Template talk:Bounty infobox

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Comments and issues[edit]

The text is too long and it has too many rows. The information presented are also quite poor. I would suggest these: "Type", "Region(s)", "Max Sunspear", "Max Lightbringer". There's no point saying "Yes" when you're going to put the number there anyway. No number means "No". Also, using only max is not very helpful (since the max is almost always going to be the last region), since people would be more interested in how many points they can get depending on region. A better way to do this is to put the number in parentheses after the region. Boss bonus in hard mode should be mentioned too if possible. -- ab.er.rant sig 03:50, 7 June 2007 (UTC)

I totally see your point. The problem i faced is to provide the user with some short information about the bounty without making the infobox completly confusing. I thought showing all regions in the infobox would just be too much of information and wanted to present those in the page itself (i'm working on the formatting guide currently). I'm not really sure what you mean by "Type" because bounties are always blessings. But I will think about redoing this. Maybe it would be helpful to do rows from Region1-Region5 for both sunspear and lightbringer? It could look something like this: "Region 1: Turai's Procession, 6 (8/150)". If you have any idea on how to present the information better let me know. --Nachdenki 10:19, 7 June 2007 (UTC)
I now changed the template to (hopefully) provide more and better information. You can now pass up to 5 regions and information about that regions to the template. I have to say I'm still not completly satisfied but I couldn't think of any better way to do it. If you still think it could be done better please let me know how, I'm gladly changing it. -- Nachdenki 12:44, 7 June 2007 (UTC)
By "Type", I was referring to the Species. But it's not exactly species due to the DoA bounty, so I settled on "Type" instead. Feel free to replace with a better word. It's true that the infobox should not be confusing or too detailed, but it should also be useful, and simply adding the max point you can get and not even noting the species is not very helpful.
Bounty infobox
Istan 1 (4, 100)
Kourna 4 (4, 100)
Kourna 1 (4, 100)
Vabbi 2 (6, 150)
The infobox on the right is what I had in mind.
Your example, "Region 1: Turai's Procession, 6 (8/150)" is not what I had in mind. First, you need to know that a region is like Istan, or Shing Jea Island. What your examples used are explorable areas.
Drop the colons from the infobox. None of the other infoboxes use colons. Please use Category:Sunspear bounties instead (small letter 'b') to conform to naming guidelines.
Maybe drop the boss bonus if you think it makes it too cluttered. Or maybe find a place to add in "boss bonus". But in all honesty, if you look at Bounty, I feel that this infobox doesn't really add much value. -- ab.er.rant sig 01:45, 8 June 2007 (UTC)
I now rewrote the template (once again) because i really liked your idea. Strange i didn't think of a box like that myself, but hey ... . I used your "type" idea as well. well, the box is rewritten now and using real regions instead of explorable areas. i just have to rewrite the instructions on the template-page and the bounty-formatting-guide. i also changed the categories like you suggested. thanks for your help.