Luxon Quartermaster/Collector

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Luxon Quartermaster (1)[edit]

Location: Cavalon
Collecting: 1 Luxon Totem

Item Stats Value
Identification Kit Uses remaining: 25 50Gold
Salvage Kit Uses remaining: 25 50Gold
Hunter's Ale Single Use:
Drink many of these to get your character "drunk"
Scroll of Adventurer's Insight Single Use:
For 10 minutes your party gains +50% XP from combat.
Bag Holds 5 Items. 50Gold
Gray Dye Single Use:
Double-click to apply to another item.

Luxon Quartermaster (2)[edit]

Location: Cavalon
Collecting: 3 Luxon Totems

Item Stats Value
Luxon Key Single Use 300Gold
Expert Salvage Kit Uses remaining: 25 200Gold
Superior Identification Kit Uses remaining: 100 250Gold
Rune of Holding Single Use:
Double-click to increase the size of a bag from 5 to 10 slots.
Scroll of Rampager's Insight Single Use:
Your party gains double XP from combat. Rampager's Insight ends if your party fails to kill a foe for 30 seconds.
Scroll of Hunter's Insight Single Use:
Your party gains 175% XP from combat. Hunter's Insight ends if your party fails to kill a boss for 5 minutes.

Luxon Quartermaster (3)[edit]

Location: Cavalon
Collecting: 5 Luxon Totems

Item Stats Value
Deep Jade Key Single Use 625Gold
Superior Salvage Kit Uses remaining: 100 1Platinum
Scroll of Hero's Insight Single Use:
For 10 minutes your party gains double XP from combat.
Scroll of Berserker's Insight Single Use:
Your party gains triple XP from combat. Beserker's Insight ends if your party fails to kill a foe for 30 seconds.
Scroll of Slayer's Insight Single Use:
Your party gains 250% XP from combat. Slayer's Insight end if your party fails to kill a boss for 5 minutes.