Dervish's Chest/Collector

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Dervish's Chest[edit]

Location: Epilogue
Collecting: Droknar's Key

Item Stats Requirement Weapon bonuses Value
Droknar's Scythe Slashing damage: 9-41 9 Scythe Mastery Damage +15% (Health >50%)
Sundering 20/20
Enchantments last 20% longer
Droknar's Reaper Slashing damage: 9-41 9 Scythe Mastery Damage +15% (Health >50%)
Zealous 1/-1
Enchantments last 20% longer
Droknar's Edge Slashing damage: 9-41 9 Scythe Mastery Damage +15% (Health >50%)
Vampiric 5/-1
Health +30