Ascalon Battle Staff

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Ascalon Battle Staff
Ascalon Battle Staff.jpg
Type Staff
Campaign Prophecies
Smiting Prayers
Damage type(s) Holy damage
Value 15 Gold
Salvage Only for upgrades

The Ascalon Battle Staff is a type of staff that can only be obtained from a single collector: Wain Hughes.



Energy +4
Holy damage: 4-7 (Requires 3 Smiting Prayers)
Armor +5 (while casting)
Damage +20% (vs. Charr)


Dye affects the entire staff but does not affect the animated glow. Instead of being dyed the colors specified the staff will instead be tinted varying shades of gray. The default color can be closely replicated using a mix of purple and silver dye.

Ascalon Battle Staff dye chart.jpg
