Game updates/20080501
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Update - Thursday, May 1, 2008[edit]
Guild vs. Guild[edit]
The Guild Battle rules which were altered in a previous update will remain in place including:
- Number of archers on Burning and Druid's Isle.
- NPC positioning on Warrior's Isle.
- Wards will continue to not protect Guild Battle NPCs.
- Certain Ritualist skills will continue to not affect or protect Guild Battle NPCs.
Skill Updates[edit]
Reverted temporary tournament changes to skills:
Assassin's Remedy: reverted Energy cost back to 5.
Chaos Storm: reverted Energy cost back to 15.
Energy Burn: reverted Energy drained to 3...7...8; reverted damage per Energy to 12.
Energy Surge: reverted Energy drained to 3...7...8; reverted damage per Energy to 12.
Fevered Dreams: reverted recharge back to 10 seconds.
Fragility: reverted Energy cost back to 10.
Hex Breaker: reverted skill type back to skill.
Blinding Surge: reverted recharge back to 4 seconds; reverted Blindness duration back to 3...7...8 seconds.
Glyph of Concentration: reverted number of spells affected back to 2.
Lightning Orb: reverted skill back to applying Cracked Armor.
Shockwave: reverted casting time back to .75 seconds.
Ward Against Melee: reverted duration back to 5...17...20 seconds
Aegis: reverted Energy cost back to 10.
Disarm: reverted time that attack skills are disabled back to 0...4...5 seconds; reverted recharge back to 12.
Ancestors' Rage: reverted casting time back to .25 seconds.
Death Pact Signet: reverted activation time back to 3 seconds.
Flesh of My Flesh: reverted recharge back to 0 seconds.
Splinter Weapon: reverted recharge back to 5 seconds.
Eremite's Attack: reverted activation time back to ¾ seconds.
Mystic Sweep: reverted activation time back to ¾ seconds.
Ballad of Restoration: reverted recharge back to 20 seconds.
Harrier's Toss: reverted activation time back to .5 seconds.
Song of Restoration: reverted recharge back to 20 seconds.
Bug Fixes[edit]
- Fixed a bug that caused interrupted attack skills to occasionally deal damage.
- Fixed a bug with skills that convert damage from one type to another, such as Stone Striker and Greater Conflagration. The converted damage was working incorrectly with armor bonuses and penalties.
- Fixed a bug that allowed characters to occasionally Shadow Step while carrying a flag.
Created wiki pages for Asian language players to report localization bugs:
- Japanese:
- Korean:
- Traditional Chinese:
The wiki pages for the European localization bug reports are now hosted by the European community team:
- French:
- German:
- Italian:
- Spanish: