List of adrenaline-related skills

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Disambig icon.png This article is about skills that interact with adrenaline. For skills with adrenaline costs, see list of adrenal skills.

Skills that cause adrenaline gain[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeProf.AttributeCampaign
"I Meant to Do That!".jpg "I Meant to Do That!" Shout. You gain 1...4...5 strikes of adrenaline if you are knocked-down. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Eye of the North
"Let's Get 'Em!".jpg "Let's Get 'Em!" Shout. (5 seconds.) Allies in earshot move 10% faster. You gain 1 strike of adrenaline for each ally affected. 0 0 0 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorZ Core
"Make Your Time!".jpg "Make Your Time!" Shout. You gain one adrenaline (maximum 1...4...5) for each party member in earshot. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 03030 Tango-recharge-darker.png paragonaParagonLeadershipZ Nightfall
"To the Limit!".jpg "To the Limit!" Shout. (10...18...20 seconds.) You have +10...50...60 maximum Health. Initial effect: you gain one strike of adrenaline for each foe within earshot (maximum 1...5...6). 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngwarrioraWarriorTacticsZ Prophecies
"You Will Die!".jpg "You Will Die!" Shout. You gain 1...3...3 strike[s] of adrenaline. No effect unless target foe is under 50% Health. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Factions
Anthem of Fury.jpg Anthem of Fury Elite Chant. (10 seconds.) Party members in earshot gain 1...3...4 adrenaline with their next attack skill. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png paragonaParagonLeadershipZ Nightfall
Auspicious Parry.jpg Auspicious Parry Elite Stance. (8 seconds.) Blocks one attack. End effect: you gain 1...3...4 strike[s] of adrenaline. 1 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0022 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorTacticsZ Factions
Balthazar's Rage.jpg Balthazar's Rage Flash Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Initial Effect: Inflicts burning (1...3...3 second[s]) on nearby foes. End effect: gain 1...2...2 strike[s] of adrenaline if any foes are within earshot. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishMysticismZ Nightfall
Defensive Stance.jpg Defensive Stance Stance. (1...4...5 second[s].) You have 75% chance to block. End effect: gain one adrenaline for each melee attack skill you have (maximum 0...3...4). 5 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngwarrioraWarriorTacticsZ Core
Dragon Slash.jpg Dragon Slash Elite Sword Attack. Deals +10...34...40 damage. You gain 1...4...5 strike[s] of adrenaline if it hits. 10 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 warrioraWarriorSwordsmanshipZ Factions
Enraged Smash.jpg Enraged Smash Elite Hammer Attack. Gives you 1...3...4 strike[s] of adrenaline if you hit. Deals +10...34...40 damage and causes knockdown if target foe was moving. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorHammer MasteryZ Factions
Enraged Smash (PvP).jpg Enraged Smash (PvP) Elite Hammer Attack. Gives you 1...3...4 strike[s] of adrenaline if you hit. Deals +10...34...40 damage and causes knockdown if target foe was moving. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorHammer MasteryZ Factions
Enraging Charge.jpg Enraging Charge Stance. (5...13...15 seconds.) You move 25% faster. Gain +0...2...3 adrenaline on your next melee attack. Ends after your next hit. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Nightfall
Ferocious Strike.jpg Ferocious Strike Elite Pet Attack. Deals +13...25...28 damage. You gain adrenaline and 3...9...10 energy. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerBeast MasteryZ Core
Furious Axe.jpg Furious Axe Axe Attack. Deals +5...29...35 damage. Gives you 3 strikes of adrenaline if blocked. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0066 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorAxe MasteryZ Factions
Inspirational Speech.jpg Inspirational Speech Skill. Target ally gains 1...3...4 strike[s] of adrenaline. Cannot self-target. You lose all adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png paragonaParagonMotivationZ Eye of the North
Knee Cutter.jpg Knee Cutter Sword Attack. You gain 2...6...7 Energy and 1...3...3 adrenaline if target foe is Crippled. 5 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0011 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorSwordsmanshipZ Eye of the North
Lightbringer Signet.jpg Lightbringer Signet Signet. You gain 4...5 strikes of adrenaline and 22...24 Energy if you are within the area of a demonic servant of Abaddon. 0 0 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 02525 Tango-recharge-darker.png aAnyLightbringer rankZ Nightfall
Lion's Comfort.jpg Lion's Comfort Skill. You are healed for 50...98...110 and gain 0...2...3 strike[s] of adrenaline. Disables your signets (12 seconds). 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0011 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Nightfall
Mokele Smash.jpg Mokele Smash Hammer Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage and you gain 2 strikes of adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorHammer MasteryZ Nightfall
Rage of the Ntouka.jpg Rage of the Ntouka Elite Skill. You gain 1...6...7 adrenaline. For 10 seconds, adrenal skills have a 5 second recharge when used. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Nightfall
Rending Touch.jpg Rending Touch Touch Spell. Deals 15...55...65 cold damage. Lose 1 Dervish enchantment. Removal effect: target foe loses 1 enchantment and you gain 1 strike of adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishMysticismZ Nightfall
Signet of Aggression.jpg Signet of Aggression Signet. You gain 2 adrenaline if you are under the effects of a shout or chant. 0 0 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngparagonaParagonZ Nightfall
Soldier's Defense.jpg Soldier's Defense Stance. (1...5...6 second[s].) You have 75% chance to block while under the effects of a shout or chant. Block effect: gain 1 adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorTacticsZ Nightfall
Spear of Fury.jpg Spear of Fury Spear Attack. Deals +30...40 damage. Gain 3...6 strikes of adrenaline if you hit a foe with a condition. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png paragonaParagonAllegiance rankZ Factions
Steady Stance.jpg Steady Stance Elite Stance. (10 seconds.) The next time you would be knocked-down, you gain 1...3...3 adrenaline and 1...6...7 Energy instead. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0066 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorTacticsZ Nightfall
Steelfang Slash.jpg Steelfang Slash Sword Attack. Deals +1...25...31 damage. You gain 1...4...5 adrenaline if target foe is knocked down. 8 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0011 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorSwordsmanshipZ Nightfall
Thrill of Victory.jpg Thrill of Victory Melee Attack. Deals +20...36...40 damage. If you have more Health than your target, you gain 1...2...2 adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorTacticsZ Core
Wary Stance.jpg Wary Stance Stance. (1...5...6 second[s]). You block attack skills. Gain adrenaline and 5 Energy for each block. Ends if you use a skill. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorTacticsZ Prophecies
Zealous Sweep.jpg Zealous Sweep Scythe Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage. You gain 3 Energy and 1 adrenaline for each foe you hit. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishScythe MasteryZ Eye of the North

Skills that increase the rate of adrenaline gain[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeProf.AttributeCampaign
"For Great Justice!".jpg "For Great Justice!" Shout. (20 seconds.) You gain 100% more adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 04545 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngwarrioraWarriorZ Core
"For Great Justice!" (PvP).jpg "For Great Justice!" (PvP) Shout. (8 seconds.) You gain 1 extra strike of adrenaline whenever you hit with an attack. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 04545 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorZ Core
Avatar of Balthazar.jpg Avatar of Balthazar Elite Form. (10...74...90 seconds.) You gain +20 armor against physical damage, you gain adrenaline 25% faster, your attacks deal holy damage, you inflict Burning (1...3...3 second[s]) on nearby foes whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishMysticismZ Nightfall
Balthazar's Spirit.jpg Balthazar's Spirit Enchantment Spell. Target ally gains adrenaline and 1 Energy when taking damage. -1 Tango-upkeep.png 1010 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngmonkaMonkSmiting PrayersZ Prophecies
Battle Rage.jpg Battle Rage Elite Stance. (5...17...20 seconds.) You move 33% faster and gain double adrenaline from your attacks. Ends if you use any non-adrenal skills. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Core
Berserker Stance.jpg Berserker Stance Stance. (5...10...11 seconds.) You attack 33% faster and gain 50% more adrenaline. Ends if you use a skill. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Core
Dark Fury.jpg Dark Fury Enchantment Spell. Enchants party members (5 seconds). These party members gain one strike of adrenaline each time they hit with an attack. 50% failure chance unless Blood Magic 5 or more. Sacrifice}17% Tango-sacrifice.png 1010 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png necromanceraNecromancerBlood MagicZ Prophecies
Focused Anger.jpg Focused Anger Elite Skill. (45 seconds.) You gain 0...120...150% more adrenaline. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 06060 Tango-recharge-darker.png paragonaParagonLeadershipZ Nightfall
Infuriating Heat.jpg Infuriating Heat Elite Nature Ritual. Creates a level 1...8...10 spirit (30...54...60 second lifespan). Doubles adrenaline gain for creatures in range. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 03.003 Tango-activation-darker.png 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png rangeraRangerExpertiseZ Nightfall
Mark of Fury.jpg Mark of Fury Hex Spell. (5 seconds.) Allies hitting target foe gain 0...2...2 strike[s] of adrenaline. End effect: inflicts Cracked Armor (1...12...15 second[s].) 0 055 Tango-energy.png 00.750.75¾ Tango-activation-darker.png 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png necromanceraNecromancerBlood MagicZ Nightfall
Natural Temper.jpg Natural Temper Skill. (4...9...10 seconds.) You gain 33% more adrenaline. No effect if you are enchanted. 3 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 paragonaParagonLeadershipZ Nightfall
Onslaught.jpg Onslaught Elite Flash Enchantment Spell. (3...13...15 seconds.) You attack, move and gain adrenaline 25% faster. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishWind PrayersZ Nightfall
Onslaught (PvP).jpg Onslaught (PvP) Elite Flash Enchantment Spell. (2...7...8 seconds.) You attack and gain adrenaline 25% faster. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 0 01010 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishWind PrayersZ Nightfall
Soldier's Fury.jpg Soldier's Fury Elite Echo. (10...30...35 seconds.) You attack 33% faster and gain 33% more adrenaline if under the effects of a shout or chant. You have -20 armor. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0055 Tango-recharge-darker.png paragonaParagonLeadershipZ Nightfall
Weapon of Fury.jpg Weapon of Fury Elite Weapon Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) 5...41...50% more adrenaline gain and +1 Energy whenever target ally hits with an attack. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistChanneling MagicZ Nightfall

Skills that decrease the rate of adrenaline gain[edit]

IconNameDescriptionEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeProf.AttributeCampaign
Soothing.jpg Soothing Binding Ritual. Creates a level 1...10...12 spirit (15...39...45 second lifespan). Building adrenaline takes twice as long for foes within range. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 04545 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistCommuningZ Factions
Soothing (PvP).jpg Soothing (PvP) Binding Ritual. Creates a level 1...7...8 spirit (15...39...45 second lifespan). Building adrenaline takes twice as long for foes within range. 0 2525 Tango-energy.png 055 Tango-activation-darker.png 06060 Tango-recharge-darker.png ritualistaRitualistCommuningZ Factions
Soothing Images.jpg Soothing Images Hex Spell. Also hexes foe adjacent to target. (8...18...20 seconds). These foes cannot gain adrenaline. 0 1515 Tango-energy.png 02.002 Tango-activation-darker.png 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png mesmeraMesmerIllusion MagicZ Core

Skills that cause the loss of adrenaline[edit]

IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeProf.AttributeCampaign
"On Your Knees!".jpg "On Your Knees!" Shout. Recharges all your stances if you are adjacent to a knocked-down foe. You lose all adrenaline. 6 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 warrioraWarriorZ Factions
Ancestor's Visage.jpg Ancestor's Visage Enchantment Spell. (4...9...10 seconds.) All adjacent foes lose all adrenaline and 3 Energy whenever a melee attack hits target ally. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png mesmeraMesmerIllusion MagicZ Factions
Burst of Aggression.jpg Burst of Aggression Stance. (2...8...10 seconds.) You attack 33% faster. End effect: lose all adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01212 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Nightfall
Decapitate.jpg Decapitate Elite Axe Attack. Deals +5...41...50 damage. Inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds). Automatic critical hit. You lose all adrenaline and Energy. 8 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 warrioraWarriorAxe MasteryZ Nightfall
Final Thrust.jpg Final Thrust Sword Attack. Deals +1...32...40 damage. Deals +1...32...40 more damage if target foe is below 50% Health. Lose all adrenaline. 10 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngwarrioraWarriorSwordsmanshipZ Core
Hammer Bash.jpg Hammer Bash Hammer Attack. Causes knock-down. Lose all adrenaline. 6 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 Tango-quest-icon.pngwarrioraWarriorHammer MasteryZ Core
Heavy Blow.jpg Heavy Blow Hammer Attack. Deals +1...24...30 damage and causes knock-down if target foe is Weakened. Lose all adrenaline. 5 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 warrioraWarriorHammer MasteryZ Core
Inspirational Speech.jpg Inspirational Speech Skill. Target ally gains 1...3...4 strike[s] of adrenaline. Cannot self-target. You lose all adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png paragonaParagonMotivationZ Eye of the North
Meditation.jpg Meditation Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Lose all adrenaline. Gain 1...3...4 Energy whenever an enchantment on you ends. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 00.250.25¼ Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png dervishaDervishMysticismZ Nightfall
Sympathetic Visage.jpg Sympathetic Visage Enchantment Spell. (4...9...10 seconds.) All adjacent foes lose all adrenaline and 3 Energy whenever a melee attack hits target ally. 0 1010 Tango-energy.png 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png mesmeraMesmerIllusion MagicZ Prophecies
Wild Blow.jpg Wild Blow Melee Attack. Always a critical hit. Removes a stance. Unblockable. Lose all adrenaline. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 0088 Tango-recharge-darker.png Tango-quest-icon.pngwarrioraWarriorZ Core
Yeti Smash.jpg Yeti Smash Hammer Attack. Attack all adjacent foes. Knocks down foes suffering from a condition. You lose all adrenaline. 50% failure chance unless Hammer Mastery is 5 or more. 6 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 warrioraWarriorHammer MasteryZ Factions


IconNameDescriptionAdrenalineEnergyActivation timeRecharge timeProf.AttributeCampaign
Battle Rage.jpg Battle Rage Elite Stance. (5...17...20 seconds.) You move 33% faster and gain double adrenaline from your attacks. Ends if you use any non-adrenal skills. 4 Tango-adrenaline.png 0 0 0 warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Core
Disciplined Stance.jpg Disciplined Stance Stance. (1...3...4 second[s].) You have 75% chance to block and +10 armor. Ends if you use an adrenal skill. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorTacticsZ Prophecies
Rage of the Ntouka.jpg Rage of the Ntouka Elite Skill. You gain 1...6...7 adrenaline. For 10 seconds, adrenal skills have a 5 second recharge when used. 0 055 Tango-energy.png 0 01515 Tango-recharge-darker.png warrioraWarriorStrengthZ Nightfall
Signet of Rage.jpg Signet of Rage Signet. Deals 5...41...50 holy damage. Deals 5...9...10 more holy damage for each of target foe's adrenaline skills. 0 0 01.001 Tango-activation-darker.png 02020 Tango-recharge-darker.png monkaMonkSmiting PrayersZ Factions