the Wiki as up to date and accurate as possible :) --Nela 01:28, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry about that, was trying to emphasize things in the few characters available and no formatting.
Rose Of Kali 01:30, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
- It's ok, have fun :) --Nela 01:44, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry about that, was trying to emphasize things in the few characters available and no formatting.
- Sure, no problem (though you seem a little testy in some of your summaries), were all trying to keep the Wiki as up to date and accurate as possible :) --Nela 01:28, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
(Reset indent) are you sure it's good to delete these redirects? It's a common mistake for some people to omit the last dot in an abbreviation consisting just of single letters as in the acronym of MOX. We could tag these redirect with {{common name}} and {{omitted punctuation}}. maybe also {{common misspelling}}. Then again, those people might finally learn to write abbreviations properly when they realize that they won't get to the page when omitting the last dot. —ZerphaThe Improver 12:19, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
5th annul series[edit]
Gaile really liked your proposals this year, huh? O.o Pity the Seer only took in a common slot while MOX snatched all the fame of the unique slot. Btw, aren't Seers female? In the first Iron Mines of Molandune cinematic, this alien whateverthingy is voiced by a female person - at least in the German version... >) —ZerphaThe Improver 12:11, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
- I presume M.O.X. was made unique due to his special ability. Backsword 12:20, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
- You are likely right, i didn't realize this at first. I might have guessed that the six MOXes in the gw.dat file represent one form each. —Zerpha
The Improver 13:05, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
- I think of the Seer as gender-less entity, but female probably fits best. I still hate MOX, though... I'd much rather have an "Avatar of the Gods" with the ability to roll one of the 5 regular dervish avatars, much better than MOX clones. Oh well. I really wanted Ghostly Althea, too. :/ And Evennia would have been perfect for War in Kryta. But I'm happy I got my centaur and Marley. :]
Rose Of Kali 14:07, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
- Your best bet for that is probably bugging them about a Miniature Melonni. Now that they have the code in place, it should be easy to do. Backsword 15:01, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
- Oh, but Melonni can't have a better mini than Koss! He's already too shy to talk to her, now she'd be way out of his league! </3 Also, they should have done Doppelganger instead, being randomly male or female. There's been talk about it for a looooong time, and they probably came out with a way to do it, and then decided that 6 forms of MOX is somehow better than 2 forms of an awesome lava twin...
Rose Of Kali 15:09, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
- i don't quite think Anet would take this into consideration, and i actually like Backswords idea. Might be a good proposal for next year (although not the green slot again, since this would make it kind of boring). And an "Avatar of the Gods" would require deciding a certain model for this "default" form then again. —Zerpha
The Improver 14:46, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
- Who said there has to be a "default" form? The icon could be something generic, like a token of some sort with a shrine icon in it. And putting this on Melonni is a bad idea, in my opinion. Melonni is Melonni, and if I have a Melonni mini, I want to see Melonni, not a random avatar 5/6th of the time. The reason it worked well with MOX is because they all look the same, just different colors, so MOX is still MOX in any of the 6 forms. Melonni is not an avatar of the gods, she's just a human hero who happens to be a dervish, and I don't like the idea of mixing them up. And well, it's already been done with MOX, so just making a direct copycat of a hero+5-dervish-avatars again is dull. At least an avatar-summoning token leaves the "insert dervish hero here" out of the equation. I also think Doppelganger is a better guess for the next "morphing" mini.
Rose Of Kali 15:55, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
- hmm ok you have a point here. but i wouldn't like the Doppelganger to switch between the forms like MOX then. I'd prefer his/her appearance dependant on your character's gender. Armor in storage also gets adjusted to the character's gender that is currently opening the Vault box, so i think this shouldn't be to big of a problem. This would make a nice unique slot for the sixth year, since i'm also hopeful that Anet will use the seventh year of Guild Wars to finally add Glinth as the long-awaited miniature. —Zerpha
The Improver 16:59, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
- They've said a few times that Glint mini can't be done with her current model. They would need an artist to make an entire new model fit for the mini, which I think is too much work just for one mini. They had said multiple times that artists are one of their tightest resources, and they don't have a dedicated artist at all on the Live Team, they have to "borrow" them from the GW2 project. So, I highly doubt they'll get an artist to make one minipet model for GW1, especially 1 or 2 years from now. As much as I'd like to have a mini Glint following me, I can't see it happening. As far as the Doppelganger, I do agree that it would probably be gender detected, not random, and I do think it seems highly likely as a future mini. Also, I'm thinking there are too many minis in the game now, over 100 already, so I wonder if they'll do something else in the future year, rather than releasing more series or 14 minis each. 5th year seems like a good one to stop at, and do something else from then on. Like fewer minis (like 3), but make them more awesome, or 1 mini and some other new kind of thing. Would be cool to mix it up and do something different, I think.
Rose Of Kali 17:19, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
- I didn't know about that Glint problem yet, that's a pity... I don't get how her model is different from the others, but that doesn't matter. I'd like to see Anet preceeding with the familiar pattern at least for the next couple of years, i don't see a problem with having many Miniatures either. Having only three would decrease the value of at least the common one, and would overall according to your description likely require more work than simply making another icon from the miniature's model and using existant code aside from that. —Zerpha
The Improver 12:40, 27 April 2010 (UTC)
- Glint's model has a much higher polygon count than most creatures in the game, and her wings are especially problematic.
- My point was that there is no common mini, the 3 would be green/gold/purple and awesome, with extras like the morphing Doppelganger, or legendary creatures that everyone would squirm to have anyway, or like the "mini Me" people have been asking for since like year 1. Also, there will be fewer players who are that old, as many people will have quit due to stuff like growing out of it or getting tired of GW1. So, while there will be more and more new players, it's inevitable that there will be fewer and fewer characters who are 6+ years old and still active, thus making it harder and harder to find specific minis from the new releases, especially the greens. I don't want them to turn into mini Nagas and Zheds. Turning it down to 3 might be too harsh, could make it like 7, but 14 is still too many, imo. And my idea was to give something else special in addition to the usual minis, preferably untradeable, so that it's really clear who actually earned it. But it's just my thoughts on the subject. I still do think they need to do something a little different next time.
Rose Of Kali 13:36, 27 April 2010 (UTC)
- I didn't know about that Glint problem yet, that's a pity... I don't get how her model is different from the others, but that doesn't matter. I'd like to see Anet preceeding with the familiar pattern at least for the next couple of years, i don't see a problem with having many Miniatures either. Having only three would decrease the value of at least the common one, and would overall according to your description likely require more work than simply making another icon from the miniature's model and using existant code aside from that. —Zerpha
- They've said a few times that Glint mini can't be done with her current model. They would need an artist to make an entire new model fit for the mini, which I think is too much work just for one mini. They had said multiple times that artists are one of their tightest resources, and they don't have a dedicated artist at all on the Live Team, they have to "borrow" them from the GW2 project. So, I highly doubt they'll get an artist to make one minipet model for GW1, especially 1 or 2 years from now. As much as I'd like to have a mini Glint following me, I can't see it happening. As far as the Doppelganger, I do agree that it would probably be gender detected, not random, and I do think it seems highly likely as a future mini. Also, I'm thinking there are too many minis in the game now, over 100 already, so I wonder if they'll do something else in the future year, rather than releasing more series or 14 minis each. 5th year seems like a good one to stop at, and do something else from then on. Like fewer minis (like 3), but make them more awesome, or 1 mini and some other new kind of thing. Would be cool to mix it up and do something different, I think.
- hmm ok you have a point here. but i wouldn't like the Doppelganger to switch between the forms like MOX then. I'd prefer his/her appearance dependant on your character's gender. Armor in storage also gets adjusted to the character's gender that is currently opening the Vault box, so i think this shouldn't be to big of a problem. This would make a nice unique slot for the sixth year, since i'm also hopeful that Anet will use the seventh year of Guild Wars to finally add Glinth as the long-awaited miniature. —Zerpha
- Who said there has to be a "default" form? The icon could be something generic, like a token of some sort with a shrine icon in it. And putting this on Melonni is a bad idea, in my opinion. Melonni is Melonni, and if I have a Melonni mini, I want to see Melonni, not a random avatar 5/6th of the time. The reason it worked well with MOX is because they all look the same, just different colors, so MOX is still MOX in any of the 6 forms. Melonni is not an avatar of the gods, she's just a human hero who happens to be a dervish, and I don't like the idea of mixing them up. And well, it's already been done with MOX, so just making a direct copycat of a hero+5-dervish-avatars again is dull. At least an avatar-summoning token leaves the "insert dervish hero here" out of the equation. I also think Doppelganger is a better guess for the next "morphing" mini.
- i don't quite think Anet would take this into consideration, and i actually like Backswords idea. Might be a good proposal for next year (although not the green slot again, since this would make it kind of boring). And an "Avatar of the Gods" would require deciding a certain model for this "default" form then again. —Zerpha
- Oh, but Melonni can't have a better mini than Koss! He's already too shy to talk to her, now she'd be way out of his league! </3 Also, they should have done Doppelganger instead, being randomly male or female. There's been talk about it for a looooong time, and they probably came out with a way to do it, and then decided that 6 forms of MOX is somehow better than 2 forms of an awesome lava twin...
- Your best bet for that is probably bugging them about a Miniature Melonni. Now that they have the code in place, it should be easy to do. Backsword 15:01, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
- I think of the Seer as gender-less entity, but female probably fits best. I still hate MOX, though... I'd much rather have an "Avatar of the Gods" with the ability to roll one of the 5 regular dervish avatars, much better than MOX clones. Oh well. I really wanted Ghostly Althea, too. :/ And Evennia would have been perfect for War in Kryta. But I'm happy I got my centaur and Marley. :]
- You are likely right, i didn't realize this at first. I might have guessed that the six MOXes in the gw.dat file represent one form each. —Zerpha
BWAH-HAH-HAA!! I gots my Evennia after all! >:D Rose Of Kali 09:46, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
- No Evennia for you :) --Neil2250 , Portal Jumper
09:47, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
- Who'dat? Wut? o_O
Rose Of Kali 09:50, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry, I’m the munchkin hiding under your bed, I got out, you see.--Neil2250 , Portal Jumper
10:05, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
- Oh, another one? *stomp* mumblemumblefirstthespidersinmysheetsthentheantscrawlingoutofeveryholethenthedamnedmosquitoesandnowthisgrumblegrumble...
Rose Of Kali 10:54, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
- Oh, another one? *stomp* mumblemumblefirstthespidersinmysheetsthentheantscrawlingoutofeveryholethenthedamnedmosquitoesandnowthisgrumblegrumble...
- Sorry, I’m the munchkin hiding under your bed, I got out, you see.--Neil2250 , Portal Jumper
- Who'dat? Wut? o_O
Help Please![edit]
Hello, I noticed that on your signature that you have a rose, well I was wondering how do you get the rose on there? --IcyyyBlue(: 04:53, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
- It's called a "custom signature." Read GWW:SIGN#Customizing_your_signature for rules and tips about making these, and let me know if you still need help. You can also look at the code of my signature to see what it looks like "raw" and just use that as an example. Upload an image that fits the requirements in the policy I linked, and add it to your sig code in your preferences.
Rose Of Kali 09:30, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, well everytime i do that i always have the long line of words like this(just an example)>>--User:IcyyyBlue|<font color="#bb00bb" size="3px">$Icyyy Blue</font>]]</span> 17:46, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
- I found out ----IcyyyBlue ♥♥ 08:17, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, cool. Yeah, you had some tags mixed up. :P
Rose Of Kali 08:25, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
- Ok, cool. Yeah, you had some tags mixed up. :P
- I found out ----IcyyyBlue ♥♥ 08:17, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, well everytime i do that i always have the long line of words like this(just an example)>>--User:IcyyyBlue|<font color="#bb00bb" size="3px">$Icyyy Blue</font>]]</span> 17:46, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
I believe you have my IGN if you ever want help moving items from one account to another. elix Omni 20:28, 31 May 2010 (UTC)
- Lol. ^_^ Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I feel kind of stupid, but at the same time, I can't help it. I'm still wondering WHY ANet hasn't implemented KSMod and multi-launch into the game... I can't think of a single reason not to, and it would definitely satisfy a lot of players, as well as make it completely safe. I'm sick of reading "we won't ban you for this" "well, no, we might anyway" "no, these are ok" "but not always" "but you can still use them" "but we can still ban you for it" all over the place... >_< Hopefully maybe they'll finally consider doing it now.
Rose Of Kali 20:34, 31 May 2010 (UTC)
- To be fair, I've never played a game that includes a function to launch itself a second time.
elix Omni 20:44, 31 May 2010 (UTC)
- Well, given how many people use this currently, ANet could respond to the players and make it official just "by popular demand." But you know, that only makes sense.
Rose Of Kali 20:49, 31 May 2010 (UTC)
- Well, given how many people use this currently, ANet could respond to the players and make it official just "by popular demand." But you know, that only makes sense.
- To be fair, I've never played a game that includes a function to launch itself a second time.
Avoiding laggy festival towns...[edit]
I thought your tip on port-town work-arounds was too important to lose to an archive, so I created this. You have my express permission to merciless edit it, copy/move it to your space, and/or request its deletion. I plan to point to it if/when this comes up again. Nice work! — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 21:45, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
- Hahah! Feel free to use it however you want. I'll be happy if it helps a single person. I just know how bad it can get sometimes, and I've heard of many people being completely incapacitated when stuck in a particular district/GH/continent.
Rose Of Kali 21:54, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, I don't like seeing guildies type, "I'm afraid to leave the GH/etc..." for fear of lagging out, based on how much trouble they had in the first place, signing on. Anyhow, it's your tip; I just wanted to make sure it didn't disappear (or, that you never have to retype it). You have final say in how it looks, etc. — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 22:04, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
- Well, don't treat it as "my" tip, but rather a tip "for everyone." You can "edit mercilessly and redistribute" this tip as much as you want, as noted below the "Save page" button. :P Thanks for the credit, but it's not required. :)
Rose Of Kali 22:12, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
- Well, don't treat it as "my" tip, but rather a tip "for everyone." You can "edit mercilessly and redistribute" this tip as much as you want, as noted below the "Save page" button. :P Thanks for the credit, but it's not required. :)
- Yeah, I don't like seeing guildies type, "I'm afraid to leave the GH/etc..." for fear of lagging out, based on how much trouble they had in the first place, signing on. Anyhow, it's your tip; I just wanted to make sure it didn't disappear (or, that you never have to retype it). You have final say in how it looks, etc. — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 22:04, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
Not sure if you are aware of this[edit]
But your email adress is visible for everyone. For your privacy, I would recommend removing it from the "Real Name" field in your preferences. Koda Kumi 20:52, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
- When did that happen? O_O Thanks!
Rose Of Kali 07:29, 21 October 2010 (UTC)
You were too kind in your summary; your edit is far superior to what I wrote. Thanks for fixing. — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 20:40, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
- Oh, you're welcome. ^_^ I really like how you go around all these huge articles with bloated notes and tidy them up, it really does make a difference. You got it all started, I just took it a small step further. :)
Rose Of Kali 15:56, 23 February 2011 (UTC)
- Seriously, you are too modest. In this particular case, my original edit lacked, how shall we say, coherence and legibility. (And thank you very much for your kind words about my Tidy Bowl efforts.) — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 18:35, 25 February 2011 (UTC)
Hey there[edit]
Any suggestions on the cost in the armor ? I'm doing it with like say 1 instead of cost, because I think the number and the icon together hurts more for not seeing the numbers clear enough. I'm redoing some of my armor pages in my sandbox and going back to doing more. I'd like a few suggestions, if you don't mind as you've done the armor on guildwiki. Kaisha
23:45, 16 May 2011 (UTC)
- Not sure where/what you're doing, and what exactly your question is about the cost template. There is one problem that I've ran into with things like 1
, and that's where in some of the wider tables the columns get squished to the point where the "1" and the
get broken into two separate lines, and things start looking messy and hard to read very fast. That's the only comment I have about this template. Other than that, I'm not sure what kind of help you wanted. Let me know if you have specific questions.
Rose Of Kali 20:03, 20 May 2011 (UTC)