Casting range
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Game Mechanics[edit]
Casting range is the default range that all targeted non-attack skills use.
- Casting range is slightly larger than 1.2 times the Danger Zone.
- Staffs, wands, and projectile spells hurl magic bolts up to casting range.
- Additionally, horn bows and recurve bows have a base range equivalent to casting range that may increase or decrease depending on elevation.
- Staffs, wands, and projectile spells hurl magic bolts up to casting range.
All targeted spells, unless otherwise stated in their descriptions, have the standard casting range. This includes enchantments, hexes, wells, and weapon spells.
- Flash enchantments, item spells and wards are technically untargeted skills, and do not fall under the category of casting range .
- Spells which require a nearest target, such as Spirit Siphon or Well of Blood, also use casting range. Though they may not require the player to choose a specific target themselves, these skills will select the nearest appropriate target within casting range the moment they finish activating.
- When a spell specifies its range in the description, such as being touch ranged or half ranged, then it no longer has casting range, and will operate under the rules of that specific range.
A spell may also operate under more than one type of range. Certain spells with AoE components, such as Fireball, require casting range to strike a target, and may then use a different range category to strike foes centered on the initial target.
Shouts, Signets, and Echoes[edit]
Any targeted shout, signet, or echo also uses casting range.
- As mentioned before, if a skill of these types specifies its range, or is untargeted, it will not use casting range.