Talk:Corsair Prisoner
See historical discussion
This particular creature should be replaced as soon as possible with small, ugly creatures. While confronting and killing other humans, and thus Corsairs in general, is socially acceptable, torture as represented here is not. The use of captured soldiers for "training" in medical camps or warrior instruction is particularly clear violation of the Geneva Convention and is quite abhorrent thought. It's very difficult to explain this away as "fantasy" since it is so obnoxious to the soul. Please remove this creature from the game. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
- I don't remember the Elonian Empire being between the signataries of the w:Geneva Convention, nor having ratified any of the conventions or protocols, so i think it's safe to assume that they aren't ruled by such. Besides, i think it's hard to impose earth's laws and regulations in another planet.
- Also, remember that even for Earth history, the first convention was signed in 1864, and before that anything was a "fair game". Hell, even in medieval Japan people used to "test" their newly-acquired swords on prisoners, so i don't think it's that hard to image the Sunspear doing the same.--Fighterdoken 23:35, 5 July 2008 (UTC)
- Children, as early as age 12 play this game. I'm sure that the practice of torture is widespread, from Japan, to Germany, and especially today in the U.S. -- nothing like having 100's of "Enemy Combatants" in order to practice on. Bottom line... Guild Wars doesn't need to go here. It's really out of line for a game, especially one played by teenagers. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
- Let's make it clear, unless action is taken to remove the representation of human torture by the "good guys" soon, I will aim to bring it to the attention of mothers across the country, and I'll start my campaign a month or so before Christmas sales begin. The other vector (especially during an election year) are those who wish to censor video game violence, while they've been unsuccessful at preventing blood and gore, I think that representation of torture in games aimed at teens is beyond what is covered by free speech. Politicians are just waiting for a "winning" issue to rally around; within weeks this example will be the "show case" and Arena Net will be the evil bad guys in a surrogate fight against torture. It is both a conservative and liberal issue. Guild Wars will be the show case for the evil, mindless game developer focused on corrupting our children. It'll poison thousands upon thousands of potential sales. What you're doing is *wrong*. Fix it now. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
- Maybe they could change it from Corsair Prisoner to something like Enchanted Target, like the targets on the Isle of the Nameless and just have it enchant itself with Mystic Vigor every 30 seconds or so. That way, we wouldn't even have to discuss the morality of having a captured living creature. Just a suggestion. --Michael the Perfectionist
01:10, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
- Maybe they could change it from Corsair Prisoner to something like Enchanted Target, like the targets on the Isle of the Nameless and just have it enchant itself with Mystic Vigor every 30 seconds or so. That way, we wouldn't even have to discuss the morality of having a captured living creature. Just a suggestion. --Michael the Perfectionist
- That'd be a hundred times better and would address my concern. The targets on the Isle of the Nameless are trainers, who have signed up for what they are doing. I'm all for having this fixed, I don't want to escalate this because I do enjoy the game, and appreciate Arena Net immensely.
- However, I'm not going to stand idly by while my nephew is taught by a video game that torture of human subjects is something acceptable; and no, I don't agree that it being a fantasy game lets one off the hook -- he's playing a Sunspear, so it's his government that is violating human rights. I'll give it a few weeks, but if I don't see a game change, I'm going to bring this up with congress critters I know, with pictures of the scene so that they can introduce legislation against this sort of thing. It's an issue any politician would rally behind, especially in the current political climate. With only a slight amount of work, it'll make headline news. Major T.V. networks love the narrative of a "liberal, west coast" villain corrupting our children. This depiction is especially juicy because of our current political climate, even if people can't stop our own government from using "enhanced interrogation techniques", we can certainly do something about a game developer indoctrinating our children. Thank you for listening, and I hope to see change. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
- Wait, wait, wait. Back up. This is a game that's been out for more than three years, and this is part of an aspect of that game, out for one and a half. I'm not saying this isn't a potential issue; I bet many, like myself, haven't thought of how this NPC is treated as torture, and may be shocked by this new light. However, my first point is that this is one of few things that your politicians, mothers, and Congress would rally around. This is... just scraping the bottom of the barrel. Whatever happened to Manhunt 2? It's a terrible game, go after that! Oh, my poor, poor brain. What did it ever do to you? It says on the box: Children under 13 are not permitted to play. While it would be politically correct for Arenanet to change this, political ventures against this would be less successful than actually violent, gory video games, because it's not for kids. I think it kind of breaks the gritty realism when the prisoner is ressurected after about thirty seconds. Not to mention that there are no GW products being released in the near future, certainly not by the Christmas holiday season.
- To conclude, I see your point, but the legal and political threats your making are just...hilarious. By the way, this wiki doesn't really go directly to ArenaNet. --Chaiyo Kaldor talk contribs 01:49, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
- However, I'm not going to stand idly by while my nephew is taught by a video game that torture of human subjects is something acceptable; and no, I don't agree that it being a fantasy game lets one off the hook -- he's playing a Sunspear, so it's his government that is violating human rights. I'll give it a few weeks, but if I don't see a game change, I'm going to bring this up with congress critters I know, with pictures of the scene so that they can introduce legislation against this sort of thing. It's an issue any politician would rally behind, especially in the current political climate. With only a slight amount of work, it'll make headline news. Major T.V. networks love the narrative of a "liberal, west coast" villain corrupting our children. This depiction is especially juicy because of our current political climate, even if people can't stop our own government from using "enhanced interrogation techniques", we can certainly do something about a game developer indoctrinating our children. Thank you for listening, and I hope to see change. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
- I've worked in Washington D.C., and I respectfully disagree. Stuff like this becomes a 'symbol' of what is 'wrong with this country'. While lots of other games have blood and gore, the issue du jour is torture, and this issue will resonate quite well by giving politicians a way to stand strong against torture, while still being tough on terrorism. Look at the docket of the house/senate on any given day and you'll see a bunch of lovely symbolic bills that are apple pie. This issue is apple pie. Banning video games that promote torture is good politics. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
- I would really like to believe this is some kind of put on, as this truly IS only a game, and is in no way violent enough or immoral enough to warrant ANY sort of attention by the media, or heaven forbid, the government of ANY country. If you find it so reprehensible, my only suggestion to you is stop playing it, uninstall it from your computer, and go on your merry way. I don't believe Anet is intentionally trying to promote the use of torture in any real life situation, and Tyria fortunately doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of the Geneva Convention. --
Wynthyst 02:19, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
- I would really like to believe this is some kind of put on, as this truly IS only a game, and is in no way violent enough or immoral enough to warrant ANY sort of attention by the media, or heaven forbid, the government of ANY country. If you find it so reprehensible, my only suggestion to you is stop playing it, uninstall it from your computer, and go on your merry way. I don't believe Anet is intentionally trying to promote the use of torture in any real life situation, and Tyria fortunately doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of the Geneva Convention. --
- Personally I think this is a rather silly issue that's been taken out of perspective (i.e. "promotes" torture? you might be part of an extreme minority who even managed to think about it that way). Your nephew is playing a game where it starts off with happily killing humans. You think war and murder is fine for kids? But an implication of torture is a no-no? It's a little strange for me to accept, but I suppose we differ culturally, so I'm not going to argue your perspective on things.
- I just like to point out that if you want to get a message to ArenaNet, have you sent them an email? They don't monitor all the pages on this wiki. Threatening a game company (that you supposedly appreciate) with political and social backlash on a wiki talk page, especially an obscure one like this is not the proper way to do it. Inform them first, wait a while, then take further action, not immediately turn to threats. (and let's stop with the Geneva Conventions; I'm assuming you are from the US? The US is not exactly a good example of a "proponent" of the Geneva Conventions) --
02:21, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
- To add on to Whynthyst's god, pull yourself together! its a bloody game! If you really don't like it, then don't play the game. Everyone these days seems to find something to get offended over. So he's named "Prisoner". So he's target practice. He is ressurected over and over and over again. This is like banning level 20's from going to sunqua vale because they're taking advantage of the mantid population. Just get over it, please. Save us some time. --
Wandering Traveler 02:24, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
- To add on to Whynthyst's god, pull yourself together! its a bloody game! If you really don't like it, then don't play the game. Everyone these days seems to find something to get offended over. So he's named "Prisoner". So he's target practice. He is ressurected over and over and over again. This is like banning level 20's from going to sunqua vale because they're taking advantage of the mantid population. Just get over it, please. Save us some time. --
- I just like to point out that if you want to get a message to ArenaNet, have you sent them an email? They don't monitor all the pages on this wiki. Threatening a game company (that you supposedly appreciate) with political and social backlash on a wiki talk page, especially an obscure one like this is not the proper way to do it. Inform them first, wait a while, then take further action, not immediately turn to threats. (and let's stop with the Geneva Conventions; I'm assuming you are from the US? The US is not exactly a good example of a "proponent" of the Geneva Conventions) --
- This was being typed out for a few hours on and off, I get heavly distracted, and was ment to be after Michael's comment, so the following pays no notice to all comments before it untill Michaels comment
- You're going to try to pull a Jack T. m(r?)s. (assumed from "mothers" comment) The game is rated T for Teen, so nobody under 13 should be playing it without parental permission. For parents who do give their children to play this game, even those who meet the given age rating, it is the parents' responcibility to make sure their children are mature enough to play the game, based on knowing atleast a little about the game, and thus the decision is down to each married couple/single parent individually if the child is allowed to play the game. So if you are upset with this game, simply keep your child/children from playing it.
- Also, if you are afraid that the concept of this human torture is going to poison children, please keep them out of history class, especially when they go over the holocaust, slave treatment, and prisonor's of war, because those are worse than you will ever find in GW, especially sence you find them in school.
- Next, we take and give plenty of slashes, hits, and spells on the GW battlefield, and we loose more health there than the prisoner does in the beginner's area, ontop of causing severe bleeding, poison, deep wounds, disease, blindness, daze, and catching others on fire. I would say we put more pain and torture to our enemies on the field verses the prisoner. If you let your children watch alot of medieval TV shows/movies they are abound to find some kind of torture device, alot of the times in use, are you going to protest against the TV aswell? What about the music children listen to, the popular is rap, which is worse than any video game's reference to real history, and if you are not very careful rock, more or less depending on the type of rock, and not as often mayby but not likely country. Rap is all sex, drugs, guns, killing cops, and any kind of vulgarity now, that is bound to influence the children, especially sence they seem to listen to it 24/7. Will you protest against rap? There are much worse things then a 5 minute history reference in a video game that poison children, you just have to take a step back and look at culture today and if you're not trapped in it you'll figure it out quickly.
- Lastly, I end with a little more of what I began with. The parent is responcible for their child's/childrens' education, well-being, and actions; as well as what they do when, such as what they listen to, what they watch, what they play, and who they hang around. As a parent you have almost complete control, as well as responcibility, for your child, and so forth, if a child is getting "poisoned" by culture today it is partly in fault of the parent, who should keep a better eye on their child (even if the child doesn't know it) and make sure they raise their child up correctly. This leads to another point, the lazy parent, or parents who do not take proper physical and/or mental care of their child, which includes monitering/restricting their children, as well as observing them to see where your child stands in maturity. As a parent you need to show the love, caring, compassion, gentleness, truthfulness, forgiveness, and patience that a child needs to grow up with, as well as the dicipline, restriction, sternness, authority, knowledge, and fairness the child needs. With these traits and many more the child will have the self-control, sanity, and respect to know and do right, and if the child lacks this maturity, it falls back on the parent to take care of the child and keep an eye on the child.
- I say this not because I have doubpts of you meeting these requirements, you have monitored what your child plays and taken action for it, but the 5 min history reference will not play a difference on your child if the child is raised/being raised properly, so the poison is not just culture, but parents who don't control the amount of "poisonous" culture that gets to their child, or explains things to the child to make him/her understand what is going on, is it good/bad, and why the subject happened/did what happened in the first place. Such "lazy" or abusive parents are the leading cause of "bad" children, children that are rebelious (or in most cases "extra" rebelious), disrespectful, violent, and even murderous children.
- The world is not too mature for children, rather, the children are too immature for the world. They are tought maturity by those who are responcible enough to pull and push them in the right direction, by those who make themselves a rolemodel for the future, by teachers who care, by parents who love. Do not force the world to lower itself to suit a child, rather, let the children all grow into better, stronger people by teaching them to overcome the mental trials of this world. The poison lies not withen the game, not withen history, not withen fiction, not withen TV, not withen music; it lies in the parents, who must not let this poison infect the children, and you do this by teaching them right from wrong, not only as mental laws but as motives and personalities of the heart. So do not blame games for what the parents lack in responcibility, 5 minutes of minor tortures that we have already heard of or seen of in greater detail and description and torture in other places like music and TV will not turn a child into a murderer. That is my spill, and I mean no offence in any of it, but please reconsider what is wrong in the society, the game the child plays with parent's permission or the parent who gave the child permission to play the game in the first place and without checking the game out here-and-there, after all, the parent is responcible for their own child's upbringing. --Elven Chaos
05:01, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
- By the OP's logic, we should nerf about... say... all of necromancer's sacrifice skills, because they promote, you'know, self injury, examples being this and this. We may also want to censor some warrior icons, say, this and this. The logic here being "hitting people with large weapons and choping off limbs is okay".
- The world is not too mature for children, rather, the children are too immature for the world. They are tought maturity by those who are responcible enough to pull and push them in the right direction, by those who make themselves a rolemodel for the future, by teachers who care, by parents who love. Do not force the world to lower itself to suit a child, rather, let the children all grow into better, stronger people by teaching them to overcome the mental trials of this world. The poison lies not withen the game, not withen history, not withen fiction, not withen TV, not withen music; it lies in the parents, who must not let this poison infect the children, and you do this by teaching them right from wrong, not only as mental laws but as motives and personalities of the heart. So do not blame games for what the parents lack in responcibility, 5 minutes of minor tortures that we have already heard of or seen of in greater detail and description and torture in other places like music and TV will not turn a child into a murderer. That is my spill, and I mean no offence in any of it, but please reconsider what is wrong in the society, the game the child plays with parent's permission or the parent who gave the child permission to play the game in the first place and without checking the game out here-and-there, after all, the parent is responcible for their own child's upbringing. --Elven Chaos
- As skakid said,LOL -- nüklaer | VII | Selfless self promotion 07:36, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
Wow, Nuke, you just broke the lines. I mean, the lol is too big. Are you sure that you have had that large of a lol? I mean, Skakid only did it to the third big, and I would limit mine to two, but six? True dedication. I mean, I had to use {{clear}} to seperate this. --Chaiyo Kaldor talk contribs 17:53, 7 July 2008 (UTC)- I have a big diaphragm. -- nüklaer | VII | selfless self promotion 20:42, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
- Well, looks like DM fixed it. Wow, this discussion got big quickly. --Chaiyo Kaldor talk contribs 17:34, 8 July 2008 (UTC)
- I have a big diaphragm. -- nüklaer | VII | selfless self promotion 20:42, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
- As skakid said,LOL -- nüklaer | VII | Selfless self promotion 07:36, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
Dear IP, when you're requesting GW to be banned, could you please add The Sims to the list too? I mean, I can lock my sim up in a room with nothing in it and he'd die from not eating, sleeping and all that! I can torture him! Please, do this for me? I don't like my 7 year old niece being exposed to this. -- Mini Me 19:49, 8 July 2008 (UTC)
- Uh... there's no discussion here anymore. It's dead. Moved to Regina's, then archived. While we're on the subject of The Sims, anyway, why not go after The Sims 2? You can cause your Sims to engage in sexual activity! Sure, they don't actually take their clothes off, the action is hidden by water or sheets, and they don't even call it sex, but still! The saddest part is, my parents are considering taking it away from my much younger sister for that very reason. By much younger, I mean adolescent. --Chaiyo Kaldor talk contribs 19:53, 8 July 2008 (UTC)
- What do they call it? Hiding the ugly? -- NUKLEAR
IIV 19:56, 8 July 2008 (UTC)
- Heh. They call it "Woohoo." I can't even type it without laughing! It's so juvenile. But, now we're off topic, and only I'm to blame. --Chaiyo Kaldor talk contribs 20:02, 8 July 2008 (UTC)
- What do they call it? Hiding the ugly? -- NUKLEAR
- LOL you need lives xD why would you write somuc for a minor detail. And it's not teaching your kids about torture: if they're at that impressionable age, they shouldn't be playing the game!
...Not sure if trolling, or just very very stupid... I wouldve rather fought captives,instead of being confused as to why the Sunspears would send good forces to kill themselves. ~Gilliam Bluestaff, Legendary Guardian 19:49, 23 July 2011 (UTC)
New Name?[edit]
Was just making a new character in istan to 55 with... when i walk through churrir feilds, expecting to see this guy, when i see instead a SUNSPEAR VOLUNTEER?!?!?!?!?!? it seems this npc changed without announcment, or it was a bug and this will soon be changed. Ill get screenies up soon. Mcdertr 16:19, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
File:Mcdertr SunspearVolunteer.jpg Wow you'd think they'd at least announce this, huh? Mcdertr 16:30, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
Looks the same though without the name difference... Mcdertr 16:34, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
- Confirmation is here: User_talk:Linsey_Murdock#Secret_Update_or_Coincidental_Bug-- 22:06, 21 October 2008 (UTC)
- I've set a merge tag, lets see what happens. --
Wandering Traveler 22:06, 21 October 2008 (UTC)
- WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!prokiller88 23:21, 23 October 2008 (UTC)
- So basically: Someone VOLUNTEERING to be tortured is not considered torture? Only when it's someone forced into torture, it's not okay? An din-game it's not even called torture at all. It has been a "practice target" at all times. So children too young to understand the man to being tortured would not have any problem with the NPC being a "Corsair Prisoner" or a "Sunspear Volunteer". As soon as someone understands the NPC to being tortured they are mostly mentally mature enough to understand that it was never intended to be torture, but as a target practice. If not, they are at least mentally mature enough to set aside the torture part in comparison towards the "real world". The game is rated for minimum age to be 12 years old, where children go to middle school and have had history lessons already, in which such history got spoken off that they have had worse cruelties committed by mankind told to them already. I see 7-year old kids play and although I have no intention about questioning if they should play or not...the game has been rated as not suitable for them in the first place.
- When concerning cruelty inflicted upon live targets....every infliction which causes a condition strifing with full health and/or dealing damage in the first place can be seen as torture. The target practice is milder than the casual killing/murdering in PvE or the gruesome assassination of other player's characters in PvP. If a game like this promotes anything, it would be that deliberately trying to inflict pain upon others (be it virtual or in real life) is justified. Based upon that argument or even the fact that it would go against the Geneva Convention (which the world described in Guild wars is not subjected to in any way) about 90-95% of all computer & console games should be banned and immediately taken out of stores. Only the games which give no possibility to inflict any harm upon other living (human) beings would be able to exist then. People choose which (kind of) games they want them or their children to play and when they think a game is not suited due to any reason, they should not play it at all and should not allow anyone they are responsible for (like their children) to play it either.
- Since the game has the fighting implemented and would not function without, may I please suggest that the character would be renamed to something like "Target Practice Volunteer" or just "Volunteer"? That way every affiliation would be taken away and the NPC would therefor be neutral when it comes to this kind of discussions. A good thing would be that the NPC would only be hostile (as in being able to be attacked by players and therefor showing a red dot on the compass) as soon as the corresponding training would be initiated (like the Master of Damage on the Isle of the Nameless). When not being inside the training, the NPC should be neutral towards the players, like all the trainers in Churrhir Fields are.
- To (hopefully) end this discussion indefinitely I would like to comment the following: even after the Geneva Convention, countries which have signed the treaty have broken with it all the same (best known example globally will be Guantanamo Bay, I think). I mean no offense to anyone with that and don't judge anyone on it (we should NEVER generalize upon country since residents can and probably will differ with the government and others who enforce rules, laws, etc), but the fact that a game has some form of violence in it should not have threats ushered at it from people who are too shortsighted to look at the game in a mature way or compare it to what goes wrong in real life in the first place. That's why it's a be able to do things not accepted in real life, to have some fun, but without having every real life issue restrict about every aspect of 90-95% of all games in existence.
- This is just how I look upon the whole issue. I don't say everything is ethically correct which happens in the game, but....IT'S JUST A GAME! I don't intend to talk anything right, but understand the goal of the game and try to think about it maturely. If not content with what the game is offering...don't play. Juriaan Cuthalion 00:14, 24 October 2008 (UTC)
- Take the sand out of your vagina. --
Mafaraxas 04:22, 24 October 2008 (UTC)
- Yeah, great response that isn't unnecessarily demeaning at all. You sure showed them. Capcom 18:50, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
- This entire bloody section is useless. Maf's comment is the best of the lot, though not by much, simply because it's good advice. -- Armond Warblade
{{Bacon}} 20:41, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
- This entire bloody section is useless. Maf's comment is the best of the lot, though not by much, simply because it's good advice. -- Armond Warblade
- Yeah, great response that isn't unnecessarily demeaning at all. You sure showed them. Capcom 18:50, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
- Take the sand out of your vagina. --
- WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!prokiller88 23:21, 23 October 2008 (UTC)
- I've set a merge tag, lets see what happens. --
"This particular creature should be replaced as soon as possible with small, ugly creatures."
Why it is more ok to hurt ugly things ? Is it okay to hurt Betty because most people would say she's ugly ? I'm ugly, hurt me (joke).
Anyway, i too think Anet should not have made any change. Parents who give games to children and only later wake up when they see blood on the screen should not have that kind of considerations. GuildWars is already about killing things and getting killed. But, it's not real life, you dont get rezzed in real life. TulipVorlax 15:01, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
It is positively ridiculous that arenanet caved into this person's...well, the only words coming to mind are 'social terrorism'. This wasn't an issue of morality or torture, it was sheer ego stroking. If I were arenanet I would have added a cutscene to the first mission showing the execution of corsair prisoners, then pointing to the T rating and telling this person to flake off. However, that would be against the spirit guild wars is made in...
Might I suggest a texture mod that changes these back to corsair prisoners? IIRC Anet doesn't mind clientside texture mods.
I agree with other posters. Shows like family guy, robot chicken, dethklok the boondocks, and other nasty ones are shown on the very same network that broadcasts toddler's programming in the same day. The only warning is a quick text, then the nastiness and gore starts. I am *HIGHLY* disappointed that arenanet couldn't make a stance, but I do understand completely why they'd have to, with the imminent launch of guild wars 2, tone it down. I do ferverently hope that GW2 has some form of backlash against this forced unneccassary censorship.
If this bothers people, on a game made for teenagers and outright BANNING people under 13, how do they deal with the blatant racial stereotypes in disney films? What about spam e-mails to enlarge various organs? Shock sites? If they want to teach morals they need to stop being oppressive. It happened in the 60s with rock and roll, and now we have death metal in retaliation to the big stink that was raised over the beatles and the monkeys. If we let these people step in and push our media around, we're going to end up with real violence.
Since the advent of video games, our murder/violence percentages have gone down. The same politicians ragging on video game violence are spending nearly sextuple on public schools students for lower test scores than private schools are. Ignorance causes violence, exposure to it can educate and warn of the horrors of violence, or exacerbate ignorance. Hiding it will, much like sex and music in the U.S., cause rebellion and deviance. Wolvenmoon 03:08, 28 December 2008 (UTC)
like someone said way up there ^ --->ITS JUST A GAME!<---
- "Tonight on America's Next Top Model, your daughter will be further brainwashed into believing air-headed plastic women should be admired and seen as role models for the American female, and that ridicule and arbitrary judgment based on appearances is OK, and that following pop trends and unreachable hollywood lifestyles is a healthy and fulfilling way to live life". Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә
ѕνәи Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 23:22, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
"small ugly..."[edit]
It is a small ugly mind that worries about these things in a game intended for mature players. That being said - WHY must we pick on small ugly creatures? I personally know many small ugly people and would never think to do them harm, in any circumstance, whereas there are some VERY pretty people out there who are useless to society. As for the SS Volunteers as a replacement character in this instance... well, the humour is actually better now (Uh oh... please don't link "Sunspears" to other interpretations of the shorthand SS), so I'm not complaining.
- I agree. I'm small and ugly IRL and I'm very offended. Vael Victus
21:13, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
- Nice one Vael, you made me Lol.. But concerning the rename issue i really think it was unnecessary. I understand Anet for changing it not wanting any hassle but.. meh, everyone skips the training area anyways ¬_¬ --The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk).
Reality and Children[edit]
Ruining Guild Wars since 2005. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә ѕνәи Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 18:37, 15 November 2009 (UTC)
- If you want to have fun, make a character named Santa Is Not Real and bounce through Kamadan districts around Wintersday. ··· Danny Pew Pew 19:34, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- No, I'm done dealing with 30-40 year olds less mature then a 20 year old. God fucking damnit I don't care about your children maybe you should start caring about them instead of scape-goating the entire fucking world for the next generation's problems. "MY KID SMOKES POT? MY KID DRINKS? THAT DAMN FUCKING KOSS, IMMA RAISE A BIG HONKIN' STINK TIL GULD WARSES TAKEN OFF THEM SHELVES YAHEAR ME? IMMA FULL-TIME WORKING PARENT I'M TOO BUSY TO MAKE A VALID ARGYAMENT SO I'LL JUST THREATEN YOU AND SHIT SOME CORPORATE MONEY OUTTA MY FAT ASS TO HIRE A LOYER."Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә
ѕνәи Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 22:06, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- I would contest that most parents are not, in fact, lazy, but just misinformed. That is probably a valid argument for every member of society, but hey. ··· Danny Pew Pew 22:08, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- Yes but I am severely [insert appropriate negative adjective] and idealistic so there's only so much misinformation I can take. Seriously of all the "injustices" in video games for someone to cry "Geneva Contract!" about, they chose a corsair prisoner. I don't care in the least how someone may refute this, but you need shut up and actually care for (
highschoolteenage day care won't teach them how to be a decent human being, in fact it does the opposite) your children instead of trying to censor a video game because "it might possibly be condoning torture of innocent prisoners", innocent in this case of course being defined as "a savage bloodthirsty fantasy pirate that will kill your kid's stupidly named character the second he gets loose." It is seriously a video game about stuff like this, bloody murder, violence, war, demons, dismembering wildlife and collecting their torn body parts as trophies. Where the fuck is my real-life mute button? TEACH YOUR CHILDREN, TEACH YOUR CHILDREN, TEACH YOUR CHILDREN, TEACH YOUR CHILDREN OR THIS WORLD FALLS FASTER INTO HELL. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсәѕνәи Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 22:26, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- Personally, I'm just glad IW had the balls to troll the entire world. ··· Danny Pew Pew 22:51, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- I can't wait until we get flu vaccines put into our cereal and our children our ID-chipped, what a world it will be! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә
ѕνәи Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 23:08, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- While we are at getting rid of all the "torturers" and bad people in the world of gw... shall we get rid of all the trollers flamers scammers and people that will teach your kid all the bad things and more over an MMORPG? LA AE1 for maybe an hour a day. They will learn all :D--Nataliexxx 23:13, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- To be absolutely and 100% honest, kids are ruined by default. It's a product of society, unavoidable no matter what anyone does. We can thank fucking mass-education and the public schooling atmosphere for shoving our spawn down the throat of Sick Culture. Instead of being properly educated they're trapped in a rat-race and getting swept up in cliques and the brain-vacating process of trying to fit in with their peers (or being burnt to a crisp because the birthmark on their cheek makes them look weird). I could go on for pages about this but if this isn't already a wild tangent than I don't know what is. /angryhumanpetitioningforparentingliscenses Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә
ѕνәи Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 23:23, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- sigh* Alice...If i did'nt like your nick stories i would'nt like you, but since you do...Whats the story for today! =D
- To be absolutely and 100% honest, kids are ruined by default. It's a product of society, unavoidable no matter what anyone does. We can thank fucking mass-education and the public schooling atmosphere for shoving our spawn down the throat of Sick Culture. Instead of being properly educated they're trapped in a rat-race and getting swept up in cliques and the brain-vacating process of trying to fit in with their peers (or being burnt to a crisp because the birthmark on their cheek makes them look weird). I could go on for pages about this but if this isn't already a wild tangent than I don't know what is. /angryhumanpetitioningforparentingliscenses Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә
- While we are at getting rid of all the "torturers" and bad people in the world of gw... shall we get rid of all the trollers flamers scammers and people that will teach your kid all the bad things and more over an MMORPG? LA AE1 for maybe an hour a day. They will learn all :D--Nataliexxx 23:13, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- I can't wait until we get flu vaccines put into our cereal and our children our ID-chipped, what a world it will be! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә
- Personally, I'm just glad IW had the balls to troll the entire world. ··· Danny Pew Pew 22:51, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- Yes but I am severely [insert appropriate negative adjective] and idealistic so there's only so much misinformation I can take. Seriously of all the "injustices" in video games for someone to cry "Geneva Contract!" about, they chose a corsair prisoner. I don't care in the least how someone may refute this, but you need shut up and actually care for (
- I would contest that most parents are not, in fact, lazy, but just misinformed. That is probably a valid argument for every member of society, but hey. ··· Danny Pew Pew 22:08, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
- No, I'm done dealing with 30-40 year olds less mature then a 20 year old. God fucking damnit I don't care about your children maybe you should start caring about them instead of scape-goating the entire fucking world for the next generation's problems. "MY KID SMOKES POT? MY KID DRINKS? THAT DAMN FUCKING KOSS, IMMA RAISE A BIG HONKIN' STINK TIL GULD WARSES TAKEN OFF THEM SHELVES YAHEAR ME? IMMA FULL-TIME WORKING PARENT I'M TOO BUSY TO MAKE A VALID ARGYAMENT SO I'LL JUST THREATEN YOU AND SHIT SOME CORPORATE MONEY OUTTA MY FAT ASS TO HIRE A LOYER."Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ аІiсә