Interactive object
An interactive object is an interactive part of the landscape in Guild Wars. They can be easily recognized because of the unique yellow color of their names.
As with enemies and items, interaction with them is initiated by double-clicking on them, or pressing the spacebar when targeted. If the object is in reach by walking, the character will automatically walk towards and touch it.
Although they can always be interacted with, using them does not always have an effect.
Examples of interactive objects are chests, treasures, signposts, message plaques, control points, levers, siege weapons, and mission objects.
- By default, an object's name is only visible while the cursor hovers over the object.
- Pressing the Alt-key shows the labels for all interactive objects (along with ally and item names).
- This behavior can be reversed in the general options menu by enabling "Show Ally, NPC, and item names" (second to last on the list).
Chests are interactive objects that are placed semi-randomly in most explorable areas.
The Dwarven Powder Keg Station is a recurring interactive object that provides a Dwarven Powder Keg bundle to blast cracked walls.
Four Teleporter Switches need to be used in a specific order to activate teleporters in the Crystal Desert.